These are some of the views from the patio that we enjoyed this morning whilst drinking our morning coffee.
I was in and out of New Milton today. This morning Jackie drove me to Barclays bank to attend to some executor business, and this afternoon to Birchfield Dental Practice for an appointment with the hygienist. After the second trip we travelled on to East End to see how the thatching was coming along.
It is now a beautiful job nearing completion, demonstrating painstaking skill and artistry.
Dave had finished for the day when we arrived,
and had left his tools firmly in place for continuing tomorrow.
Back home one of the clematises in the front garden now curls over the ceramic house sign;
the paler pink ramblers romp over the trellis;
and the darker ones beribbon the porch roof.
One of our sparrow families, carefully disconnecting it first, has made use of a rather obsolete rusted burglar alarm. They had more success than I did dismantling one back in Soho. That adventure is recounted in my post ‘A Little White Lie’.
The evening light on the patio gave us different views including Marie Boisselot,
and the red Japanese maple.
We were also treated to an avian orgy involving four wood pigeons. One by one these birds alighted on the cypress branch, formed a disorderly melee, and engaged in frantic flapping. There was no billing and cooing and It was all over rather too quickly for comfort.
This evening we dined on Jackie’s piquant cauliflower cheese, fish pie, runner beans, carrots, and asparagus. The Culinary Queen drank Hoegaarden and I consumed more of the cabernet sauvignon.