I invariably begin the day a couple of hours or so before anyone else emerges from bed. This time is devoted to reading and commenting on other people’s posts, and responding to visitors comments on mine.
Sometimes I am distracted by views through the window. Unfortunately the design of the double glazing system does not allow the casements to open properly, if at all. This makes photography difficult. So it was this morning. I was bemoaning the fact that I could only reproduce the image I was seeing through the glass. “I suppose you want me to go outside and clean that window,” stated our Maintenance Department.

That seemed a good idea, so Jackie stepped outside to do the honours,

enabling me to produce the pictures I wanted.
Later, hair and arms decorated willingly by petal confetti, and less welcome by thorn-pricked tattoos, I completed yesterday’s work on Félicité Perpétue.
This afternoon I posted https://derrickjknight.com/2022/07/04/a-knights-tale-143-the-holiday-venue/
It was a favourite treat for Flo as a child to eat at a Harvester pub. This therefore is what we did this evening – in the Cat and Fiddle at Hinton Admiral. All was as good as we remembered it. After plentiful fresh salad from the bar Flo enjoyed rump steak, chips, peas, and onion rings; Jackie enjoyed katsu curry; I rather rashly chose the ultimate mixed grill consisting of an 8 oz rump steak, gammon steak, 1/4 chicken, a meaty rack of ribs, two large sausages, two slices of black pudding, 2 mushrooms, 1/2 tomato, a very large thimble of peas, a bucket of chips, and two fried eggs, sunny side up. While the others watched I managed to eat everything except half the chips, the tail end of a sausage, and one pea. Flo’s dessert was a Belgian waffle with toffee sauce, and Jackie’s was ice cream with toffee sauce. I just begged for mercy. I drank Marston’s ale, Flo drank water, and Jackie drank Diet Coke.