The Proposal

My cold being at its peak today, I was no more active than is required to finish reading ‘Dark Skies’ by Tiffany Francis.

Jackie is a day ahead of me with the cold and therefore feeling more alive.

Continuing with the book from where I left off yesterday, I will just highlight the author’s enlightening paragraphs on light pollution. Ms Francis clarifies that this is not simply the effect of artificial illuminations aimed into the skies; but also the confusion and changes of routine imposed on nocturnal wildlife by lighting at all levels.

The first three months of Dark Skies journeys were clearly written whilst grappling with emotional loss. As the year went on the skies lightened after a reconciliation occurred, and on the penultimate page a proposal was offered and delightfully accepted.

Here are the last six drawings.

PS. Note the exchange between Linda at shoreacres and me on light pollution.

I shan’t be joining Jackie and Becky for dinner tonight, as a late lunch of scrambled egg on toast has filled me up.

Dark Skies Part One

Although I read every day I don’t normally post a book review until I have finished it.

Today, however, Jackie and I have both been stricken by colds which have kept us away from the bright, sunny day outside. I occupied myself reading 100 pages of

which Tess and Mat gave me for Christmas.

Published this year Tiffany Francis’s journeys into the nighttime landscapes of Britain and Europe is beautifully written and illuminated by her own competent, well composed, illustrations introducing each chapter. The book jacket above, reproducing one of the internal black and white drawings shows an example of the constellations incorporated into each design.

There is a wealth of information about nature and natural phenomena, of history, and of rituals, embellished by pertinent quotations from prose and poetry.

I found it intriguing that this journey into the night took place following the break-up of a romantic relationship, and, so far at least, seems to have been a way of coming to terms with it.

I will say more when I have finished this informative and entertaining work.

Here are the first batch of illustrations.

Fortunately there was plenty of Jackie’s excellent Boxing Day chicken curry and savoury rice in the freezer for us to dine on it this evening with minimal effort. This was followed by Christmas pudding, cream, and custard.