Acorns clattering alarmingly on the roof and windows of the Modus as Jackie drove us along Lower Ashley Road made us regret that that area was not likely to feature loose pigs for pannage.
We had stopped among the blustering winds for me to photograph a thatching owl and
sheep on a sloping hillside,
where three sheltered from the gusts beside a World War Two pillbox.
A very large Gloucester Old Spot had the green at Pilley,
where she dug a long furrow and chased me around, all to herself.
Yesterday I had wondered whether to lift up the patio chairs, and decided against. When we returned home at midday we discovered that the wind had done it for us.
This afternoon we enjoyed a magnificent afternoon tea at Rosie Lea. Not wishing to push my luck today, because my WordPress problems are by no means resolved, I will attempt to feature that tomorrow.