Lenses Trained


Yesterday we spent a very pleasant evening at Lal Quilla with Richard and his delightful wife, Marianne. The food, service, and ambience were as splendid as ever. My choice of main dish was Goan lamb shank; the others’ were Davedush, Haryali chicken, and fish curry. We shared onion bahjis, a peshwari naan, an egg paratha, mushroom and special fried rices, and a sag aloo on the house. Kingfisher and a lime drink were imbibed.

When people move house they often take the opportunity to dispense with unnecessary items. We didn’t. We are prompted by the new kitchen to do so. I decided today to empty the cupboard under the stairs which was rather loaded with belongings stuffed in it and forgotten about. Having bitten the bullet with such as bags of bubble wrap, a mosquito curtain, and an Epson printer, we came to a standstill and will sleep on the rest. Not literally, you understand.

This afternoon we went for a drive in the forest.

We often take Holmsley Passage from the A35 to the Burley Road. This steeply undulating narrow winding lane is at first bordered by woodland. It is crossed by three running streams one of which requires a footbridge beside a ford. A cattle grid marks the change to moorland. At the Burley end a pair of horse riders waited cheerily to cross from one side to the other.

Opposite Burley cricket green a solitary pony was undaunted by the task of keeping the grass down.

Although the road between Ringwood and Bramsgore was itself reasonably dry, the lesser thoroughfares leading off it were largely waterlogged. Reflective pools abounded. Some made access to homes a little hazardous.

Photographers on hill (silhouette)

On the outskirts of Burley we spotted three silhouettes on a hill, all figures with lenses trained across the moor. We couldn’t see what had caught their attention.

Ponies on road

During my years of running across London, I would often determine my route according to the state of traffic. For example, I might swing right if the lights were against me. So it was today, when we saw ponies chomping on the hedges of a narrow lane which they crossed at will.

This evening we dined on Mr Pink’s fish, chips, and pickled onions. We haven’t found our pickles yet.


  1. Sometimes it’s hard to get rid of things you think you might need…such as that bubble wrap. Because, you never know. As always, I really enjoy seeing pictures of those horses.

  2. Wise decision not to literally sleep on the probably-surplus-to-requirements. You’ve reminded me of seeing dogs resting their heads in some pretty uncomfortable looking places though.

  3. What sort of pickles do you eat with fish and chips? We don’t have that habit here. As to decluttering – I don’t. Thanks for ponies and reflections; my favourite things on your blog 🙂

  4. “Not literally, you understand” made me laugh. Your dinner with friends sounded delicious.
    I really liked the photos of the reflections. Some of them seemed like they could have been from other worlds or even microscope images enlarged. 🙂
    We have lots of clutter here–could luck with your sorting and cleaning out.

  5. Things stored under the stair serve no purpose until you throw them away. Perhaps once the cupboard is bare you might find the pickled onions hiding there??

  6. Derrick, You have such a caring mother lovely countryside and the beauty of nature all around you. I am sure that with each drive you take, you always discovrer new and different things to explore.

  7. That sounds like a rather small storage area. I’d not like to tell you how big ours is in the basement and how much stuff will go straight to trash without another thought. And good routing decision making is a vital skill necessitated due to city jams–fun to often see the country there has them, too!

  8. Those jungle shots are mysterious, as if they are waiting to tell a story. The image of silhouetted photographers is a beauty. I have a feeling the third one is a woman and she doesn’t have a tripod –I could be mistaken though. The pair of ponies savouring the hedge make for a great subject and has been duly captured so.

  9. I’m a good declutterer, and willing to travel if you provide the airfare 🙂
    Suggest you start with the age-old trick . . . have I used this in the last year?
    Then you could move on to – if I hold on to this, will I know where I put it if I ever do need it?
    The four-box method is also useful. One for must keep, one for throw, one for thrift shop, one for not sure. Repeat the process with the fourth box until there is nothing left. Then go back to the first box and re-assess your choices.
    You could also create a box for items to sell if you like eBay or such sites. Or have a collection of something that will sell at auctions (eg my brother’s Dinky Toys)
    If you keep “special things” because of sentimental or other reasons, make sure you use them and don’t keep them for those special occasions that never roll around.
    If something is beautiful but serves no purpose, and you decide to keep it because you get pleasure from seeing it, make sure you DO have it somewhere you can see it, and not packed away in a box.
    And its helpful to designate a small area at a time to work on. The old, “break the overall project into small achievable goals” strategy.
    Good luck.
    ps – I’ll understand if you prefer the ironing 🙂

    1. 🙂 I haven’t finished the ironing. But I have cleared the cupboard, most of the contents of which are covered by your get rid criteria. We haven’t got big enough boxes, but we are making 4 piles. Very wise advice. Thanks very much

  10. Those are beautiful photos from the forest, Derrick, especially the reflections in the water.

    Ponies chomping on hedges with all the new spring grass coming up? Must be something medicinal or tasty in there! Deer do the same thing here.

  11. I had fun looking at each frame and found myself really liking the water reflections, woods and the humor in decluttering. Not literally sleeping on the stuff amused me immensely! ha! 😁

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