David Chesworth, who understands the degrees of family relationships, and knows he is my second cousin once removed, this morning sent me his version of yesterday’s

sunset that he named Le Dragon.
I really do think I finished with the paperwork today as I emptied the second little cabinet that stood beside my desk, and Jackie and I carried it to the shed to await disposal.
After lunch I wandered around the garden, once more in a temperature warm enough for shirtsleeves, and photographed

the garden just as it is on this last afternoon of November. Each image in the gallery bears a title.
Later, I posted https://derrickjknight.com/2021/11/30/a-knights-tale-73-mine-was-bent/
This evening we dined on more of Jackie’s tasty sausages in red wine with fresh vegetables. The Culinary Queen drank Hoegaarden and I finished the Merlot.
I can see the dragon. Your garden looks fantastic for the last day of November. Still lots of flowers.
It really is amazing, Pat. Thank you very much
Wonderful views
Thanks a lot, Mina
Le Dragon is beautiful. Yesterday we had first snow storm and to have colours like in your garden is only possible in 2022 😁
Thank you very much, Rupali
Garden still looking gorgeous despite the recent winds and chill temperatures
Thanks very much, Sheree
Yay for the end of paperwork! That fiery dragon in the sky cannot be mistaken for anything else.
Thanks a lot, Anne. It couldn’t
A fiery dragon it is!!
Glad to see the garden still blooming despite having had some rough weather!
Thanks very much, GP
Shortsleeves? Lucky you (and your garden still amazes). We’ve had below freezing temps here and the garden is long gone and sleeping for the winter now.
We were skirting freezing last week, then we got lucky again. Thanks a lot, Pam
The sun of fire. Such a great shot.
Thanks very much, Bridget
The garden seems to have cleaned up after the wind and storms amazingly well! What a gorgeous sunset!
Thanks very much, Janet
Winter is almost upon us, yet your splendid garden is cheerfully green, Derrick. The dragon in the sky, produced by your cousin, is spectacular.
Thank you very much, Dolly
You are very welcome, Derrick.
The garden is looking better, I saw a video today on the latest storm that tore your garden up. A really potent storm, the sea was crashing the north coast I think, creating some massive waves.
It was, John. Thanks very much
I’m amazed that your garden still has blooms this late in the season. David’s dragon sunset is just spectacular!
Thanks very much, Liz. It is
You’re welcome, Derrick.
Wonderful sighting of that dragon! And warm enough to be in shirt sleeves the end of November? Yikes.
Indeed. Thanks very much, Laurie
Thanks very much, Laleh
My pleasure.🌺
And yet it snowed in Nottinghamshire and Leeds yesterday, according to various messages that came through on Facebook.
It did, indeed. Most of the country had it worse than we did. Thanks a lot, Gwen
Le Dragon is staggering 🙂 And the garden is still looking gorgeous!
Thank you so much, M.B.
It is unseasonably warm here but nothing compared to what you are enjoying. Thank you for sharing your lovely yard once again!
Your thanks reciprocated, AnneMarie. Much appreciated
Seems the beauty of your and Jackie’s garden never really fades, regardless of season! And Le Dragon is magnificent! Cheers to David for sharing this whimsical image. 🐉🐲
Thank you so much, Maj
your cousin’s LeDragon is beautiful and so are the flowers in your garden especially the chrysanthemums.
Thank you. very much, Lola
Le Dragon is indeed looking very beautiful – and friendly!
And your garden is still as wonderfully colourful as ever… Gosh, your ‘carpet rose’ is a picture – does it always flower so well into the winter; what a burst of smiles!
Thank you very much, Emma. That one is so prolific that it has to be cut back to keep it from covering the path. I don’t remember it being so bold at this time before.
It is good to see some garden colour. Ours is gone.
Thanks a lot, Tootlepedal. You’ve had some fierce weather
What a diabolical looking sunset! Le Dragon is a perfect fit.
Thank you very much, Rosaliene
I see the orange dragon! Your garden still looks good. I like how the ivy creeps along the crease of the wooden step.
Thank you very much, JoAnna
Those are lovely phots of sunset and your photos too.
Thanks very much, Arlene
David’s Le Dragon is a startling capture. Your Garden looks perennial in the last evening of November.
Thank you very much, Uma
Your gardens still look quite colorful going into December.
I enjoyed your cousin’s view of the Dragon sunset. That was a particularly fiery one!
It was, Thanks very much, Lavinia
Lovely Derrick.
Thanks a lot, Cindy
Happy Dec 1st! 🙂
Spectacular sunset photos! Love the fiery dragon! YAY, David! 🙂
In the garden, I spotted birds (including one owl) and dragons! 🙂
(((HUGS))) 🙂
Many thanks, Carolyn X
What a treat to have such a lovely garden this late in the season! The top photos are phenomenal.
Thank you very much, Doug
Your cousin definitely captured a dragon! Your garden looks beautiful.
Congratulations on finishing the paperwork!
Thank you very much, Merril
Despite everything, the garden is still beautiful 🌸
Thank you very much, Ribana
Your garden has held up amazingly well for this time of the year! Your cousin’s photos of Le Dragon are stunning.
Thank you very much, Eugi
You’re welcome, Derrick.
Short Sleeves? It’s hats gloves and scarves up here, the air is bitter cold and hits as soon as we step out of the door.
You had beautiful last day of November. Unlike you, we had snow.
Thank you very much, Alexander
Good to see your garden still going strong. Long may it last, Derrick.
Thanks very much, Helen
That sunset. It is so unusual. 🙂