On a cold and drizzly day we did not mind having to stay in for Ronan of Tom Sutton Heating who came to service our boiler.
I posted https://derrickjknight.com/2022/01/06/a-knights-tale-89-sams-first-cut/
This afternoon I scanned the next four of Charles Keeping’s powerful illustrations to “A Tale of Two Cities” in which he pulls no punches.

‘Such awful workers and such awful work’

‘The executioner showed the people the head of the king’

‘ ‘Take off his head!’ cried the audience’

‘No sooner did he face her, than Miss Pross uttered a scream’
This evening we dined on succulent roast pork with crunchy crackling; apple sauce; crisp Yorkshire pudding and roast potatoes; leaks, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower. carrots, and green beans. Jackie drank Diet Coke and I drank Chevalier Se Fauvert Comté Tolosan Rouge 2019.
Another delicious dinner, Jackie! Do you burn fuel oil for home heating?
Thanks a lot from us both, John. Yes, we do burn fuel oil – which, of course, is rocketing in price. We have no gas.
The high is 8 where we are at today. Very cold for sure. Hope you are staying warm.
We are mostly staying in, Mrs W. Thanks very much
We are stay in also. It was right around 0 Fahrenheit last night when we got home right after sunset. Just the electronics were pulled from the truck and we called it quits. Todays high is barely above freezing but a lot more tolerable to unload the truck in.
A perfect day for Dickens. I must say, those illustrations are a little creepy. I suppose they are meant to be that way.
Yes – they convey the horrors of The Terror and the delight we once took in witnessing executions. Thanks very much, Laurie
Phew! Here’s a grisly, disgusting correlation. During the 1920s and 1930s in the American South, when Blacks were lynched, there were often big gatherings and picnics to go with it. Pictures were taken of the lynched body, and those picture were made into postcards. Not so long ago, Derrick, was it? What an extreme species we are! Capable of great brutality and cruelty and great empathy and generosity.
I couldn’t help but think of some of the terrors of Isis in recent times as a comparison.
A good point, John. Some things never really change. Thanks very much
Keeping’s ability to convey emotions and character is truly masterful… as entertaining as any film or portrayal in person, I’m sure!
Indeed. Thank you very much, Emma
It is good to have a convincing excuse to stay inside on a miserable day.
🙂 Thanks a lot, Tootlepedal
Your scans of Keepings four illustrations today were definitely sharp(pun) in their explicit portrayals
🙂 Thanks very much, Ivor
Mr. Keeping’s faces are always fabulous! Those expressions! Those details! Down to the Executioner’s hairy arm! HA! 😀
Stay safe! Stay warm! Keep on Keeping on! HA! 😀 Get it?!
(((HUGS))) 🙂
How could I not geddit? Thanks a lot, Carolyn 🙂 X
You are certainly right about those illustrations!
It’s sounds like it was a good day to stay inside and read.
Yes, it was, Merril. Thanks very much
A productive day capped by another excellent meal from the Culinary Queen.
Thanks very much, Pat 🙂
Any napping on this rainy day? Dinner sounds yummy!
I believe I may have slept through the lunchtime news, Jill 🙂 Thanks for asking
Those illustrations are just horrific!
Indeed. Hence the title, Liz. Thanks very much
You’re welcome, Derrick.
Wow those faces are something else.
Yes. Horrific. Thanks a lot, Gary
I read so many of Dickens more popular novels in late primary school that I soooo need to revisit them. A Tale of Two Cities was one. Pretty gruesome reading for an eleven year old when you think about it, but mercifully mine was not illustrated, even though Keeping’s are worthy of the task.
Thanks very much, Gwen
Keeping’s illustrations convey the kind of mass hysteria that crowds can fall prey to … we have many modern examples of that kind of unthinking, unruly behaviour to turn to. I love to get stuck into reading on a dull and chilly day.
That is so right, Anne. Thanks very much
Keeping does manage to elevate the imagination of the simplest of the readers even if he has to be cruel in his depictions. I see no reason why he should have hesitated when the master storyteller himself was proceeding forth full steam.
Exactly. Thanks very much, Uma
Though a bit unsettling, the illustrations are amazing! Such intricate detail.
Thank you very much Eugi
You’re welcome, Derrick.
The illustrations speak their own words. Keeping was a master at that.
Indeed. Thanks very much Lavinia
Staying home days are good, pottering around and taking your time, always a winner in my book.
Thanks a lot, Sue
All these faces pull one in, to examine them one by one. Superb work!
Agreed, Dolly. Thanks very much
You are very welcome, Derrick.
Hi Derrick! Bob & I have been down and out = sequestered and feeling rotten, since January 1st. We are ready to feel better and get out of this warm, comfy house!! I’m sorry you were having problems with your heating system on a cold, drizzly day. Glad Tom was able to fix it for you. Stay warm…. stay cozy… hugs Jackie for me … and stay well!! We send New Years greeting to you for a healthy, happy 2022. We’re getting there… slowly…
We are both rooting for you, Jan. XX
Hip, hip, hooray!! <3 <3
Powerful illustrations indeed!
Thanks very much, Ribana