Sometimes It Does My Head In

Grass 9.12

Steady rain continued as I set off to walk to Staples in South Wimbledon and back.  Kendor Gardens was a playground for big fat brown slugs.  In order not to drip all over the stationery products, I took off my sopping raincoat.  This time the store was open, but had only one of the display books I was seeking.  Well, it’s a start.  I shopped at Sainsbury’s on the way back.  Lethal finials of umbrellas, held at the ready, were out in force, and had to be avoided.  A balding gentleman clasped a soggy copy of The Times to his head.  Only children in covered buggies seemed at all dry.  My trousers clung to my lower limbs as if they had just emerged, unrinsed, from the washing machine.  A pile of vomit I had noticed on my outward journey had become a bespattered pool.  In Crown Lane the gusts of wind almosr brought me to a standstill.

The conker season is suddenly upon us.

Late in the afternoon the clouds cleared and the day brightened.  I didn’t.  This is because I had printing problems.  As my regular readers know, I am working on a project for Mum’s ninetieth birthday.  I began printing my blog at The Firs last week.  When I came to the pages containing colour photographs, I could not get the correct colours.  This turned out to be because I needed a different paper.  I had only printed a couple of days worth in foggy mists before Elizabeth put me right.  I continued the work, leaving those pages uncorrected, thinking I would sort them out later.  In West End I am using my Canon Pro900 printer.  This, without my knowing why or how, had printed the pages in landscape.  I found it rather pleasing and decided to use the format.  Serendipity, I thought.  Until, back in Morden, I tried to do the same thing with my Epson printer.  The first time worked perfectly.  I printed a beautiful landscape page 1 of the ‘A Condundrum’ post.  Whoopee, I was on a roll.  Not for long.  I spent an hour or so trying to do the same with ‘Choosing a camera’.  Nothing doing.  It was either portrait form or blank paper.  After a while, all tense and frustrated, I decided to cook a spaghetti bolognese.  Fortunately this was far more successful than either the printing or the similar meal described on 17th. July.

The superb chianti which accompanied my meal helped to disperse my clouds.  This was Mondelli’s ‘Editione del Fondatore’ 2009.  Jackie filled the tankard I had bought her at the municipal dump on 17th. September with Kingfisher.  And drank it.

When I imported my last two photographs into my laptop, I couldn’t find them.  This took another period of time, with the assistance of Three Barrels brandy given to me by Becky and Ian.  (Nearly finished, folks).  The computer is a wonderful thing, but sometimes it does my head in.


  1. I can’t bear to hear of your calibration problems and not respond. Why don’t you give me a ring and we can discuss? A

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