‘I Want Light’

I forgot to mention watching the cricket highlights yesterday. I’m sure that had nothing whatever to do with the fact that Australia declared their innings closed at 566 runs for 8 wickets, and England followed with 85 for 4.


In order to bid good morning to the horses in the Yeatton Cottage paddock, I took a walk along Hordle Lane to the house and back. A grass stem that had escaped the mowing of the field to the west bowed in unison with the solitary bent oak.

Many car drivers on this winding lane seem oblivious of the 40 mph speed limit. Following the normal rule of facing the oncoming traffic on such roads which lack walkways is not always possible because I cannot be seen. I therefore often cross over so I have my back to vehicles approaching on the left. Of necessity, I have developed my own set of signals for these following motorists. Flattened against the hedgerow, arms akimbo, fingers outstretched, with a nod, indicates that there is nothing approaching them round the blind bend. My right palm up, and wide open, suggests they should hang about because something is coming. This, fortunately, is generally understood, and they come to a standstill until the coast is clear.

Horse grazing

HorsesHorse                                                                                                                                      Only one of the horses in the paddock now wears a fly mask. They all twitch their natural whisks.

On my return I finished the watering of the front garden that Jackie had begun earlier I then gathered up masses of pruning in which she was engaged. ‘I want light’ she cried, as she applied long loppers to the copper beech, the still reverting myrtle, and other overgrown shrubs. In order not to be faced with cutting up these branches when it came to burning them. I chopped them up into manageable pieces before adding them to the ever-increasing pile for the next pyre.

Butterflies fluttering around me were various whites, numerous commas,

Butterfly Red Admiral undersideButterfly Red Admiral

a Red Admiral on a gladiolus,

Butterfly Gatekeeper

and, trying to hide, a Gatekeeper on a cosmos.

This afternoon was spent visiting. First, Jackie drove us to Mum’s at West End. Among other subjects, we discussed this 92 year old’s plans for refurbishing her kitchen.

From Mum’s we went on to Elizabeth’s, with whom we proceeded to Margery and Paul’s. These latter two were hosting an art exhibition. Ostensibly we went to see the show, but in reality we wanted our usual enjoyable conversation with our friends.

Next stop was The Veranda Indian restaurant in Wickham. Elizabeth did the driving. The ambiance and service there is, in our experience, second to none, and the food is excellent. My choice was Lamb Lal Maas and special fried rice with a paratha. We shared an onion bhaji, and all three drank Kingfisher. My sister drove us back to her house where we boarded the Modus in which Jackie drove us home.


  1. “I want light!” too – for different reasons at the moment ………… The butterflies in your garden are varied and beautiful. I haven’t seen a Red Admiral for years, they were once so plentiful. And the closeup of the grazing horse is such an excellent photo!

    1. Thank you Pauline. Actually the photo is a crop of a picture containing the whole animal and quite a bit of foreground grass and trees behind, so it is really pleasing that you liked it. Sometimes it is hard to take a lot out.

  2. I think the butterfly in the first photo is winking at me… or I could just be really tired. Hope the knee is surviving your tour of duty as a traffic director. 🙂

  3. Your walk reminded me of mine toward Sissinghurst from the bus stop on the main road. I was amazed to have made it there and back without being struck. When I got there the garden was nice but ordinary, the food at the restaurant was inedible. The talk was all about how to make more money out of visitors. It was not worth the public transport journey from London.

    I clicked on the butterfly photos to see if they were specimens planted on the flowers. hahaha; can’t tell, really. You must have a good zoom lens. 🙂

    1. Thank you, Mary. Not a good recommendation for Sissinghurst. I’m sorry. Actually the lens is macro, so I’m very, very close to the subjects. TH zoom is only 30X

  4. I’m so glad you have named that last butterfly – we were walking down at Pagham yesterday and saw hundreds of them flitting about – we didn’t know the name for them.

  5. Argh. ‘I can’t get too bothered….’ And I thought following was going to be fun Derrick! I was there, watching England’s implosion. I need to know there are others suffering too! Cruel deceitful world. The butterflies make me smile though…

  6. Great photos Derrick and, as per normal, a varied, interesting and informative post! – no comments on English cricket. Sadly, the team says everything for themselves in their game (oh dear, that’s a comment isn’t it?!)!

      1. I’ll take the proverbial backwards step and request my neutral stance please…. Somewhere just back of leg stump (square leg maybe? 🙂 )

  7. Hi, Your mum, refurbishing her kitchen at 92, my father who is her brother age 94 and lives alone and does all his own washing, cooking and goes to luncheon clubs 4 times a week, and their brother who is 91 next week and also looks after himself in Leicester being the youngster. Their mother, our grandma was 99 when she passed on. There is some longevity there! You have a beautiful garden.

  8. What a busy day, but totally pleasant. I always wondered what the horse face mask was all about, now I know. Awesome macro shots Derrick! You Mum knows what she wants, the kitchen is a must – even at 92!

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