Flaunting Longevity

This morning, before the afternoon wind got up and rain came down, Jackie and I weeded and removed more leaves from the rose garden, in readiness for the application of compost.


We still have flowering snapdragons


and geraniums,


whilst winter cyclamens emerge from hibernation.

Rose pink

The pink rose stands sentinel on the Oval Bed,

Rose Margaret Merrill

and, showing signs of age, Margaret Merrill still blooms.

Honeysuckle and beech

The honeysuckle rising from the blue arch flaunts its longevity before the falling beech leaves.

This afternoon I inserted the last of the pictures into the garden album.

This evening we dined on Jackie’s luscious lamb jafrezi and choice chicken tikka with mushroom and onion rice. She drank Hoegaarden and I quaffed Old Crafty Hen.


  1. It’s an internet fact that more men than women suffer from color-blindness, so maybe you could be forgiven for thinking that’s a pink rose? Because, dude, that’s a (beautifully photographed) red rose. Ask Jackie. 🙂

  2. A beautiful garden Derrick, lovely variety and beautiful colours.
    I have potted Snapdragons this year, so will be interested to see how long I can have them.

  3. Refreshing place indeed, when tempers get frayed, one unable to comprehend what to do, I opine this place is the best for a positive change. :)) Regards

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