April Showers

April showers in December? Someone’s having a laugh.

Perhaps it’s


this hebe;

Viburnum bodnantense Dawn

the viburnum bodnantense Dawn;

Rose Crown Princess Margarete

roses like Crown Princess Margarete, bowing her head to keep her face dry,

Carpet rose Pink

or this Pink carpet rose ripe for dead-heading;






or geraniums.

I obliged with dead-heading many of the roses.

This evening we dined on Jackie’s delicious sausage casserole (recipe); mashed potatoes; and crunchy carrots and cabbage. Jackie drank Hoegaarden and I drank Louis de Camponac cabernet sauvignon 2014.


  1. So many flowers in December – what next? Will you be made to pay or will winter disappear from your calendar? We had a bit of rain overnight; it’s welcoming after the relentless sun but it’s back to 26 – 33ºC max this week in coastal Sydney. A relief from the high 30s. My garden is turning into a jungle. I can hardly keep up.

  2. Beautiful shots Derrick! The colors are so revitalizing especially when it is becoming very cold in my part of the world! Happy Holidays!

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