
ClockI drafted this post against the unfamiliar rhythmic, sonorous, ticking of a proper, analogue, wall clock that was more or less silenced by the various moves after leaving Sutherland Place in 2009. Martin Fairhurst of Dials Antique Clocks has done a grand job of restoring the timepiece to the condition it enjoyed when Michael bought it for Jessica and me about 35 years ago. Not new then, Mr Fairhurst tells me that the movement is American. I suspect that, should anyone other than Scooby, who is now rather hard of hearing, attempt to sleep in our sitting room, they may benefit from a set of ear plugs. You never know, it might help me to keep awake for an entire TV programme.

As I have shown previously, Dials lies at the foot of the exquisitely cobbled Quay Street in Lymington. Jackie drove me there this afternoon, but, it being Saturday, and market day, the car parks were full, so she had to park some distance away,

Lymington QuayThe QuayQuay Street 1

and I walked round The Quay and up the cobbled slope to the shop, which lies


diagonally opposite Karina’s colourful miniature emporium.

The day was overcast and there had been some rain, but not on my promenade.

Clocks 2

Apart from the modern grandfather clock to the left of this browser,

Clocks 1Clocks 3

Dials is a treasure trove of attractive antiques,

Telescope and clocksTelescope, clocks, and visitors

including a centrally placed telescope.

Clock keys

No self respecting horologist would be without a box of intriguing keys.

Pub food in this country is streets ahead of that of my youth, which was either non existent or not much cop (the food, not my youth). Steak and ale pie is one of the staples. Good as this generally is, it cannot hold a candle to Jackie’s steak and mushroom pie in red wine that she served up this evening with roast potatoes and parsnips, cauliflower cheese, crisp carrots and Brussels sprouts, followed by Co-op laced profiteroles. I enjoyed making a start on Montemajone chianti classico 2011, given to me for Christmas by Helen and Bill.


  1. The clocks are wonderful! I have a clock that ‘tick-tocks’ annoyingly loudly when everything else is silent. It’s interesting that most of the time I tune it out though. I am intrigued by the dessert. Is it ‘co-op laced’ profiteroles or co-op ‘laced profiteroles’ and in either case, what is the lace or lacing?

  2. My friend told me that her daughter was so incensed by her grandfather clock so she put a finger on the hand to get ‘a minute of peace’. 🙂

  3. I have the kitchen clock that occupied my paternal grandparent’s kitchen from 1906 to the late 1990’s when my uncle died. It makes a lovely ticking noise that I notice only part of the time. When I first got it, I was afraid my neighbors would hear the hourly and half hourly chime, but sometimes now I don’t hear it myself, so I bet you’ll get used to your clock but appreciate its presence.

      1. Wow ! That bought a tear to my eye, Grandad used to sing that to me when I was little. Loved it but also thought it mildly spooky!

      1. Stolen and regained! Goodness. I remember the more recent post when you dropped the clock off for repair. Glad you have it back and that it’s ticking in your home.

  4. A timely analysis, Derrick. You have clocked all the relevant points. The commentary ticked along nicely.

          1. Ah yes, you are right Derrick! I was side-tracked with grandchildren visit and other busy January things. Thank you so much! a very sensitive review. I have added that other book to my Goodreads pile also. Would you mind if I re-blogged your post, or, if that not appropriate – cut and paste the relevant part on to my blog with credit to you? best, Gwen

  5. Time was, my greatest ambition was to own a cuckoo clock. I got a month’s hospitality work in Switzerland, and spent most of my wages on realising that goal. Had it for many years, but it went in a ruthless downsizing. Had to stop the movement every bedtime. How wonderful you still have this beautiful timepiece, and the place to show it off. I have a vague memory of being in Lymington on an overseas trip – but I may be confusing that with Lynton&Lynmouth which is hours away!!!! LOL

  6. The last image of ‘stuff’ made me smile. Starting at the tender age of three, my oldest has a fascination with old keys. She’s found rather unique ones in Paris, Athens, Córdoba, Florence… But her favorite is a skeleton key taken from her great grandmother’s bathroom door. 😂

  7. Another beautiful promenade, Derrick 🙂 I liked also your visit among old clocks, I like old clocks. It makes me feel in another era.

  8. I love clock shops Derrick, the soothing sound of tick/tick/tick and gongs going off. It’s magic to my ears, especially antique clocks.

  9. I absolutely love old clocks. There’s something intriguing about the thought that they outlive their owners and keep ticking the time away.

  10. Such lovely adventures you have. Explorations of places, foods, beverages, and history.
    I like the photo of the keys, and of course your repaired clock is great, too.
    You’ll get used to the tick tock in no time (I hope)!

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