
Today we had planned to drive over to The First Gallery in order to finalise the flyers and further plan the coming exhibition. Indisposition intervened. First Jackie, then Margery, then I succumbed to viruses, so the meeting must be postponed.

We had a floppy day during which I continued reading Jonathan Dimbleby’s ‘The Battle of The Atlantic,

Daffodils 1Daffodil 1Daffodils 2Daffodil 2Daffodil 3

and  ventured briefly into the garden to photograph a few of the varieties of narcissus that now frolic there.

Very soon  after I took these sun-soaked photographs,


the skies darkened, and hailstones, tinkling against the windows like that through which I took this shot, provided a garden tablecloth and chair covers.

This evening we dined on Tesco’s carbonara pasta. Neither of us drank anything.


  1. I do hope things will look better tomorrow. I hate to hear that my friends are not well. You should be on the road to recovery since the carbonara didn’t cause any problems.

  2. The daffs look delightfully perky even though you weren’t. Hope tomorrow brings internal and external sun for you all.

  3. Sorry to hear that. I hope you all will be well soon, Derrick. It’s bad to be sick when the beautiful spring is here. Your flowers need you 🙂
    All the best!

  4. Oh dear; I thought you were doing too much but then I always presume that other people are fitter than me. Take care.

    Hail is so exciting and dramatic, isn’t it? As long as I’m not being pelted by it I rather like hail. We don’t get snow in Sydney but we’ve had hailstones the size of tennis balls; those were not fun.

  5. This was quite gentlemanly of you, while sick with a virus, to go take photographs to brighten up our days! I thought they really pretty and hope you and Jackie (and Margery) will be soon well. ♡

  6. Poor you. My virus has lasted 11 days despite a flu jab. Begrudgingly I am now on antibiotics. Take it easy, keep warm, drink plenty of fluids – we need you back in fit form.

  7. I hope you’re all feeling better. The photos are wonderful, and your garden is lovely. I love daffodils; ours are just beginning to come up. I hope the hail didn’t cause any damage.

  8. Those beautiful daffodils will at least bring a smile to your face and hopefully help with the healing. Take care, all of you!

  9. I love these kinds of floppy days, I must say. Dashing images. I remember such changeable days up North in the late winter/early spring time. Sunshine in the morning; hail and icy, lashing rain by afternoon. Gorgeous, sun-drenched flower portraits.

    Hoping that you all are feeling much improved, already! A joyful weekend to you,

    smiling toad

  10. So good to come back on here and see your flowers and beautiful yard, Derrick! We’re still in full winter mode here, but I see buds on some of my spring flowers.

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