Early Morning Lovemaking


Now, please don’t get too excited. It’s birds I’m referring to. Pigeons, to be precise.

Pigeons 1

Pigeons 2

I am no good at sexing birds, so I’m not sure which was which in this couple, although I suspect that it was the female who remained aloof whilst her suitor performed on the trapeze.

Pigeons 3

Not greatly impressed, she turned and flew away.  He swivelled on the high wire and set off in pursuit.

Jackie continued her mammoth weeding and planting in the garden.

Bamboo roots

My contribution was digging out bamboo roots that had strayed into the gravel of the Oval Path. This also involved lifting border rocks and replacing them after removing the interlopers. Afterwards I ambled around with watering cans, and, of course, a camera.

Tulips, daffodils a,d pansiesTulips and daffodilsTulip mix

We are daily enjoying new tulips,

Parrot tulips

including these parrots.

Wallflowers 1

We inherited some prolific yellow wallflowers along the back drive.

Wallflowers 2

Encouraged by them Jackie added these beautifully red-veined ones last year,

Erysimum Redjap

and these varicoloured erysimum Red Jeps quite recently.


Another recent planting is mesembryanthemums,

Red maple bed

seen here in situ beyond the russet heuchera.

It was so hot this afternoon that we took cold drinks on the Castle Bench because it was in the shade. There is a little table each side of the seat for drinks. Jackie sat on the right. I sat on the left. She is left-handed. I am right-handed. Work it out. Until she twigged what was going on, we both rested our glasses in the middle of the bench. Then we swapped positions, and there was nothing between us.

This evening we dine on Jackie’s delicious sausage casserole, carrots, cauliflower, and new potatoes. She drank Hoegaarden and I finished the fleurie.


  1. Such a happy post! I love the antic of the birds and the left/right handed logistics. Your garden is getting more beautiful with every picture you share!

  2. With birds of prey, the female is bigger than the male, but for more or less all the rest, the male is bigger. Very often, though, you can only see the difference when the two of this hem are together. Wonderful flowers by the way.

    1. With pigeons (as with the human species, generally*), it’s definitely the male doing the approaching, and the female apparently not showing an interest. That would identify the sexes.

      * or is that just what happens to ME?

  3. Oh Derrick and Jackie the tulips are absolutely gorgeous – love the purple ones and red-veined ones. My favorite pictures was the last of the garden shot – so pretty to see everything filled, a beautiful English garden with prize worthy specimens.

  4. I envy the activities that are going on in your garden. It’s looking great – love the perspective. With both my arms/hands impaired mine is looking neglected though I continue to work in slow motion.

  5. I bet your stats will skyrocket with that title Derrick! 🙂 The garden is going to be even more spectacular this year isn’t it……… Those lilac coloured tulips are just lovely!!

      1. In my graphic design student days, I used the name in an imagined ad. for Interflora, and I had to look it up then (the slogan read “Mesembryanthemums to Zimbabwe-Rhodesia, or roses to Mum” [below which was an explanation that both were as simple with Interflora]; you might gauge how long ago by the reference to Z-R, as it was known during its transition period). Also at the time, I didn’t know what they looked like, I just knew of this long-named flower that fitted the idea.

  6. Your title did titillate me. Or should I say “twitterpate” me? And I always think the best marriages are those with nothing between them. Forsythia blooming in Ottawa. A few magnolias, too, still waiting for tulips.

  7. Great post derrick. Your garden gets better by the day it seems! The title made me wonder whether you’d had too much of the previous night’s wine haha. Re: sexing birds I just always default to guessing that the prettier or more flamboyant looking bird is the male- seems to work as a general rule of thumb. Your left / right dilemma made me laugh 😊.

  8. My first thought on reading the title was “Have I wandered onto Twitter by mistake?” They are less reticent about such things on Twitter.

    Fortunately it was just a tale about a foolish pigeon. I can identify with him.


  9. At first, I thought I was on the wrong blog, but the gorgeous flowers reassured me it was, indeed, your blog, Derrick! Lol. Your title threw me for a loop. Ah, you’re such a hoot! 😃

  10. Lot’s of dove hanky-panky a the little house in the big woods. There are so many things to admire in your garden that I wouldn’t know where to begin. Glad you two figured out where you should sit 😉

  11. The last photograph gave us colors and textures which completed a beautiful setting. I would love to paint this, someday I may in watercolors and display and give credit to you, Derrick. 🙂

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