Spinners Garden


This morning, after a brief time in our own garden where

Heligan Path

The Head Gardener has been replenishing and planting the beds either side of the Heligan Path;

View to Rose Garden fro Brick Path

 sunlight brightened the Star of India clematis on the Gothic Arch;

Clematis and orange hawkweed

and another example was suspended from the prunus pissardi above the orange hawkweed,

Jackie drove us to Spinners Garden at Boldre. This small privately-owned garden has a fine collection of rare plants in its tranquil woodland setting

Lymington Valley

overlooking the Lymington Valley.

Jackie at entrance to Spinners Garden

Jackie was immediately taken with the blue cranesbill geraniums along the drive.

Spinners Garden sign

Although past their best, the rhododendron and azalea shrubberies still had much to offer.

Path 1

Paths off the entrance drive held much promise.

Lacecap hydrangea 1Lacecap hydrangea 2

There were different varieties of lace cap hydrangea;


many different ferns;

Flower beds 1

well stocked flower beds,

Wedding cake tree

including a cornus controverta Variegata, or wedding cake tree,


and schizostylis or, if you must, Kaffir lily.

Cornus 1Cornus 3

Other cornuses were plentiful.

Trees and shrubbery 1

Splendid trees soared above the shrubberies, where

Camellia fruit pods camellia fruit pods glistened;

Brunnera leaves

and in the shadier areas leaves of brunnera

Acer leaves

and acer formed intriguing patterns.


Steps led up to the highest level,

Rodgersiae and orchids

where rodgersia shared their bed with wild orchids,

Azalea 1

and white azaleas bore occasional signs of pink parentage.


Fed by a man-made stream

Lily pond and bridgeLily pond and bridge 2

Lily pond and bridge 3

at a lower level lies a lily pond spanned by a wooden bridge.


Irises rise from the margins,

Damselflies and water boatmen

and damselflies and water boatmen flit around the lily pads.

Tractor, gulls, and cornus

From the cabin where we could buy tea and coffee, we watched gulls mobbing a tractor digging out soil to create a lake for a neighbour further down the slopes.


Aquilegias waved us farewell as we walked back to the car.

This evening we dined on Jackie’s delicious chicken jalfrezi, boiled rice, and parathas, followed by Helen’s sublime lime and ginger cheesecake.


  1. So green serene, peaceful. It must be a lot of fun for Jackie to wander among those rare plants… I found the large fiddlehead among the ferns almost alarming and especially enjoyed your photographic treatment of the three (and a half) lily pads.

  2. Almost as lovely as your garden Derrick – I was taken by the ‘cornus controverta Variegata, or wedding cake tree’ as I’ve not seen or heard of that before – it looks rather spectacular. Becky’s comment caused me to go and have a closer gander at her ma – who does indeed appear to be determined that nothing will be missed! 😀 😀 😀

  3. What powerful lenses you must have to capture such details and at such distances. If I live long enough I might take a course in photography, now that digital processing makes the hobby more affordable. For now I must be happy with the iPhone point and shoot. 🙂

    Your garden doesn’t look too shabby, though it is smaller against Spinners’. Love the Cornuses – is that a white one in front of the pond?

    1. Thanks, Mary. We think that could be a freshly planted cornus. My camera is only a point and shoot Canon SX700 HS. I had several attempts to get that shot in focus.

  4. Derrick, your blog is one that I always double click the photographs or I would miss too much. I’m going to look up the “Wedding Tree”.

  5. What a beautiful garden. If I ever get lost in it, please don’t try to find me, but feel welcome to leave a slice of that lime and ginger cheesecake out for me with a bowl of milk, or I will trust your choice in wine pairings.. Enjoy – and thank you for sharing. Harlon

  6. What a fabulous garden – I love wooded gardens. This one has everything … including a Monet bridge and water lilies – wonderful tour, thank you 🙂

  7. What a marvelous place for wandering and reflection. Marvelous images and new plants for me to learn more about. I loved the fiddlehead fern shot, tautly curled and rusty. I adore ferns. What a stupendous garden.

    Wishing you the best,

    smiling toad

  8. thank you for showing me round a garden I have not visited! And no, it doesn’t have to be K***** lily! Strange that it is in flower now – must be the odd season we are having

  9. Thank you for sharing your meanders around this beautiful garden Derrick. I especially liked the footbridge. And one can never have too many glasses (eye or otherwise) at the ready Jackie.

  10. Lovely day in photos all around. Glad to see your own coral bells are doing well; our own are finally thriving after two years of doing poorly. The Spinner’s garden was beautiful as well; almost overwhelming array of flowers and I especially appreciated the wee lace-leaf maple by the man-made stream. Thanks for sharing.

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