A Topsy-Turvy Season


A wander round the garden in this balmy morning’s light diffused by wandering clouds above raised questions about what season we are enjoying.


An industrious web constructing spider, seeking camouflage in the spent marigold seedpods


must have been confused by the plants’ fresh blooms.

Spider 2

By early evening the predator had moved house and wrapped its dinner.


Like many of our bidens, these have self seeded from hanging baskets and tubs.

Small white butterfly on bidens

The Small White butterflies still light on them and many other plants.

Lace Cap Hydrangea

Some of the clusters on this lace cap hydrangea have turned blue.


Several hibiscuses are filled with flowers.







and begonias go on forever.

Weeping Birch Bed 2

Others, like these antirrhinums in the Weeping Birch Bed


and alongside the Brick Path, are having a new growth surge.

Autumn crocuses and geraniums

Pansies and geraniums refuse to cede ground to the autumn crocuses,


and the little orange poppies and persistent lobelias really do think it is spring.


Digitalis cavorts with gaura,

RobinRosa Glauca hips and robin

and robins and other little birds swing along with rosa glauca’s hips.

Weeping Birch Bed 2

It is difficult at this time to find a view that does not include Japanese anemones. Even here, one glows like a coal in the background shadows beyond the Weeping Birch.

Most of the roses are budding again.

Ballerina rose

Ballerinas are back on stage,

Rose Mum in a Million

as are Mum in a Million,

Rose Gloriana


Rose Flower Power Flower Power, and many more.

Urn at southern end of Brick Path

When admiring the view through the urn at the southern end of the Brick Path

Grizelinia branches

I did my best to ignore the fresh pile of cut branches produced yesterday by Aaron, Sean, and Rory while cutting down the grizelinias.

Later this afternoon, Jackie drove us to Steamer Point, between Highcliffe and Mudeford. I will publish photographs tomorrow, because I think I have enough on this post today, and because, for reasons that will become apparent, we plan to return in the morning.

This evening we dined on Jackie’s luscious lamb jalfrezi, and omelette-topped onion rice, with samosas and onion bhajis. I drank more of the Fleurie and Jackie drank Le Héron Gros Manseng 2015.


  1. The seasons are surely blending, and of course, the earth is much warmer. While that is of great concern, one positive is the longer growing season. Your flowers are so, so pretty, Derricl.

  2. Are those crocus blooms, still?…I always think of them as being very early spring flowers here. Love the color ad form of the hibiscus. And the may interesting names that seem to somehow so English. Steamer Point, Highcliffe, Mudeford: I don’t know about you or other readers, but that triggers a story idea…how about it, Derrick? 🙂

  3. I can see from your photos the season is dying down – the light is softer and the flowers lack the vibrancy of early summer, but are still doing their best to brighten your days. Love the quirky little robin lurking in the rose hips!!

  4. Oh, Derrick, I haven’t been by for awhile and I am so glad when I do. Today was no exception. With everything withering away here it is so lovely to see a garden still in bloom. My fall pansies are doing well but everything else needs a good trim. The rains started yesterday but today is nice so I should get out there before the heavens turn their sprinklers on full blast!

      1. Yes, I am fine, just very busy. We are shopping for a new home and trying to get this one ready for sale. My chronic pain and fatigue make it difficult to do too much at once so to save energy for those things I haven’t made it to the computer much.

  5. It’s quite an art to lengthen the flowering season in the garden. We are fortunate to have mild weather so the garden doesn’t miss a beat (though I do have deciduous trees) but it must be a challenge in the UK. Funny how we have the same flowers blooming at this time of the year.

  6. So many stunning shots, Derrick. I can’t decide which I like best.
    I do like how you caught the spider web and the little white moth on the flowers. (I also really like yellow flowers.) 🙂

  7. Gloriana is certainly living up to its name. I love this last burst of productivity near the end of summer. I think we appreciate it more, knowing we’re in for fall and winter. Your Digitalis is just waiting for a lady fox to slip some blossoms on.

  8. The blue, lace-capped hydrangea is so captivating! The pretty and varied roses are surely spreading cheer and pleasant scents around your yard and gardens. Your flower pictures could make anyone decide to plant silk or plastic flowers since their gardens will “pale” in comparison! xo

  9. Gloriana is a very lovely colour. Few signs of autumn yet in our garden where everything is green except for the honeysuckle which is a rather worrying brown colour already.

  10. Your garden looks beautiful and full of such a diversity of flower types. Incidentally, I almost didn’t see the industrious spider in the first photograph. I hope the white butterfly didn’t fall victim.

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