Save Our Stream


Feeling considerably brighter today, I began by tackling two weeks administration. This involved settling bills, correspondence, and collecting a delivery that required a signature.

Jackie drove us to Lymington to retrieve the package from the sorting office. Almost across the other side of the High Street is situated Peacock Computer Systems where we took my HP laptop for a diagnosis. The charger has been plugged in but the device doesn’t charge up. The diagnosis is that it needs a battery transplant and is on the waiting list for a replacement.

After this we travelled back to Old Milton where we purchased a new dehumidifier to replace the old one which was crying in pain. It seemed sensible to detach it from its power source and buy an new one. We found one in The Home Appliance Centre, took it home, and went on a drive round the forest, where,

Forest road

the sun-streaked tarmac came hurtling towards us as Jackie drove between the trees.

There are many streams in the forest. The one that demanded my attention today was at Furze Hill near Fordingbridge.

Stream 2

The dappled sunlight increased its beauty;

Stream 1

the clear blue sky rippled in the breeze-stirred shallows;

Stream 3

Stream 8






the browns of pebbles and bed of the stream discoloured the impression of the clear water above them,

Stream 4Stream 7

blending with reflections of sky and greenery to produce pleasing abstract paintings.

Stream 10

We have had such a dry year that the water was quite shallow,

Stream 5Stream 6Stream 9

yet the scene was quite magical.

Sometimes serendipity plays a part in a blog post. So it was today. I had not realised the significance of this one of all the streams in the forest, until, further along the road, we came across this sign: Save Our Stream


Naturally I had to investigate. A barking dog alerted the people who lived behind the poster to my presence. There ensued a conversation about a five year battle by  to prevent  the filling in of a large stretch of land above Latchmore Brook. Apparently this will change the course of the water and cover an important archeological site. Otters which frequent the local stream will, it is believed, be driven away by pollution.

The views of these who wish to carry out the infill may be found at

We drove on to Latchmore and eventually lunched at the Hyde-Out cafe at Hyde, before a gentle trundle home. Many people were eating outside. At one point, a little boy aged about six made an impressive entrance and demanded: “Where’s the cake?”.


Before dinner, despite the paucity of clouds, we drove down to Barton on Sea to admire the pastel shades of the skyline at sunset.

Sunset and moon

The moon and walkers aided this composition.

We then dined on fish fingers, chips, and baked beans, followed by ice cream. Good nursery convalescence food.


  1. I hope the action to sav the stream works. All over the earth ou wterways are under threat at present. Saving them iis crucial.

  2. My eyes noted you are not quite 100% yet Derrick: ‘There are many stress in the forest. The one that demanded my attention today was at Furze Hill near Fordingbridge.’ That certainly made me pause and look ……. 🙂 There is magic there for sure. I hope there is a general uprising in aid of the survival of the stream and the life that depends on it. I’m totally in favour of wiping out state sanctioned vandalism!! And I’m also totally in favour of convalescence food!!

  3. Looking at the link showed me the problem. People who mess with the direction of streams are always going to do damage to the environment. I don’t think many fish will survive the depth of the stream in its present depth. We have a problem in the state of Wisconsin with the Department of Natural Resources. They are educated, but lacking common sense. Trying to bend nature to their desires has wrought a lot of problems.They reintroduced the Gray Wolf population which, I’m all for, but now the DNR has opened up Gray Wolf Hunting Season. What was the point? And, now all the old folklore begins again…

    1. Many thanks, Ginene. Sometimes, in so many walks of life, the ‘educated’ decision makers don’t have direct experience of what they are responsible for. Especially seen in my own former Social Work profession.

  4. I went kayaking today on our local river and, as with yours, it was so low that I could barely make it through the shallows. We also have some large algae blooms that are creating problems. Streams are like are our circulatory system. Got to keep them flowing.

  5. You’d never know looking at the peaceful stream and surroundings that the ecosystem is in danger. Thanfulky you were there with observant eyes. Glad to hear you’re on the mend.

  6. Beautiful photographs, Derrick. I’ve always loved the sight and sound of a stream…it’s so relaxing. Your description of the battery diagnosis made you sound like a medical professional. 🙂 Perhaps in another life?

  7. I’m glad you had restorative nursery food to help the recuperation. The photos today are full of dapply delight – lovely.

  8. You reminded me of my childhood with talk of a dehumidifier. We had one in our basement, and my mother used to empty the bucket full at least once a day. That was in Michigan. Now I live in Arizona, and we run humidifiers in every room, trying to moisten the dry dry dry dry dry air. I’m glad you’re starting to feel better. I too have been under the weather, with a chronic complaint, and hope to follow your example!

  9. Lovely impressionistic photos, Derrick.
    Hope your computer gets its transplant soon, the dehumidifier works well, and most importantly, the stream is saved.
    I’m glad you and Jackie felt well enough to go out and about.

  10. I enjoyed reading about areas we will be within reach of during a December visit to my daughter and family. The stream issue is a tricky one, but after looking at the arguments on both sides I find myself in favour of the project. The trench which has diverted the brook has an artificiality about it, and restoration to the natural meandering course seems a better option even if it creates a bit of a mess initially.

  11. It is a conspiracy. These Govt departments do all these stupid things as a way of testing if the people are awake. And as a way of giving bored people something to do. After all we elect them and they promise to do great things.

  12. I do hope this stream gets saved – for nature’s sake, and for the otters!
    Glad to hear you’re feeling better – how’s Jackie doing?

  13. I’m with Brenda and Cynthia. Save that stream! glad you and Jackie are feeling better. Hope the little boy got his cake 😉

  14. I took a photograph of the dusk yesterday with the same tones of color in the sky on my side of the world, with a small slivered, fingernail-shaped crescent moon. )
    So cool, Derrick.

  15. The stream does indeed look magical. Very beautifully portrayed. I just realised I had missed so many of your posts although I had read a few over email, not all the photographs had come through. Really breathtaking some of the newer posts that I had missed. Going around liking them physically now after having enjoyed them via email 🙂

      1. Most welcome Derrick. I have not had much time these weeks as we are rehearsing two plays, one that I am directing and one that I am acting in and directing

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