Throughout the garden we have plants, such as these bidens that enliven the front entrance, that have self-seeded from tubs and hanging baskets.

It was a dewy morning in the forest when we went for a drive.

On the outskirts of Wootton, through a break in the trees, we glimpsed a string of ponies making their way along a bank which turned out to be one side of a dug out car park. Naturally, in the interests of photography, Jackie drove us into it, performing the usual slalom around waterlogged pit-holes.

I ascended the steps and mingled with the ponies, one of whom had a bit of catching up to do.

The gorse bushes wore cobweb and dewdrop strings of pearls;

and moisture lay across the moors. Gulls were forced to share the terrain with crows, dogs and their owners,

whilst riders galloped horses in the distance.

Further on, there was evidence that someone had lost a pretty scarf wrapped around a tree.
This evening we dined on Jackie’s delicious beef stew and mashed potato, with which she drank Hoegaarden and I drank Gilbert & Gaillard Chateauneuf du Pape 2014. We deserved it because the iMac is still playing up, and I could only post these pictures by e-mailing them in medium size to myself and putting them into WordPress from the Windows laptop. I couldn’t load them directly onto the laptop because I had deleted them from the camera on uploading them to the Mac. Well, it had worked well yesterday.
I’ve said it before and I’ll continue to say – I love your countryside, your wildlife and all you and Jackie have done with the garden – what a life!!!
Many thanks, GP
I’m sorry to hear you’re still having technical difficulties, Derrick. We do appreciate your efforts in presenting us with these lovely daily posts. So beautiful!
Many thanks, Jill
Technical difficulties – pshaw and a pox on them I say!! My ISP went off-line yesterday for about 4 hours and I started going through withdrawals – what will happen to us when the great WWW collapses? I dread to think!! I love to see that you have volunteering plants popping up in your garden
Many thanks, Pauline. I guess we’d start reading books again
Love the ponies, they are such beautiful creatures. As for dogs and their owners, I always thought it was the other way around..
My Coco is quite disgusted! XD
Lovely pictures Derrick
Thank you, Miram
Such beautiful views Derrick.. Those ponies look so handsome.. And I love the misty morning that show up all of those spiders webs.. And nothing like a hearty beef stew these colder Autumn days
Many thanks, Sue. Our temperatures are still mostly in the low teens
Lovely photos. The one of the scarf would make for a good writing prompt.
It would, wouldn’t it, Oglach? Be my guest. Thank you.
Love the volunteer bidens….
Thank you, Cynthia. We see them every time we drive out. There are many at the back, too.
What a lovely drive! I love the picture of the scarf!
Thanks very much, Lynn
So happy that all worked out because these photographs are wonderful Derrick. The dewy morning drive photo’s are so beautiful, they looked like a painting and the ponies,well love them!
Thanks very much, Mary
Everything about it all is really LOVELY, as ever. Regards
Thanks very much, Harbans
My pleasure sir.
Don’t you always wonder whether the original owner gets the scarf or whatever back?
Absolutely, John. Thank you.
Sorry that you’re still having technical difficulties, but thank you for going through the effort to post these lovely photos. I love the juxtaposition of the ponies and the cars, the gossamer webs, and the scarf. Wonderful photos!
Many thanks, Merril
I’m with GP Cox. Beautiful countryside, beautiful gardens, even in fall.
Many thanks, Laurie
These scenes look location sites for movies, Derrick. Isn’t that clever that the biden pays you back for purchasing them in the first place by giving a second show of blooms?
Many thanks, Ginene. Two good comments
“Man and dog” has a timeless, intriguing quality
Thanks for noticing, Cynthia
Love these horse photos! Great captures, Derrick.
Thanks very much, Amy