Becky and Ian returned home at lunchtime. I spent the afternoon printing off a draft novel a friend has sent me, doing me the honour of seeking my opinion on the work.
We left the printer processing the last few pages and set off for Tanners Lane to witness the sunset.

Naturally we were obliged to take our time in the queue to the beach. Some of the ponies sported day-glo orange to make sure they were noticed.
While waiting for a clear path we observed the evening light on the Isle of Wight in the distance.

This glow lent lively colours to the beach and sea waters at high, lapping, tide; and, of course, the Island, The Needles, and the lighthouse.

One other photographer was abroad. Naturally we had a chat.

Eventually, the sun sank low enough for the Electric Light Show to begin.
Back home this evening, Jackie and I dined on her wonderful sausage casserole, mashed potato, and boiled carrots, cauliflower, and Brussels sprouts. I drank Mendoza Bodega Toneles malbec 2012.
Incredibly beautiful photos.
Thank you very much, Maria
Stunning pictures!~
Thanks very much, Bridget
Beautiful pictures, Derrick!
Many thanks, Sofia
I’ve always wanted to visit the Isle of Wight. Thanks for sharing!
Thank you, Cindy. Houses there are much cheaper than here on the mainland, because residents are dependent on the very expensive ferry
Seems you picked quite the romantic setting, Derrick. Jackie must have appreciated that.
Thanks very much, GP. We only discovered it, at the end of an apparently obscure dead end lane that ends up directly onto the beach, very recently
Absolutely beautiful photos of the sunset Derrick!
Many thanks, Terry
No words I have in my meagre armoury can possibly do justice to those pictures ….
I agree π
Thank you both
Very many thanks, Osyth
How fortunate you are to live so close to the beach. Magnificent photos, that sunset is beyond words …
Very many thanks, Miriam
Light and color like that – you did such a superb job btw – are what I would say life is really for and about – aside love – just incredible colors and I was staring at them and they made me feel wonderful and I wasn’t even there. Lovely. Thank you for sharing my friend.
Lovely comment, Candice. Thank you. X
Of course all of the photographs are beautiful, Derrick. My favorite, the photographer on the shore…the shot with the tree…stunning!
Thanks very much, Jill. I think I have already said that I like to read about favourites, but I’ll say it again
Another woderful day you shared with us.
Thanks very much, Kim
Thanks very much, Susan
Another series of glorious photography capturing the light in various shades
Thanks very much, Geetha. The skies just keep it up
You seem to be very fortunate in that region of the UK π
Those beach photos are absolutely stunning, Derrick!
Many thanks, Merril
Love the ponies, and the sunsets are a joy; but I’m getting pretty jack of bangers and mash, it seems to be coming the staple diet of the Knight family. and as a consequence me, ( I check in every morning to see whats for dinner ).
I could understand it in the late 1940’s when there wasn’t much choice but in the 21st century? Surely not! π π π
You ain’t seen nuffin’ like this bangers and mash. Firstly, the sausages, from farm shops often, have full meat content. Secondly, the recipe begins with Delia Smith’s bland version, as amended by me some years ago, now perfected by Jackie. Thanks, Brian
Looks good that recipe; one thing I noticed; if the sauce is too thick, add a little more red wine. If too thin take the lid off,
Why not drink a little more of the red wine instead? Hate to see it gong to waste!
Must admit I’m rather fond of a good casserole, never tried it with sausages though might have to give it a go.
Not this week though, my culinary delight may be another chicken & leek pie with creamy chopped spinach mash, cauli,carrots and snow peas.
That sounds good, Brian
Might even be tempted to take a leaf out of your book and take a picture or two and post it , but then again I probably wont; don’t want to be a plagiarist
Oh, go on, do
Is that a white horse? If it is, I get to say oskeewawa. I don’t know how to spell it. But when I was a kid if you spotted a white horse that’s what you said and you got a dime for it. It was introduced to the family by my grandmother’s brother-in-law, so the origins might be Swedish or faux-Native-American.
It is white – I am told the official term is grey. Thanks, Luanne
How did you find that?! And why would it be attached to a “white horse”? Yes, I’m pretty sure all those white horses were gray haha. But yours is so beautiful with gray mane and tail. Now I need to figure out what connection Uncle Al had with University of illinois!
I just googled it, Luanne
What spectacular November light. You captured it beautifully.
Many thanks, Brenda
Amazing photos! I love the one with the fence so much!
Many thanks, Lynn. We wouldn’t have spotted that if the ponies hadn’t held us up.
Everything happens for a reason!
The sunset images are incredibly beautiful! Love the horse capture. π
Many thanks, Amy
The sequence vividly expresses a place and time that the viewer can now be immersed & share. Very well done. π
Still can not get over the free roaming equines. π
Very many thanks, Joseph
Oh, I adore those sunset photos, particularly the first one. Gorgeous!
Thanks very much, Val