James, of Peacock Computers, returned today to set up the fibre optic broadband.

He began with his coat on, but soon discarded it. Naturally, I don’t fully understand the process. Actually, I don’t understand it at all. Lots of clicking of the mouse was involved. Various differently designed and coloured boxes appeared on the screen. Much scrolling up and down ensued. After lots of details and numbers were inserted, James got down on his knees. This was not to thank The Lord, but to read routers on the floor. Telephone calls were made with the service providers. A speed test revealed green and yellow blocks of colour showing download and upload speeds. The problematic upload speed is now five times that which it was before.
To ensure that the problem really was sorted, we uploaded the above photographs, beginning with this one of James.
Such is the monopoly of BT in this country that they supply all the phone lines, but are incapable of installing a fibre optic broadband more than 1 kilometre from the cabinet that contains the necessary equipment. That has to be done by another company who cannot supply the lines.
In the meantime, Jackie has made a start on decorating the Christmas tree.
We have often walked past Lymington Fish Bar on the way to Lal Qilla, but never before entered it. On a recent post featuring Lymington Quay, a reader named Rob spoke of how he had loved to eat their fish and chips whilst seated on the harbour wall. This was the prompt we needed. We dined there this evening on cod/haddock, chips, and onion rings. Jackie drank San Miguel and I drank a good Italian pino grigio. Food and service was excellent. A good recommendation, Rob.
The chips look soggy, but the tree looks lovely. 🙂
Lovely and crispy 🙂 Thanks
I just finished up some Korean bar-b-que ribs and now you show me this?!! I guess I’ll have to wait until tomorrow to have fish and chips! Glad you enjoyed your meal. Jackie, the start on the tree is lovely.
Many thanks, GP, from us both
What a lovely tree! And that dinner would do. Yum!!!
Many thanks, Leslie
Fish and chips – yum! The tree looks fabulous! 🎄
Thanks a lot, Persia
Glad it’s sorted Derrick – it has been a bit of a trial. Our phone and internet services became so much better and cheaper when the market place opened up……. The tree is looking pretty fab and good fish’n’chips is always a winner on a cold night – or even a warm one…….. 🙂
Very many thanks, Pauline
Oh dear, Derrick. What a headache. As technology advances, more and more we lose the ability to fix the tools we rely on. But glad it’s sorted now, and that fish and chips looks delish.
Many thanks, Cynthia
Hurrah! 🙂 Now I can see your images more easily again.
Aren’t computers and modern technology a pain. I had a company interstate fixing my ‘hacked’ computer and cleaning it for a few hours remotely some weeks ago. I could watch the cursor moving over the screen without me touching it which I found highly amusing. Not cheap though.
Cheaper to buy a new computer?
It’s the line that’s the problem, and BT have the monopoly
Thanks, Vicki. That taking over your screen is such a useful facility
sounds like a good day – computer probs fixed, holidays underway & a full belly 🙂
Not bad, eh? Thanks, Daal
I am always impressed how you let us join you in delighting in simple wonderfulness of each day, dear Derrick 🙂
I could almost taste that cod; beautiful, was/is my favourite; don’t get it here, nearest is New Zealand LIng which is of the cod family, and besides the smoked haddock from South Africa (only get smoked); is all I eat now. Fish from colder waters is much sweeter and more to my liking.
I did think young James was deep in prayer for guidance so why did you spoil it? For shame Derrick 👿
🙂 Thanks, Brian
Wow so glad you got things sorted out! What a gorgeous tree, please tell Jackie for me-lovely
I will. Thanks, Lynn
I’ve just looked at several fine photographs. I wish you a very merry Christmas and thank you for being you, Micheline
Very many thanks, Micheline. Good wishes reciprocated
Victory at last!!! Boy you sure had a more involved process than I did, but thank goodness it finally came through. That fish looks good and the tree is a beauty. I do like the blue and white.
Many thanks, Lisa
Tech issues give me a big headache. I’m happy James came to the rescue. He’s quite photogenic.
The tree is beautiful and the fish and chips look scrumptious, Derrick. Cheers!
Many thanks, Jill. He is, isn’t he?
I am always amazed at the strangers who will pose for Derrick. And he always does right by them – Lovely photo of a good sport.
Thanks, Jodie
Me too, Jodie! 🙂
Derrick, your Christmas tree looks like in a fairytale with that light 🙂
I wish you Happy Holidays!
xo <3
Thank you, Monica X
xo <3
Blimey! You don’t get many chips down south!
It depends where you go. Here is the evidence:
I wonder if James knew this installation would get him a star turn on your blog, Derrick? 🙂 I hope all is running smoothly now.
The tree is lovely, and the fish and chips look delicious!
Many thanks, Merril. He was happy to be on the blog, but had no idea he would be thee star turn
Now he’s famous. 🙂
We can’t get Finre optic at home in central London! You have my envy, Derrick!
Good grief. That is just not fair. Very best wishes to you and your family, Alex
Nice tree decorations! James sounds like a wizard. 🙂
Many thanks, JoAnna
Beautiful tree! Looks like some Maya blue going on there 😉 And those fish and chips look oh so good.
Many thanks, Laurie
I hope your internet works well now, it is so annoying when it does not. Great Christmas tree !
Thanks, Sylvie. It is working well
Derrick, Everyone complaining here constantly about the technology. Awful. Pain in the arse. Yesterday, I had to call a customer to say when I would be delivering their china cabinet. Land line didn’t work (?) and cell phone didn’t work.
I just hope that the problem is fixed permanently.
The angel on top of the tree is fabulous. She really looks like she has landed there.
Very many thanks, Ginene. I still think it is a wonder that the stuff works at all
Well done Peacock Computers 🙂 Peacocks do fly 😉
Thanks a lot, Inese
I enjoy good fish and chips, usually with malt vinegar and tartar sauce. The photo of the pretty and large Christmas tree was gorgeous!
So glad you had an expert over to lend his knowledge and assistance. Take care, Derrick.
Many thanks, Robin
Congratulations on getting things sorted – that must be a huge relief and one thing less to worry about over Christmas – fish and chips look yummy – funny how as we face the prospect of the Christmas spread fish and chips seems so appealing!
Many thanks, Geoff. It’s cur down on blogging time enormously 🙂