Howard Brown


Jackie is feeling much better than she was yesterday, but we are still an ailing household, except for Pauline’s ‘last woman standing’ in the form of Becky.

I scanned another dozen ‘Streets of London’ colour slides from July 2004.

For a number of years around the end of the last millennium, I performed a consultancy role at Portugal Prints, the Westminster Association of Mental Health project then situated in Portugal Street, WC2, but now in Arlington Street NW1. The building was then owned by the London School of Economics who eventually wanted it back.

The same must be true of that of the nursery across the road. This facility for student and staff parents has been established in order, ‘by offering flexible hours and half-day care, [to] help parents achieve a better work/life balance. And our central London location, in a quiet street between Covent Garden and Holborn stations and close to the LSE campus, means you can cut down on commuting time’. The quotation is taken from their website advertising the service now situated at Wild Street. Snow White, the Seven Dwarves, and cut-out teddy bears may or may not have moved with the children.

Sheffield Street WC2

The Nursery windows are also evident on the side of it’s building in Sheffield Street. Much information on St Clement Danes parish is contained in

Clare Market WC2

Clare Market WC2, where stands this LSE building, once provided many of the church’s parishioners. Naturally this particular Waterstone’s caters for those studying politics and economics.

Ossulston Street NW1

Walking back to Little Venice from Portugal Prints I could have taken Marylebone Road, passing Ossulston Street NW1 giving another view of the refurbishment of the St Pancras Renaissance Hotel and the British Library.

Old Marylebone Road NW1

Howard Brown was all the rage at this time. He was the star of the Halifax Bank advertisements that used the talents of their staff members to create a popular series. The following video is only just over two minutes long, but I defy you not to go on to the extracts in the next one. It is one of the many images of this charismatic gentleman that flies into Old Marylebone Road NW1.


(In answer to those  who are curious about what has happened to Howard, here is an article from the The Daily Mail:

Cato Street W1

Cato Street W1 lies between Brendon Street featured two days ago and

Molyneux Street W1

Molyneux Street. The address of the Duke of York, built on this corner in 1889, is actually 45 Harrowby Street.

Bryanston Mews West W1

Bryanston Mews West W1

Gloucester Place Mews W1

and Gloucester Place Mews W1 are others in this cluster of Marylebone streets. It is good to see the now old-fashioned sash windows in some of these Victorian terraces. These are designed to be opened at top and bottom so that cooler air can be attracted from the bottom and, when warmed up, exit from the top. So often they are replaced, resulting in ventilation and condensation problems.

The rebuilt Hinde Street Methodist Church ( dates from the 1880s.

This evening we dined on fish, chips, onion rings, and baked beans. Jackie and Ian shared a bottle of Amstel, while Becky and I drank Barcelino blanco 2015.


  1. I’m happy to hear you’re all beginning to feel better, even if you’re still ailing.
    I never heard of Howard Brown, but it’s interesting how popular he became.
    I like the Duke of York sign.

  2. in my first job in London in 1979 the senior partner lived in Bryanston mansions – very Richard Hanney. Haven’t been that way in ages.

      1. Ah, it looks as if the ‘Fickle Finger of Fate’ got to him. Otherwise known as new uni graduates coming in to the marketing team wanting to “make a difference”. They don’t say what the alternative job offer was – could have been a bank teller for all we know. Although I don’t think that position still exists in banking. Well let’s hope he rose above it and went on to further success elsewhere. And didn’t become another casualty of the financial downturn.

  3. I’m so happy to hear that Jackie is feeling better. Stay well, both of you! Fantastic walk, Derrick. Being Methodist myself, I especially enjoyed seeing and reading about Hinde Street Methodist Church.

  4. I know you don’t take part in the challenges but I thought of you as soon as I saw the subject for this week’s photo challenge is names. That’s just up your street (pause for groans).

  5. Glad you’re all starting to recover. Hope Becky is bearing up/ Is that picture the Cato Street where they had the conspiracy – I’m beginning to think they had the right idea…

  6. Go Becky!! Is Amstel a wine or a cough syrup? I’ve never heard of Howard Brown, I agree that now we need to know what happened to him – obviously world domination didn’t quite come off.

  7. I know I’ve said this before, but I so enjoy the fact that the UK preserves historical landmarks and the history behind them.

  8. I think it was quite clever of the pub owners to name their place Duke of York. I liked the whole composition and artwork best on this one.
    I think we have had some charismatic marketing names but this one about Howard Brown was interesting.
    Derrick, this was a fascinating collection including the multiple stories of the London Econ. and Poly-Sci. building and the quaint brick church with nursery.

  9. Though I remember the character (from posters, not TV, which I never saw at the time), I didn’t know the name Howard Brown. However, only last night (Jan. 8th) I heard a comedy programme which satirically deconstructed the various tropes of advertising (down to five basic types). One of them was to use the company’s employees to ‘sell’ the message of “we’re just like you guys” [consumers], and “we’re all one big happy family in this company” (“Denise, who works on our meat counter” was cited as a generic example of this). The template for this type, though, the very first one, was Howard Brown. Coincidence?

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