Forget-me-nots are now blooming throughout the garden, especially, like these, springing up through the paths.

Our resident robin began the day in the shrubbery before taking up his station and serenading us in the weeping birch.
We spent a sunny morning that began quite chilly, but managed to reach temperatures in double figures, driving around the forest.
The first stop was
Given the restrictions applied to activities there I can only assume that the numerous muddy, rutted, tracks leading to it had been made by thirsty ponies.

Lying off Pound Lane on the way to Ringwood, this pond, with its choppy wavelets slapping and bubbling against the banks, looked attractive enough,

although the surrounding moorland was pretty wet.

Cyclists were out in their numbers speeding across the moorland roads and the winding lanes. Some, in large groups, switched from single file to two and three abreast in what seemed a rather aggressive attempt to hold drivers back. At one point the third in a trio headed straight for Jackie who, not speeding anyway, had already slowed down.

I wondered whether the man in the red jacket had noticed the ponies to his left.

This spot is not far from Burley at which we arrived before most shops had opened. The village’s pair of geese patrolled the rather empty car park.
10 a.m. is the usual opening time. Magpie Antiques already welcomed visitors,
as had Burley Fudge which, after sampling the wares, Jackie patronised.
In the forecourt of the antiques shop stands an ice cream stall. This photograph is for Maximus Octavian who likes blue ice cream.
Honey Lane in Burley Street is as enticing as ever.

Horses in the corner field to the right of the entrance still wear their winter rugs.

At Bramshaw donkeys shared the task of cropping the grass verges with ponies of differing sizes.
Magnolias are blooming throughout the villages. This one near these animals is rather splendid.
We took a diversion around the bottleneck that is Lyndhurst during the holiday seasons.

Along Bolderwood Road I debarked and wandered among the trees, crunching on the dry leaves underfoot, admiring the long shadows, and examining the fallen trees and crumbling stumps.
This evening we dined on Jackie’s delicious lamb jalfrezi, special fried rice and vegetable samosas; followed by apple pie and custard. Jackie drank Hoegaarden and I finished the Beaujolais.
Were you joking when you said that the pond was attractive? It’s hard to read someone’s tone.
We have cyclist on our footpaths all the time so though I do not drive I find them menacing. Their excuse? There’s too much traffic on the road!
No, I wasn’t joking, Mary. We have the same problem with cyclists on the footpaths. Thanks very much.
There seems to be some kind of global movement among cyclists to impede cars. I can’t imagine why, it’s a bit like Don Quixote tilting at windmills – there will only ever be one victor!
The blue ice cream alarmed me – it’s a beautiful colour – but I would not put that chemically induced substance into my body!
I have it on good authority .. from a friend .. that it comes out green at the other end! 😀
Thanks a lot, Pauline. I’ve no idea how they make it.
I enjoyed the tour.
Thanks a lot, Sherry
Honey Lane is very enticing, Derrick. I’ve had one too many close calls with bicyclists riding on narrow, two lane roads in the dark without any reflectors. I suppose they’re ready to meet their maker. Pretty blue, but I bet that ice cream would permanently stain your tongue.
Many thanks, Jill. I don’t think Max would mind
Jill – I had both the same thoughts – about bikes out on the road AND the blue tongue.
I enjoyed all the colors here, Derrick.
Thanks a lot, Ann
Strangely enough, I just encountered some blue ice cream at the supermarket. It will probably appear in tomorrows blog.
Excellent 🙂
Having lived with geese for three years I can confirm there is nothing they like better than traffic control. Cyclists have absolutely nothing on them.
🙂 Many thanks, Jessica
Such splendid photos, Derrick. I liked the way you captured the cyclist in the foreground and the pony in the background. That magnolia is beautiful, and I liked the trees along Bolderwood Road, too. Some of them look quite old. Honeyland is enticing–as are the treats in the shops!
Very many thanks, Merril
*Honey Lane. 🙂
Yep. Thanks a lot, Merril
Wonderful photos as always, Derrick. Thank you for the mention of Max 💙. He sure would appreciate some blue ice cream! 😀
Thank you, Persia. I couldn’t not but think of him. Fancy a trip to the New Forest?
Oooh! Quite possibly! 😊
You are on. We have plenty of room.
Aww, thanks Derrick ❤
It would be a pleasure for us both
Cyclists seem the same the world over; I find them the most selfish, arrogant, of road users. I do believe that they should pay for a registration system, and third party insurance; they are the cause of many accidents, I’m convinced, but they get off Scot free, and are never held responsible for any accident, or injury, which they cause.
Over a period of 25 years, I drove the streets of Sydney to the tune of 2,000,000+ km, thats right over 2 million kilometres, and it that time the only cause for concern that I had, was from the lack of care and responsibility from cyclists.
I much prefer pictures of the ponies, or the geese, than the cyclists, so if you will keep that in mind, I’d be most grateful.
🙂 Thanks a lot, Brian
Blue, blue, my ice cream is blue
Blue is my ice cream since I’m without you
🙂 Thanks for that, Bruce
The chestnut horse with his coat on is a lovely photograph.
Thanks very much, John. I’m glad you think so, because I think it is one of my best ever.
I simply love your strolls and Jackie and your traveling days. With the pictures, we get to walk and ride along with you. You know I adore the ponies! I sure hope Max enjoys the blue ice cream. [what flavor is that – blueberry?]
Very many thanks, GP. I didn’t think to ask what flavour the ice cream was. 🙂
Your robins are much prettier than ours, Derrick. I love that photo of the brick house and the magnolia.
Many thanks, Jodie
I thought to myself that Jackie probably was bothered by the trash can on the magnolia house photo. lol
She wouldn’t mind cos it’s not hers 🙂
Ahh- I get that. Other people’s messes.
I’ve been told the robins here in the US are really thrushes
Oh, that’s interesting!
The blue ice cream would scare me, but the rest of it…bring it on, 🙂
🙂 Many thanks, Bridget
Forget-me-nots! My favourite-
It still astounds me how early your spring it. It is spring here, but no green yet. Just lots of rain to get the grass green soon.
There’s nothing like a walk past magnolia’s, thanks as always for sharing your photos.
Many thanks, Pleasant
Great, now I want some fudge! lol
Thanks, Jason
Love this! I want to walk those streets and go to the shops! It sure does look wet!
Thanks very much, Lynn. Lovely day, though
Yes it looks like one
I run into large groups of cyclists during the weekend, so I rather take a long walk in various trails.
Lovely Robin captures. 🙂
Thanks a lot, Amy
As you can tell by my comments on several photos, I really enjoyed this post
Very many thanks, Laurie. Much appreciated
The blue dye in the ice cream looks exactly like the one they use for those horrid blue-dyed supermarket orchids.
Oh dear. Thanks a lot, Brenda
Fudge, ice cream, antiques, jalfrezi and apple pie. Further comment is not necessary…
🙂 Thanks a lot, Quercus
Much as I am smitten with the robin and overjoyed with the geese (ongoing conversation with spouse as to whether I can have some guard-geese …. he, reluctant, me, enthusiastic) the fudge has it for me … I am suddenly weak with longing for REAL fudge
🙂 Fun comments, Osyth. Thanks
You guys had a great drive – the country road is my favorite with the white horse.
Thanks a lot, Mary. You are not alone in your preference.
That antiques shop just becomes me inside… This time I’m a bit partial to the ice cream shot! I don’t eat it as lactose and I are not on happy terms, but I still can admire its temptation-worthy appearance.
(Are you near New Forest? I have been strolling about many areas of UK lately via watching “Escape to the Country” real estate series as I enjoy several house viewing/hunting shows for relaxation. Such pretty country, villages and houses!)
We are right on the edge of the New Forest, between New Milton and Milford on Sea. Thank you, Cynthia
Honey Lane is a place I want to walk, on a day just like the one you captured. How lovely.
Thanks a lot, Crystal. It is lovely, but impossible to drive down without a 4 x 4. Jackie has to park at the top when I wander down it.
It is good of her to do so. 😉