Today, Jackie did a massive shop and I shifted a little more compost.
Fluttering about the garden is what I think is, despite its yellow colouring, an Orange tip butterfly which stubbornly refuses to stop and pose. Instead this one held a mask of Honesty.
This dwarf azalea is one that I brought from Sutherland Place when I left there in 2009. It had been part of the contents of a filled pot given to me when I stopped working with Parents for Children a couple of years earlier.
Most of our bluebells ring Spanish tunes. Here a clump separates a pair of heucheras.
These forget-me-nots have taken over one of the paths leading from the Rose Garden. We cannot bear to pull them up until they have flowered, so I guess we will continue to go the long way round to the orange shed.
Jackie’s new Big Beast Barrier has withstood the nocturnal marauder for at least one night. My original round peg has been staked in position and placed alongside one of the concrete blocks I dug out of this plot three years ago. The poles in the foreground are part of an obelisk which held up a clematis that appears to have died, having, according to Jackie, been subjected to the intruder’s urine. She is hoping to preserve the cyclamen from a similar fate.
Father Christmas left a bottle of Spice ‘n’ Easy fresh red chilli sauce in Jackie’s stocking. She found it a little too hot. She thought that sloshing a fair amount of it into tonight’s chilli con carne with savoury rice, might be a good way of eventually dispensing with it. I loved it. The Culinary Queen managed it. I drank Trivento Malbec reserva 2016. This could possibly have helped Jackie cool her meal, but she didn’t fancy it.
Those forget-me-nots are too beautiful to pull.
True, Laurie. Thanks a lot
Oh, so true! Totally worth walking the long way around.
Wonderful shots Derrick! Thanks for sharing!
Hi, Jarrod. Sorry for the late response. I just found your comment in the trash. Many thanks.
It’s a heffalump coming through the hole in the fence – for no heffalumps are ever caught and indeed they are rarely seen. Just regularly leave a pot of honey and all will be well.
We could try that, Bruce. Thanks a lot
Heffalumps and woozles – what was that from? Winnie – the – Pooh?
Yes – the heffalump (looks like an elephant) kept coming into Pooh’s dream and eating the honey.
The honey was the giveaway
Yes! Yes! I remember now. This is memory from my own childhood – not something my kids ever watched, for whatever reason. I remember the spooky song, now, too.
Orange Tips are really difficult to photograph – the best I’ve ever managed is a picture of a flower an Orange Tip just left.
Talk of urine a chillis reminds me that you can put intruders off with various techniques. As luck would have it I am in a position to supply Liquid Personal Waste (as Bob Flowerdew calls it) ready bagged if you need any.
They also suggest Peppermint Oil.
Thanks for the offer, Quercus, but no thanks
I’ve actually never seen an Orange tip before. We’ve had at least one for a couple of days now and that’s the nearest I’ve got.
The females don’t have orange tips so you’re starting 50% down.
That’s so interesting that a certain kind of butterfly is known to be difficult to photograph!
I find small whites the same. They just won’t keep still
I’ll have to start paying better attention to my butterflies’ personalities. I know for sure that different types of birds have different personalities, I just (stupidly) never extended that thinking to butterflies.
Some bask, others flit. Some close their wings, others open them. That’s why I have so many shots of some and none of others. -)
I feel bad that I had missed this aspect of nature. Glad to know I need to pay more attention. Thank you.
You and me, both, Jodie.
The effort and work you invest show off well, Derrick.

Happy Easter to both of you
wishing you relaxing holidays,
The Fab Four
Many thanks, all of you. Happy Easter to you, too
Your garden is so beautiful. Of course, I know all the work you and Jackie put into it.
The hot red chili sauce sounds good to me.
Thanks very much, Merril. The sauce is great.
Me too – the spicier the better. When my eyelids start to sweat I add a little more.
Sounds about right.
I am particularly fond of forget-me-nots and really I have no idea why. They look so pretty spread out over your pathway but you can pretty much guarantee that should they seed they will be there forever! If you want rid of them, I could send Orlando over for Easter – he would take care of all forget-me-not seeds in no time. He is very good at gathering them up with his tail and underbelly and bringing them home for me to harvest. I have spent hours of my life combing out the sticky little blighters……….
The forget-me-nots are exquisitely beautiful. They are living up to their name…
Many thanks, Maniparna
That is some serious blockage!
These are fabulous Derrick.. I did a bit of compost moving of my own today too.. LOL.
Your bluebells are far more forward than my own.. Still in tight bud on short stems right now..
The forget-me-not though is out.. And I brought it from my Dad’s garden.. I had thought I had lost it last year as it didn’t appear, only in a small clump.. But this year its taken over.. So I am happy ..
The azalea looks a lovely blend of colours.. and again far in advance of ours further up ‘North’ lol..
I have had a lovely week preparing veggie beds.. Tired, but fulfilled..
Have a beautiful week.. And your chilli con carne sounded just the thing to use up that spicy sauce..
Have a wonderful Easter both of you Derrick.. Love and Blessings
Sue xxx <3
Many thanks, Sue. Easter wishes reciprocated. X
Your beast is fascinating for those of us not battling to keep the garden going..
If this beast barrier fails, how about a similar set up on the other side of the fence in addition to this one?
I just saw a very fat groundhog in the back treeline – so I am plotting here, as well.
Worth investigating, Jodie. Thanks a lot.
: )
Which sort of beasts are creating havoc?…I must have missed a segment. I love the forget-me-nots and am glad they remain for now.
I think it’s a badger; Jackie thinks it’s a fox. It has ripped holes in the bottom of the fence. Thanks, Cynthia.
Oh, dear, pesky wildlife…best of luck!
Yes, please go the long way, Derrick. The forget-me-nots are too pretty to pull out.
Thanks a lot, Jill
I like the butterfly which may have yellow on it but is an orange tip butterfly. This is how I view some purple butterflies which official butterfly aficionados call “blue.” Derrick, I loved the bluebells taking over and you and the Gardener forced to wait out the blossoms before riffing the path of them.

Thanks very much, Robin
“Riffing” was meant to be weeded or ripped out path of forget me nots. . .
Glad you took this and loved the other pretty floral offerings, Derrick.
Everyone loves the Forget-Me-Nots and perhaps so because everyone seems to love blue which is probably the least numerous color in a garden. I opened up a jar of my brother-in-laws salsa tonight, thinking it would help clear out my stuffed up head.
I hope your head is clearer now, Ginene. Thanks a lot
I have a feeling all those azaleas and forget-me-nots know the mystery of the big beast—they seem to be beaming with some knowledge. Could it be the fellow is a shape shifter and his favourite avatar is an orange-tipped butterfly?
Nicely imagined, Uma. Thanks very much.
Forget-me-nots can be very intrusive, can’t they? Our hellebores started to bloom in early March, say too soon, because of the unusually mild weather we were having. Then we got smacked with 27 inches of snow (x 2.54 cm) and unseasonably cold temps. Lo & behold, they seem to have survived. Daffodils and jonquil are out but we’re still in waiting for break colors.
That is some snow, Steve. I’m glad the hellebores survived. Thank you.
Yes, March can produce some of our worse weather and biggest snow storms, sometimes ice. Jut when you’re hoping for a change to nicer weather, WHAMMO, à nor’easter tells us that winter isn’t quite over.
Wonderful walk through your garden Derrick – you guys have amazingly healthy gardens. My Texas yard/gardens could take a lesson or two from you.
Thanks, Mary. I guess it’s our temperate climate and southern location