Today was largely overcast, but it brightened up a little in Brockenhurst.
We spent the morning mostly tidying and composting the Oval and Elizabeth’s Beds. Jackie continued with this work after we went for a drive this afternoon. I can report that there has been no evidence of Big Beast activity for 48 hours.

Many of the verges in Sandy Down seem to have been tended by the residents. Particularly attractive was that outside Cranford Cottage, where cultivated rhododendrons grow alongside gorse.

Cattle were out in force on the verges and in the woods of Brockenhurst. The mottled black group, perhaps jealous of the attention given to the Highland creatures, wandered into the road to claim their own share.

I became a bovine expert when I explained to a number of visitors that these were Highland Cattle rather a long way from their natural environment.
Venturing into the woodland in order to photograph one particular grazer, I discovered an inviting fern-bound stream, alongside which

my quarry chomped on grass and other undergrowth.

Further along the road a pair of ponies performed their own interpretation of Oscar Wilde’s aphorism. What they were doing was acceptable as long as they didn’t frighten the humans.
This evening we dined on chicken casserole, sage and onion stuffing, roast potatoes, Yorkshire pudding, carrots, Brussels sprouts, and runner beans. I drank more of the shiraz.
Thought the frightening the humans idea was cute – they should put up a sign to that effect?
Thanks a lot, GP
The fern bound stream looks magical!
Doesn’t it, Pauline. Many thanks
Magical indeed.
Our large road visitors, are deer, moose, and bears. 😀 The moose & deer will have direct encounters with vehicles. The moose may not survive the encounters, but then neither do the vehicles. I would imagine the same result with the cattle, though such encounters are far less likely. 🙂
Thanks, Joseph. I think you are right about the cattle. The ponies are probably more likely to be hit, and give as good as they get
Hi, I’ve just mentioned you in my new post:
Hope you like it!
You should frame the photo of the fern bound stream, Derrick. It’s beautiful.
Thanks very much, Jill. That one has gone down well.
The cow (bull?) in the lower left shot has a mean looking eye. Probably a pussycat, though!
Thanks very much, Diane. I don’t investigate the sex of these creatures too closely 🙂
Love the coos, naughty bits and beautiful stream Derrick 💛
Very many thanks, Val
I can only suspect about the particular aphorism of Wilde you have on your mind, but I can tell you this: on the stage that New Forest is, the play is splendidly cast. I see the Big Beast is lurking at the back of the minds of the Gardener-in-Chief and the Chronicler, including this little serf peeping in your arbour.
Very many thanks, Uma
I would have to note that there are a large number of Big beast activities happening all over your neighborhoods, Derrick–despite the seeming quietness of your own BB at home!
Splendid photos of the animals in your area of the world. It’s rather amazing and wonderful to me to see them (in your photos) just wandering about. We see farms with dairy cows and horses around here, but not wandering about. There are deer, though they too often end up being hit by cars.
The fern-bound stream is magical. I like how you caught the glimmering reflections in the water.
Very many thanks, Merril
The stream looks so peaceful…. and beautiful as well… 🙂
Thanks very much, Maniparna. That is a popular image.
That stream is a wonderful picture. Highland cows always look good, though they are a long way from home.
Thanks very much, Quercus. That picture has been well received.
It is a magical shot.
The horns 🙂 the stream looks so inviting 🙂
Thanks a lot, Lakshmi. Both the horns and the stream are impressive – in different ways.
The images are so uplifting
Many thanks, Purva
Can never get bored looking at your photographs of all those beautiful animals walking free.
Keep up the good work.
Thanks a lot, Brian