Back Drive Progress


We spent the morning of another dull, overcast, day continuing the general tidying of the garden.

Many new aquilegias are fully or partially blooming.

Over the last few days Jackie has been fine-tuning my weeding of the back drive. In addition to digging up a few more invading brambles, most of my work this morning was transferring the Head Gardener’s piles of weeds to the compost heap. We just need to apply an herbicidal spray to the gravel and the job will be done.

More irises;

Geraniums Johnson's Blue

geraniums like these Johnson’s Blue from Gloucestershire’s Hidcote Gardens;

and hostas, heucheras, alliums and bluebells are some of the plants that line these borders. We thin out the profuse alliums every year.

This afternoon we voted at the local County Council elections where we were informed that the turnout was looking like 20-30%, which was about average. I ask you.

This took place at Milford on Sea church hall. Jackie then drove us to the clifftop where

we thought the pink thrift, despite the gloom of the day, was looking quite colourful against  the grey water reflecting the slate sky.

Pigeon on clifftop

A small pigeon had come to contemplate the calm sea,

Walkers on beach

and a few walkers wandered along the beach below.

The caged structure to our left of the pigeon is intended to keep the public away from the crumbling cliff edge.

This evening we dined at Lal Quilla in Lymington. The welcome, the service, and the food, were as good as ever. My choice was lamb dansak with special fried rice; Jackie’s was prawn and mushroom biriani; we shared a plain naan, and both drank Kingfisher.


  1. Lovely photos Derrick.. Love hostas, and so do the slugs and snails.. I used to have one then I moved it and it didnt like where I put it and so its no more.. Sadly..

  2. You will have the prettiest driveway, I’m sure 🙂 Love ‘the pink thrift’ on the cliff.

    Voting is compulsory here; at our last election the majority (not me) voted for a lier and a cheat: she said she had an MBA – she doesn’t; she said she lived in this electorate for more than ten years – she didn’t; she said she voted for John Howard (an ex PM who was voted out of his own electorate) the first time she voted – she didn’t. She was exposed but was voted in anyway – I ask you.

    1. Thanks a lot Mary. Especially for repeating my phrase 🙂 Politics stinks – maybe that’s why people stay away when they have a choice

  3. Despite the criticisms we all share of politics, I am still an avid supporter of compulsory voting as we have in Australia. I find it strange to laud the praises of democracy when only a small proportion of the population have elected the leader and the rest have stayed mute. People of the free world should stand and be counted! (I am practicing for my next job as speech writer for an untrustworthy politician). The garden is looking divine, by the way 😀

    1. Very many thanks, Gwen. Your speech in favour of compulsory voting is powerful. How is it policed? What are the penalties for not complying?

      1. Okey Dokey. Well (1) When you turn 18 you are supposed to enrol to vote. Not everyone appreciates what a privilege this is, so they don’t all do it. I come from the era when the voting age was 21 and 19 year old Australian boys were sent to fight in Vietnam. I tell everyone of that age to get in and start to learn the system. (2) So – no great penalty if you fail to enrol at that point, but the voting commission does lots of reminding people when it is coming time for a vote, and eventually they will catch up with you and send you a reminder letter. (3) Once you are on the electoral roll and a vote comes around, you attend a polling place and get your name crossed off the roll. (3a) There is a penalty fine for failure to vote, but it is a token amount (3b) there is no law against spoiling or invalidating your vote – what we call, casting a “donkey vote”.
        You get the idea that by this stage there is a lot of peer pressure on you to get with the system?
        …….. Generally speaking, the 18 year-olds of today are not as mature or politically active as their 1970 counterparts (in Australia, it is quite different in Europe and the Middle East). Partially due to our affluent lifestyle – even in the poorer districts – and helicopter parenting, but also, importantly, they have never looked down the barrel of a gun – literally. And many of the pressing women’s issues now have a solution that is taken for granted in society. So it is no great loss if some of that age group choose not to vote. By twenty-one however, in my opinion, they should all be out there having their say. In fact, again, only my opinion, but the votes of this younger contingent are amongst THE most important. It is at this age that we are the most impassioned, the most convinced that we can change the world, and perhaps . . . the most pre-prepared to carry out that aim in the next ten to twenty years. How cruel is it that older persons can determine the fate of their grandchildren through the voting system? The won’t be around to see the outcome of their potentially flawed decisions. In fact, perhaps there is a case for denying anyone over 85 the vote? How’s that for a controversial take on the debate?

        1. I would expect no less, Gwen. An excellent analysis. Jackie recounts that when she was not yet 21, canvassers came to our door. She with three children (including stepson Michael and our two babies) explained that she was too young to vote. The canvassers fled.

  4. Derrick, fortunately I have some time to check out your posts since last weekend. 🙂
    The pink thrift flowers against the gray, rather gloomy day really brightened my evening.
    The elections here in May were for school levies and the local councils. No real surprises. Our small town is Republican, while my family is independent and some are Democrat. We get disappointed but have a fairly good turnout at our elections. I will check the numbers out and get back to you. 🙂
    I admire all of both Jackie’s and your gardening chores since I have given up this responsibility for the past ten years now.

  5. “This took place at Milford on Sea church hall. Jackie then drove us to the clifftop where….”

    This finished at the bottom of my screen and I thought the rest of the sentence was going to be
    “I was invited to jump off”.
    No excitement in my life 🙁 👿
    I’m with Garrulous Gwen I’m all for ‘compulsory’ voting!

  6. I love the pink thrift against the sea, and I thank Mary for the link about them.

    It’s also interesting to find out about compulsory voting. The voter turnout for local elections is probably lower than what you mentioned, unless there is a particularly contentious issue being voted on. The turnout for the last presidential election was about 58 percent, lower than the previous one.

  7. The flowers, especially the irises, are balm for the soul. As for elections…don’t get me started. In the U.S. it feels like we are in the middle of a nightmare. Yesterday, lawmakers cheered as they voted to strip health care for millions of people. It blows my mind!

  8. ‘Pink Thrift’ is a new one for me too, and thank you and your reader Mary for the link. I will look for it on the Oregon coast next time we are there. It probably grows in some garden there.

    Beautiful spring photos! We are coming into iris season here too. Our Dutch iris have emerged first.

  9. I’m wondering how often do you guys weed the back drive, it’s a demanding area – the results though are really beautiful. Love those Irises wonderful brilliant color and form.

  10. I remember the posts you did when you first started your back drive project. It looks so beautiful now, what a progress, Derrick. Thank you for sharing. 🙂

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