Most of the beds in the garden are threaded with stepping stones placed for access. They have become rather overgrown. This morning I began opening them out, starting with

this one leading off the Dead End Path. You should be able to distinguish between the before and after photographs. There is, incidentally, no view of the garden that doesn’t include the smelly white alliums. They bring early delight to the beds, but need an enormous amount of thinning out. Not only does each plant grow on a bulb, but each single bell on the flowers contains another bulb which it drops onto the soil. Each of these grows a new allium the following year.
Regular readers will know that The Head Gardener can never resist an owl. This morning she excelled herself by buying this one with an owlet in a jumble sale.
Elizabeth came to lunch and stayed on for dinner.
Jackie drove us to Milford on Sea where Peter, at Sears Barbers gave me an excellent haircut which is visibly reflected here.
Wikipedia has this to say about the traditional red and white striped barber’s pole: ‘The red and white pole outside barber shops references a time when barbers were expected to perform bloodletting and other medical procedures to heal the sick; red represented blood and white represented bandages. “Barber surgeons” in Rome also performed teeth extraction, cupping, leeching, bloodletting, surgery and enemas. However, today’s barber poles represent little more than being a barber shop that cuts hair and does shaves.[10] Barber poles have actually become a topic of controversy in the hairstyling business. In some states, such as Michigan in March 2012, legislation has emerged proposing that barber poles should only be permitted outside barbershops, but not traditional beauty salons. Barbers and cosmetologists have engaged in several legal battles claiming the right to use the barber pole symbol to indicate to potential customers that the business offers haircutting services. Barbers claim that they are entitled to exclusive rights to use the barber pole because of the tradition tied to the craft, whereas cosmetologists argue that they are equally capable of cutting men’s hair too (though many cosmetologists are not permitted to use razors, depending on their state’s laws).’
A couple of doors away from the barber’s is situated Polly’s Pantry Tea Rooms, first featured in ‘Portrait of a Village’ a couple of years ago.

Here are some of the home-made cakes on display.
Jackie and Elizabeth enjoyed cakes, tea, and coffee served by the delightfully friendly Julie, while they waited in this establishment for my shorn appearance. I joined them with a pot of tea. As I sat facing the window I observed a number of passing visitors examining the cakes. It seemed to me that this would make a good photograph. However I had no wish to deter prospective customers by shoving a camera in their faces. Yet I did have a couple of available models.

I sent them outside to pose.
Earlier, two little boys, noses pinned to the cabinet, had come in to choose ice creams.
As my two ladies came back inside the shop, they reprised the youngsters’ pose.
After this Jackie drove us on to Keyhaven, where the wreck has developed a lurch.
As I watched a mallard fishing, a gull homed in on it.
The duck sped off. Fortunately the gull gave up the chase.
This evening we dined on Jackie’s scrumptious cottage pie, runner beans, and carrots and Brussels sprouts cooked to such perfection that all the flavour was retained. Chocolate eclairs, cream slices and Madagascan vanilla cheesecake were the desserts from which to make a selection. Elizabeth and I drank Vacqeyras Côtes du Rhône 2015.
After a session of reminiscences Elizabeth returned home to West End.
The cosmetologists are up the pole; it’s a barber’s pole! I don’t even like to see a barber’s pole outside a “hairdressers”. Perhaps we could take a poll!
This one, Bruce? [youtube
Cute! And I want one of those rings!
Barber’s poles and barbers go together. Put a pole in front of another establishment and I think it sends the wrong message.
Yes, certainly, according to Wikipedia, Peggy. Thanks very much.
I vote with the barbers.
Thanks a lot, Mary
Love the noses against glass photos.
Thanks very much, Mary. Jackie had seen the boy and decided to do the same thing.
Loved that whole thing. Super cute.
What a delightful and delicious looking post, Derrick. (More alliteration for you.) 🙂
The photo at the top (and repeated later) made me laugh. I really like the photos of the duck and the gull.
Many thanks, Merril
That is an interesting history of the barber’s pole. A beautiful day out by the sea!
Many thanks, Lavinia
Interesting Barber Pole History, Derrick. I’m just thinking what advertising might have looked like back then…”Free Enema Fridays” with a haircut, maybe?
🙂 Many thanks, Donna
Love these photos!!!
Thanks a lot, Lynn
Love the posed photos – I gave a gurgle of delight on seeing the header 🙂 I enjoyed the history and current political update on barber poles. Obviously if the debate was taken to the people the barbers would have sole rights!
Great comments, Pauline. Thank you.
Excellent find by Jackie. I love owls too! Wonderful capture of the excited boys waiting for their cones. The expression on the fella to the right is priceless!
🙂 Certainly is, Jill. Thanks
What a lovely way to spend the day and those photos are great Derrick!
Thanks very much, Arlene
What a great day and some good eating too. I do love the banner picture!
Many thanks, Lisa.
Enjoyed the ‘Useless Info” section, I assume ( i was once told/taught “never assume” ) it was because you had your hair trimmed,
I get exhausted just reading about the work in the garden, have you ever thought of the advantages of ripping it all out, pouring concrete, and painting it green?
You could add a few pot plants and stuffed owls and sit back and enjoy more Vacqeyras Côtes du Rhône 2015, or a beer!
Thanks a lot, Brian. What a sensible man you are 🙂
I’d like to think you’re not pulling my leg 😈
Be under no illusions, Brian. 🙂 Jackie, however, is delighted with your response
Yes, frequently!!
I’m indeed privileged, to receive a reply from the exalted one
I LOVE when Jackie pops in, too. The exalted one. lol
Loved this post. My preferred photograph is the one of Jackie and Elizabeth replicating the pose of the young urchins 😀
Thanks a lot, Geetha. That was so spontaneous
Welcome. Those are often the best. The joy of the moment, I guess coupled with the keen eye of a good photographer.
To me that barber pole means a barber shop with traditional barbers – nothing more nothing less.
Glad the mallard took off – he would have lost the fight with a gull.
Thanks a lot, GP
Good to read the barber pole history. The mallard fishing, fabulous shot!
That really was a stroke of luck, Amy. Thank you.
Those little ones are cute as could be, great natural shot Derrick. Love the whole desert break – the cakes have my name all over them! Good for Jackie – looking forward to seeing where she places her new Owl find.
Many thanks, Mary
I am so very excited, Derrick! It is Saturday and other than afternoon and evening plans, I get to blog to my heart’s content. (Which means reading others and commenting!)
The cakes on the glass shelves look delicious and the shots with the lighting were enchanting. The children were precious and grown women equally enjoyable! 🙂 🙂
I love birds and used to have at least 50 robin figurines. I kept a Hummel, Lenox, handpainted ceramic one my Mom asked a friend to make for my 21st birthday and a few which had baby robin birds with a mother. I love (Love!) all the owls Jackie has carefully and thoughtfully placed over the two years I have been visiting your posts, Derrick. This one with the “baby owlet,” was my very favorite! Please let Jackie know I admire her placements but don’t often mention it.
I wish I had known you both back in 2006, I would have gladly given and shipped my robin birds, lifelong collection, rather than send them off for a quarter or dollar each at a garage sale. I also had lovely roosters and hens which were rather large on a shelf above my kitchen cabinets. My elderly friend, Sarge, had given me several beautiful ones that could have been delightful in a garden. . .
Of course, you may let out a big sigh of relief! Since, having so many birds would have possibly cluttered up your beautifully presented gardens and paths. Hahaha. 😀
We would have loved your birds, Robin. The wish is much appreciated, as is the rest of this comment
You’re welcome but of course, had I not gone through divorce and job upheaval I may never have blogged. I am very happy to have intertwined with many people’s lives here. So glad we are friends.
Thank you for saying you would have loved my birds!
We are both glad of your friendship too, Robin
Your models take their work very seriously. They did a superb job.
Didn’t they, just, Susanne? Many thanks
You have hair to cut, then you have a choice of dessert. You must have been very good in a previous life.
I just know that if this had been my day I’d have ended up with the enema.
🙂 Lovely comment, Quercus.
lol – literally
me, too
It’s official: the happiness that a freezer of ice cream choices brings is ageless – perfectly evindence by your wonderful photos, Derrick!
So it is, Emma. 🙂 Thanks very much
I love that Jackie has her nose pressed against the glass of the case!
🙂 Thanks very much, Liz
You’re welcome, Derrick.