The Fountains of Bergerac

It hadn’t been a good idea to sit up half the night watching the general election which resulted in a hung Parliament. Not when I had to make a start on putting together accounts information for my accountant. Not when we received a surprise visit from a prospective buyer for the house next door to discuss a boundary issue. Not when I had to deal with correspondence and phone conversations on that subject with the seller’s solicitor. Not when I was engaged in on-line communications of various other natures including reading and responding to followers’ comments. Not when all these activities were being juggled together.

I was beginning to wonder how I was going to summon the energy for photography when Sam came to the rescue.

When my son and his family left us in Portsmouth a couple of days ago they were en route to France where they spent the night in Caen and visited the Bayeux tapestry before going on to Sigoules to our house in that village. Because of the early morning trip to Southampton Hospital we managed to send them off without the keys. This necessitated my having to arrange for the estate agent out there to provide Sam with a set of keys, and to contain my anxiety until the handover had been accomplished. That had also interfered with my sleep the night before the election.

This morning the family explored Bergerac where the children enjoyed the fountains.

Malachi, Orlaith and friend

This one, where Malachi and Orlaith soon engaged with a little friend, is in the medieval Old Town. I have myself enjoyed many an ice-cream from the kiosk opposite while seated on that little wall.

Malachi and Orlaith 1Malachi and Orlaith 2Malachi and Orlaith 3Malachi and Orlaith 4

These further fountains must have been installed in the newer environs some time after my last visit.

In e-mailing these images, Sam had unwittingly saved my bacon. Given that Malachi’s new raincoat was also left behind in Downton it is just as well that they are clearly enjoying good weather.

This evening we dined on Jackie’s excellent beef casserole, new potatoes, carrots, green beans, and cauliflower cheese.


  1. Some days it does seem that troubles come in groups.

    The photos from Sam are uplifting, and your dinner sounds quite tasty! Wishing you and Jackie a pleasant evening and a better day tomorrow.

  2. The children’s joy in water play brought a smile to my face. Thank you, Derrick (and Sam).
    I didn’t know, or I didn’t remember that you had a house in France.
    I hope you get more sleep and have a better day tomorrow.
    (I wish our political system allowed for a no-confidence vote in the government.)

  3. Posting photographs takes more time and energy than writing sometimes; we know that. Glad you survived the day’s demands. The children’s delight is infectious and brightened this cold, wet morning in Sydney where we are finally getting some rain.

    It seems you are as fed up with your government as we are.

      1. Derrick – I am so disenchanted with the people who we have chosen to govern us. I just have no idea who my countrymen are. Who ARE you people??

  4. I’ve always marvelled at how much you accomplish in one day. It was those darned politicians who brought you to your limit! But some hope on the horizon for the abandoned house?

    1. Yes. The man is straight and honest, which is more than can be said for the sellers, and is buying the house for his daughter. There is no doubt that the boundary has been messed about by previous owners, but we will find a resolution. Thanks a lot, Gwen

  5. You make me nostalgic about my childhood. Who cheated me out of those days of boundless joy and abandon so quickly? Niggles like those can rob your peace at times. I am glad Orlaith and Malachi warmed the cockles of your heart. Trust me, they warmed mine too.

  6. Bon courage for the next few months (years,weeks , who knows?, British politics has been so surprising in the last year! )

  7. Oh, those children. Joy, joy, happy, happy! And, believe it or not, many of us across the pond were anxiously awaiting the news of your election. Given the circumstances, it seems to me the results weren’t too bad, but of course I’m watching from a distance.

  8. I voted at 7am, went to hospital for 7.30 and texted Number Two son 24 hours later to get the results. It was the most relaxing election I’ve ever had. 🙂

      1. It’s one I’m going to adopt in 6 months when we have to repeat the lunacy. Apart from the hospital, but I’ll replicate that by eating small meals and setting my alarm to wake me at 2am and 6am. 🙂

  9. We have water spouting from sidewalks in several places now, it took us quite awhile to discover a few locations, Derrick. Your grandchildren are so lovely and carefree in Sam’s photos and yours. They are also quite bright.
    I’m not sure which made me chuckle and get more amused, elections or mishaps in forgetting things? I think the latter items of keys and a jacket were “fixable!” 🙂

  10. Sounds like a good trip! And happy days, let’s hope, when someone takes on the abandoned house. Good luck. Sorry about the election stress. Ugh.

      1. Let’s hope that’s a happy thing. I saw one of your comments that he was going to redo the place and get rid of the rats. Let’s hope so. I know you’ve struggled with the overgrowth from that yard. I hope you don’t have to move boundaries too much and it doesn’t involve a great deal of fencing coming out.

        1. It shouldn’t need too much. My approach has been to say that any cost involved should be met by the current owners who have neglected their responsibility for the shared boundary. Missives are being exchanged. I can’t be bothered to detail this on the blog.

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