

When I am under the weather it is always a bad headache that does me in. So it was yesterday, but, I am happy to say, this had desisted after a good night’s sleep and, although I remained a bit dizzy I enjoyed wandering around the garden this morning with a camera. I think I understand the expression ‘under the weather’ because I do seem to have headaches when there is that change in pressure that comes with impending storms. And yesterday it rained steadily all afternoon.

Raindrops on geranium 3Raindrops on geranium 4Raindrops on geranium 1Raindrops on geranium 2

This made for plants adorned with translucent pearly precipitations. Geraniums were well represented;

Raindrops on gladiolus leaf

 leaves, such as those of gladioli

Raindrops on poppy leaves

and poppies, bore crystal balls;

Raindrops on black eyed Susan

black eyed Susan sparkled;

Raindrops on begonia

blushing begonias shimmered in shadows;

raindrops on day lily

 strange creatures, food dangling from their maws, lurked behind day lilies;

raindrops on hydrangea


Raindrops on hosta


Raindrops on rose Lady Emma Hamilton

roses Lady Emma Hamilton,

Raindrops on rose Special Anniversary

and Special Anniversary were all bejewelled.

Bee on rose Peach Abundance

Rose Peach Abundance

Oval Bed with Peach Abundance

Bees, like this one in the Peach Abundance rose, were venturing out again.

This afternoon I watched the Wimbledon men’s quarter finals of tennis on TV.

This evening we dined on Jackie’s wonderful boeuf bourguignon, followed by vanilla ice-cream.




  1. I’ve had times when I’ve had bad headaches that made me sick. I’m glad you’re feeling better.
    The flowers are bejeweled. Beautiful flowers and photos!

  2. Proving that every cloud has a silver lining and a rainy day gives plenty of opportunity for great photos. Hope the atmospheric pressure doesn’t cause you any more problems.

  3. The bee or bees sheltering beneath the roses are great photos Derrick. Glad you are on the mend! We had hail and sleet and icy antarctic winds visiting yesterday – a day for not venturing out! (Though Siddy and I did take a 40 min fast walk through the park in the morning and returned home to shake little balls of ice off our coats and my hat and scarf. Invigorating. Brrrrrrrr)

  4. It’s interesting – I so seldom see your garden in the rain – and it makes me wonder – is there a connection between low pressure systems and headaches?
    Either way, I’m glad that you are feeling better – you have exquisite talent with the camera. And of course, the garden is divine.

  5. Pauline’s icy storm has reached me today! But unfortunately, unlike you, there are no beautiful flowers to photograph with translucent pearly precipitations.

  6. Same here, Derrick. My grandmother always called it a “sick headache.” I’m happy you’re feeling better. You’ve out done yourself with these photos…I can’t pick just one!

  7. Well, you are obviously feeling yourself again. Stunning photos, delightful commentary and poetic interludes are all fully restored. Loved this delightful observation: ” strange creatures, food dangling from their maws, lurked behind day lilies”.

  8. After all the heat … these photos are delightful. Cool doors of moisture accentuating natures beauty! It give us all a summer break. Thanks Derrick 💕

  9. I was sorry to hear about your being under the weather, Derrick. Your glistening raindrops on such a variety of flowers and leaves was quite elegant.
    When I get a headache it is usually a migraine. I will take one acetominephen and an ibuprofen. A school nurse told me they have two different ways to smooth out the nerve endings. 🙂
    I get a wet washcloth and put it in a bowl in the microwave, for 30 seconds. Then press to my eyelids and try to sleep. Ahhh! Much better.

      1. I have several problems with my eyes, partially corrected through narrow eye glaucoma surgery– laser holes drilled below the pupil to prevent pressure on both eyes. Then, cataract surgery on one eye.
        With weakened eyes, I was told there is an eye- headache connection, Derrick.
        Just a short, boring story of my eyes, follows. . .
        The doctor thinks having my children in my twenties, I tended to chase them and my “charges” babysitting children while outdoors in play times.

        Once teaching posed a lower income with my having to send my own children to a sitter, at $175 for 3 weekly, I chose to stay home and receive the amount times five children. Those parents loved that I declared the income, so they were able to declare “child care deductible on income taxes.” I just never seemed to grab sunglasses on park and pool sunny day trips. I guess I learned my lessons the “hard way.” Headaches result once a week but my “cure” is to do as I mentioned and hope you feel much better, Derrick.

  10. Glad you are feeling better Derrick! The flowers look beautiful covered in raindrops. I love the “creature” behind the daylilies, too. 🙂

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