

Yesterday afternoon, Jackie had been in the garden for some considerable time. This in itself was not exactly unusual, but I did think I should go out and ask whether she knew that it was raining. “Not in my greenhouse, it isn’t”.

Entering the construction myself, I saw her point, or rather her viewpoints.

When the sun emerged this morning from the previously leaden skies, I sat in the greenhouse with my camera.

View through greenhouse window 3

A number of the photographs contain confusing reflections.  Although I will allow viewers to work out most of these for themselves, I think it only fair that I should point out that the house in the first shot is not really on the other side of the

View through greenhouse window 4Dragon and begonias through greenhouse windowDragon and ivy through greenhouse window

Dragon Bed,

View through greenhouse window 2View through greenhouse window 6

from another corner of which the view leads across the garden past the gazebo and the bottle brush plant.

Crocosmia etc through greenhouse window


Nicotiana etc through greenhouse window


View through greenhouse window 10

day lilies and buddleia, among others, are all in view.

View through greenhouse window 5Begonias through greenhouse window

These two baskets hang over the Head Gardener’s Walk.

View through greenhouse window 8

Jackie is particularly pleased that her orange cone is visible from her hide,

View through greenhouse window 7View through greenhouse window 9View through greenhouse window 12

while, turning just a few yards to her right her eyes wander across the Kitchen Bed to the patio;

View through greenhouse window 11

or the clematis festooning the Agriframes Arch.

After lunch we dumped the contents of two more orange bags of clippings into the container bins at Efford Recycling Centre, then went on a drive around the forest.

At Thorney Hill we encountered a string of ponies seeking shade under trees on the edge of their field.

Horses in shade 2

Only one wore a fly protection mask, although

Horse 1

others could have done with something similar, and

Horse with muzzle

an apparent biter had earned a muzzle.

Burnt out car 1

By the roadside at Avon a burnt-out car, having charred the nearby fencing,

Refuse disposal notice

bore a Council Refuse Disposal notice.

Burnt out car 2Burnt out car 3Burnt out car 5Burnt out car 6

Burnt out car 4Burnt out car 7Burnt out car 8Burnt out car 9Burnt out car 10

It seemed to us that the vehicle had already suffered destruction.

This evening Jackie produced, pork slices cooked in piri-piri sauce; marvellous mushroom, onion, and egg rice; and tender runner beans. She drank Blue Moon, and I drank a 2015 Bordeaux.



  1. Yes, quite the contrasts. No wonder Jackie is so delighted with the new greenhouse. She can be out in the garden, rain or shine.

  2. I was driving up the sweetly named Halfpenny Lane near my then home in Oxfordshire when a car blew up in front of me …. stolen, dumped and set fire to it had smouldered away for some time before detonating… if I had been a second or two earlier I would have been taken with it.

  3. I had a moment of concern at your heading and the beginning content of this post. I was relieved when the old banger showed up and could guess where you were heading 🙂

  4. The title set my pulse racing, fearing an exploratory visit by the Big Beast in the spanking new greenhouse! Both Jackie and you are apparently in love with your new dollhouse equivalent. The notice of destruction of the vehicle couldn’t have been more ironical! But then that is one of the limitations of the law.

  5. In Melbourne there is an epidemic of young kids stealing cars, then joyriding around and then setting them on fire. Then the burnt steel rusts almost overnight. Then the recycle fellows will come and pick it up. The police are working on all sorts of strategies but to little avail.
    But it is a great feeling to be in a green house in the rain. ( or rather out of the rain )

      1. That’s what the young hoodlums do to cover their tracks. But if anyone got serious the engine number would soon tell the where the car came from.

      1. I am sorry that you think I am being preposterous but the facts are that these things happen, even in Melbourne. And it is not preposterous to say these things happen in Melbourne – we have assaults, robberies, murders and every other crime you can imagine. Melbourne is is not immune to the normal evils of mankind.

        1. I am sorry for the confusion. What I meant to say it is outrageous on the part of those who commit such crimes for pleasure. And Melbourne is often rated as the best of the cities about the globe.

          1. Thank you. Yes the crimes such as these, and all crimes are outrageous and on a pro rat basic Melbourne is indeed a very safe city.

  6. Councils seem to be the same the world over, why on earth didn’t they just send along a truck that could hoist the wreck onboard and get rid of it immediately?
    Even Blind Freddie could see that!

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