North Of Regent’s Park


Today I scanned the next dozen of my Streets of London colour slides from October 2004.

Regent's Park Road NW1 10.04

Tasteful washes decorate the facades of these houses in Regents Park Road NW1. This street in the Primrose Hill area of London is stocked with a multitude of long established independent shops of all kinds.

Fitzroy Road NW1 10.04 2Fitzroy Road NW1 10.04 1

One such establishment is Fonthill Pottery at 38 Chalcot Road on the corner of Fitzroy Road NW1.

Gilden Crescent, NW5 10.04

Between Chalk Farm and Gospel Oak lies Gilden Crescent NW5, in Kentish Town. This wall on the corner of Queen’s Crescent features local children’s mural of the eponymous Post Office.

Marsden Street NW5 10.04

British pubs are being closed at an alarming rate in the 21st century. The Newberry Arms on the corner of Marsden Street and Malden Road NW5 is just one example. Soon after I took this photograph, the boarded up building was demolished, and by 2010

had been replaced by this block of flats.

St Leonard's Square NW5 10.04

St Leonard’s Square, NW5 is on the other side of Malden Road. Graffiti covers this dirty grey wall, rubbish lies on the pavement, scaffolding runs up the side of the building, the entrance to number 22 is narrow and lead directly onto the pavement, and someone has to live there.

Chalk Farm Road NW1 10.04

It was quite early in the morning that I crossed Chalk Farm Road NW1, yet these two building workers had already earned a break.

Bridge Approach NW1 10.04

This Bridge Approach NW1 is to the railway bridge at Chalk Farm.

St George's Terrace NW1 10.04

The Queen’s Pub on the corner of St George’s Terrace, NW1 and Regent’s Park Road is just yards from the Primrose Hill open space. The area must be considered a reasonably safe one in which to leave such a bicycle chained to railings.

Prince Albert Road/Townshend Road NW8 10.04 2

Prince Albert Road/Townshend Road NW8 10.04 1

Prince Albert Road, NW8 houses rows of apartment blocks like these on the corners of Townshend Road,

Prince Albert Road/Eamont Street NW8

and Eamont Street. They all provide views over Regent’s Park on the opposite side of the road. It was when walking along that street on my birthday, 2005, that I met a woman waiting at a bus stop. I had to work very hard to convince her that, two or three hours after the London suicide bombings, it was not unreasonable that the bus services had been suspended.

It had not been our intention to dine on Hordle Chinese Take Away fare this evening, but our electricity supplier had other ideas. There is no gas supplied to our hamlet. We experienced a complete power cut for three hours, at the point when Jackie was in the midst of cooking a chicken dish. She has just abandoned that project and gone out to hunt down one of Mr Chan’s excellent meals.




  1. Interesting. We have the same problem here in Portland with older buildings getting demolished and fancy new condos and apartment blocks getting put in. They cost a lot more, yet have a lot less character than what was there before. This seems to be a universal issue right now.

  2. One day I will dig up my Month in London photographs and post them but alas I did not take any of streets! Thanks for yours.

    Time to invest in an alternate means of energy?

  3. One of the things I like about so much of Europe is the building by-laws that demand any new builds follow the existing architectural style – it may be a pain at times, but it pleases the eye so much more. Of course the block of flats here appears to be not nearly so soul destroying as the flat pack high rises of Brixton …. Why are the pubs disappearing Derrick?

  4. I love the mural, with the envelopes dropped off by helicopter! That apartment block at the site of the old pub is pretty ugly…I wonder if the had considered using thr facade of the pub? That seems to be what happens here,particularly if a building has heritage listing. I wonder if the self absorbed commuter ever reflected on her reaction to the inconvenience of buses being cancelled? Sounds like you were patient and graceful in your response to her.

    1. Very many thanks, Mek. I tried to be patient with the woman, especially as at least one of the bombs had been on a bus. I am pleased that you studied the mural

  5. We did a home swap to NW5 in 2001. I was always struck with how the relative squalor of the area could give way so quickly to the mansions in Hampstead and the beauty of its Heath. We used to ride the bus instead of taking the tube into London central. The route into Victoria station was like a sightseeing tour every day. … at least that pub rebuild has made an attempt to match the original streetscape. I was half expecting a metal and glass structure.

  6. That apartment at Eames and Prince Albert Road is fabulous. It would be a wonder to take an actual rather than virtual London walk with you. You know the views.

  7. Yes, I’m all electric power, in my little Villa too, always so annoying with those power blackouts !!Enjoyed your photographic stroll around the streets and buildings today.

  8. Lovely photos Derrick. Here in the Philippines small shops and not so popular department stores are being replaced by modern facades, some of them are mixed-used developments – condominiums and malls.

  9. Those are extremely well-framed and sharp images. I wonder if it is possible to shoot as freely around the metropolis anymore, what with terrorism infesting civilisations across the globe.

    1. Thanks, Uma. I think we still can, although in 2005 I asked a man bearing a machine gun outside the American Embassy if I could photograph him. That seemed politic, after all. He declined because he was anti-terrorist.

  10. Sorry about the gibberish! Your pictures prick so many memories into life for me ..m I will leave it to you to try and explain why pubs are failing all over Britain. I could take a stab but this is your space and I don’t wish to hijack it by getting on what is a rather sad soapbox of mine ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. I’d be very happy for you to do so, Osyth. I think more people drink elsewhere now, possibly because of cost compared with supermarkets, possibly the smoking ban, possibly breathalysing possibly because of loud blaring music, possibly the dumbing down of entertainment (TV sports). Personally, I go for good, reasonably priced, food. There of many around us offering just that, Once I put a post out there I am more than happy for others to engage in conversation on it. Many thanks.

      1. You are certainly right on all those counts. I will take a stab with your kind permission. Since I am surviving with a phone and one finger as Wi-Fi installation has been disrupted by inept providers in my new place, I will try not to make too many glaring errors in my reply. Feel free to edit …. I am not cut out for typing on a phone!!

      2. We are seeing a return to the neighborhood, locally owned restaurant/bar here. It’s a good thing for our communities, and our tastebuds ! Folks come for the food, the friendship, and locally micro-brewed beers.

  11. Times change … and there is some sadness in losing local pubs. Thanks for sharing Derrick. I hope you have your power back on ๐Ÿ’›

    1. Thanks very much, Maniparna. Re the pubs, do have a look at my response to Osyth’s comment. You have, however, prompted me to do more with those that we visit.

      1. Sorry. It was the original version of Pete Seegers “Little Boxes’ by the lady who wrote it malvina reynolds – little boxes . Well worth a look. I just copied from Mr Google.

  12. Young’s tavern or pub looks like such a beautiful corner. I enjoy a bicycle rack with a bike displayed, too.
    In our area, older buildings are “fire traps” and have asbestos in the attics or inside the ceiling plaster. I love antique locations which are renovated and bring their buildings “up to code.” It is well worth the extra money to keep the true historic character. I wish this were the way all contractors visualized.

  13. Another great set of photos – I’ve always liked those blocks of flats with the curved “corners”.

    When talking of conservation I can’t help pointing out that I love a well-timbered wattle and daub house. All these modern Georgian and Victorian monstrosities should never have been allowed!

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