Heroes And Heroines


Most of my day was spent on wrestling with administration involving phone calls, some of which were not returned; form filling the requirements of which were unclear; and e-mails, one of which I had never received. I really can’t be bothered to go into details on this, save to say Jackie drove me to Hordle Post Office to catch the last post, and to obtain a leaflet listing the entrants to the Hordle Scarecrow Trail, and giving me the opportunity of photographing a few more scarecrows.

Scarecrow 1

Heroes and Heroines is this year’s theme. The first example we encountered today was ‘Firefighter and rescued cat’, outside Flanders House in Silver Street.

Scarecrow 2

The fireman’s phone flashed blue at intervals.

Scarecrow 4

Next came ‘Superman’ at the Hordle Crossroads Garage.

Scarecrows 1

The residents of 62 Everton Road celebrated the ‘Unsung Heroes – Our NHS Nurses’.

Scarecrows 2

Laid out on a bed was a poor unfortunate

Scarecrows 5

flanked by an equally startled looking Theatre Nurse S. Crow

Scarecrow 7

and eager Sister Strawman.

Scarecrows 4

Pressing where indicated on the victim’s device elicits an agonised cry of pain.

Scarecrow 5

Jeremy Hunt is the Conservative M.P. who has been Minister of State for Health since 2012. It was a witty stroke to provide him with a pair of crutches.

Scarecrows 3

Perhaps there was another joke in propping him up beside

Scarecrow 6

Nurse Gladys Emmanuel, who’s mystical boudoir so entranced Ronnie Barker in the the television sitcom ‘Open All Hours’.

This evening we dined on Jackie’s sublime beef pie with marvellous gravy; boiled potatoes, carrots, broccoli and green beans. Jackie drank Hoegaarden and I started another bottle of the Fleurie.




  1. Great theme for the scarecrows and good to see firefighters and nurses recognised. Although I do think when pressing the patient’s button, you should hear “I’ve been waiting for hours!” to add realism.

  2. I am sorry to learn about your travails with the Representatives of Gov. (I mean to say Gov, as in God). Perhaps they are the same everywhere except that the kind we have out here are particularly toxic. So you know who to blame if things get nastier. They are the scarecrows of the real world, where we remain the crows.

    The victim being attended to by Madam S. Crow and others looks traumatized beyond redemption. He reminds me of The Texan in Heller’s ‘Catch 22’. Or perhaps he is a friend of Forrest Gump.

    Thanks for the treat.

  3. The sentiment behind these displays is very sweet. I did enjoy your running commentaries 😀 It would be fun to have a scarecrow take my place at work! I’d gladly chase away crows for the day.

  4. Using scarecrows as political commentary? Imagine what we could do with that in the United States.

  5. Those characters are quite wild and crazy in their depictions. The one on crutches, Jeremy Hunt, with the humorous Nurse Gladys helped with your explanation.

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