“Just Like Daddy’s”


This morning I became a veritable barber in a dead-heading spree.

Front garden from my window

I began with the prolific Japanese anemones in the front garden.

Japanese anemones 1

As I look out of my sitting room window each morning, I think of that excellent blogging poet Pleasant Street, who commented recently that she preferred to see older blooms alongside the fresh ones, “like life”. Although our reason for dead-heading is not vicariously to deny the effects of ageing, but rather to promote new growth, Pleasant certainly has a point. In deference to that I have left the blooms immediately in view to nature.

I also gathered up some of the branches broken by the winds. As the day continued the winds gradually returned to approach the 60 m.p.h. expected this evening.

Palm Bed

Remarkably little damage has so far been incurred. Here are the Palm Bed;

View from circular brickworkKitchen Bed corner

the corners at the house end of the Brick Path;

Gazebo Path

the Gazebo Path;

Elizabeth's Bed

Elizabeth’s Bed;

Solanum and clematis

the solanum and clematis draped on the dead tree;

Dahlias 1

perked-up dahlias;

Petunias and begonias

petunias and begonias in large pots;



Rose Gloriana

and rose Gloriana.

Small white butterfly on verbena bonarensis 2

The Small White butterflies flitted around everywhere.

Molly's Den display 1Molly's Den display 3Molly's Den display 4Molly's Den display 5Party dresses

This afternoon Elizabeth visited and we took a trip to Molly’s Den, where I photographed a few random displays.

Molly's Den display 2

Not quite so random was this scene, taking me back to one Christmas in the 1980s.

Ironing board

Louisa would have been about six or seven when Jessica and I bought her an ironing board. “Just like Daddy’s”, was her delighted cry.

This evening, before Elizabeth returned home, we dined on Jackie’s perfect pork paprika and wild rice. Jackie drank Hoegaarden and my sister and I drank more of the Fleurie.


  1. This made me smile…Mr. Doodle is the ironing man in our house and the girls know it…every Sunday night he selects the clothes that we will wear to work for the week and delightedly irons away…while watching a football, baseball, or basketball game…depending on the season.

  2. “older blooms alongside the fresh ones, “like life”.” Isn’t that too true. I worked for ONE YEAR in a school where the Principal believed in getting rid of all the older teachers and replacing them with recent graduates. There was lots of ignorant enthusiasm and very little steady maturity. I resigned before being dead-headed.

  3. That first sentence reeled me in 🙂 and I love the owl w/flowers picture. So good to enjoy your garden after hard events here. And why do you folks get those high winds off and on?– Of course, the meteorological patterns must aggravate them but wondering about the area and its weather. We get them due to winds roaring through the Columbia Gorge in winter, mostly.)

    1. Thanks very much, Cynthia. You know all about the need for a fishing reel to start off a piece. 🙂 These winds are all across the UK in recent years – a new phenomenon.

  4. First off all, I wish to thank you for the link to ‘Pleasant Street’. Over time, I have decidedly inched towards being an ‘old bloom’, I trust the journey shall continue, if not willed otherwise by the Keeper of us all. So I am happy you tend to leave those ‘immediately in view of nature’. It seems the storm has planted merely a caressing kiss on the cheeks of your garden, I am sure Mr Owl will testify. Molly’s Den looks interesting.

    1. Very many thanks, Uma. I think you will like Pleasant. After another stormy night, the bestower of kisses has departed. It is for Pauline that I pop in an owl or two. Molly’s den is interesting, but very expensive to rent space, and looking like it is on hard times.

  5. I had to smile that you remembered me saying that. I don’t remember myself, but it sounds like me!
    The circle of life, right? And of course you are right, the pruning is necessary to promote more life.
    You’ve inspired me to write on this, but it hasn’t quite come to me yet.

    Lovely! Thanks!~

  6. I don’t know enough about gardens to comment in any valid way really, but in schools you need some experienced old hands if only to steady the ship on occasion. Interestingly, forests do benefit from the old dead trees being left in place because they encourage light to the forest floor and provide insects for birds to eat. Not that I’m calling anybody an “old dead tree ” of course!

  7. Just enjoy so much the eclectic feeling I get from your photos and thoughts. Oddly enough, I posted this AM on Anemone and there you have a lovely photo of this every giving flower. Can’t wait for your next blog.

  8. Following Pleasant Street now, Derrick. Thanks for the reference. 🙂

    Your gardens are still beautiful going into autumn. You and Jackie have done a fine job!

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