A Tradition Maintained


This afternoon we were visited by Helen, Bill, Shelly, Ron, David, Jenny, Rachel, Gareth, Anthony, Jane, Neil and Donna, for the annual Boxing Day party.

Everyone gathered by about 3 p.m. and swapped all their latest news with the usual amount of fun and laughter. Guests could help themselves to cold meats, salads, and cheeses from the kitchen table.

Ian distributed drinks,

then turned to his role as quiz master.

There was keen competition between the two teams into which we were divided. Ian had spent considerable time on compiling a quiz of the year divided into months. A final round included 22 excerpts from Christmas songs which we were required to identify. The team I was included in was most fortunate in having Donna as a member. Almost single-handedly she clinched victory with her encyclopaedic knowledge of popular music. Each team had a scribe who would write down the answers. The debates to determine the answers became quite animated.

There were still some Christmas presents to be distributed.

Some tender moments were experienced.

Finally, Jackie’s delicious cooked meals became available for people to help themselves. The sitting room was cleared in seconds, until guests returned with laden plates. There was plentiful lamb jalfrezi, rice, onion bahjis, and samosas; and beef in red wine with mashed potatoes.



  1. I so enjoyed this. I think nothing beats a good Boxing Day gathering – add in an excellent competitive quizz and Jackie at the helm in the galley and I can only be the child with her nose pressed against the window SO wanting to join in! I send you both rather late seasons greetings and the wish that the New Year will be brimful of good surprises and dreams not dared to dream come true in abundance. I love your vignettes on your life … long may you ride x

  2. Quizzes and curries–and traditions! It sounds like such a fun day, Derrick, and it looks like everyone is having a good time.
    We don’t have Boxing Day here, but we always see my in-laws the day after Christmas. No quizzes or samosas though. 🙂

  3. What a lovely tradition and togetherness is so wonderful, it does look very good with everyone enjoying themselves and the food sounds delicious! Happy Newyear Derrick!

  4. Your home looks so happy and lively in your games, gifts and guests!
    Felicia and I had a quiet, calm day for Christmas since both my oldest daughter’s family (and husband) and my middle son’s family (with wife) had decided this year to celebrate and share Christmas Eve and spend Christmas with only their children. We watched a movie and ate Indian food from a local Powell, Ohio restaurant called, Saffron. I chose chicken marsala and had them add broccoli and cauliflower, while Felicia chose a Vegetarian Jalfrezi with it’s 9 veggies. We put rice on our plates at home then mixed her dish and my dish together. So delicious and repeated this combination plate~ later next day, as a savory brunch. Not nearly as good as the feast Jackie prepared. 😀 Yummy, Jackie! ✨

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