Raymond James Salinger 15.10.21 – 30.12.17


I only had the pleasure of knowing Ron’s father, Ray, during his last few years. I learned enough to echo the many observations that he was a true, kind, gentleman.

Ray's funeral service001

I was honoured to be asked to produce the photograph on the front cover of the Service Leaflet for his funeral today.  It is a crop from one I made in August, and was the last opportunity anyone had of taking a good photograph of Ray. To have been there to do that was a blessing.

Ray's funeral service002

15th September 2015 was the 70th anniversary of Ray’s wedding to Daphne, who survives him. Again, I was pleased to have been asked by Ron to make improved prints of the couple’s wedding album. One of those appears on the back cover. (The family are aware of the unfortunate typo re Prostate Cancer UK)

I had determined not to add any further photographs to this post, but a higher power intervened. Jackie and I occupied seats fronting the Baptismal font, against which had been placed a vase of white lilies. When a shaft of sunlight bestowed a beatific glow upon the open bloom I saw this as a symbol demanding inclusion.

The refreshments at Tyrrells Ford were excellent. A plentiful and well-filled variety of sandwiches, warm sausage rolls, and salad, was followed by an array of cakes. I chose a thick slice of moist fruit cake. Tea and coffee were provided, and the first drink at the bar was free of charge to the guests.







  1. My condolences to you, his family, and friends. It speaks well of you, Derrick, that you feel honored to have been asked to produce the photographs, as well as this brief tribute.

  2. For a man close approaching 100 years he looked remarkably chipper and interested in the photo you took Derrick – I hope that was so for him. It is not only a long, but also a well spent life to receive such a lovely tribute! The light on the lilies is indeed an additional blessing! There’s a touch of black humour in the ‘unfortunate typo’…….

  3. What a lovely tribute. The things he would have seen in that long lifetime. Taking another look at the other post, I realised that was his best man looking at his watch. The first time mark in a long and happy marriage perhaps.

  4. I can think of nothing better than to be known as a true, kind, gentleman. And I know they last forever in the heart; popping up in memories and conversations, prompting laughter and tears.

  5. It was a pleasure to get this glimpse into a beautiful life. I wonder if Ray knew those lilies would catch the light there. What a blessing.

  6. Yes, a lovely tribute. Death, at any age, is always a loss. To be mourned is to be loved, and it sounds as though Ray was very much loved. What a long life he had! Think of all the changes he saw. A treasure trove of stories, I bet, just like my friend Esther.

  7. That final photograph you were able to take of Ray shows the kindliness and human warmth shining out from his face. There must surely be a connection with the brief moment when the lilies held that aura of light. Simply stunning. I imagine Ray as someone it was an honour to have known…

  8. I have finally caught up with you again, Derrick and Jackie. Those are striking photos of the sunbeams on the lilies. What a beautiful memorial service! That is a heart-felt quotation on grief being the price we pay for love.

    I have lost two elderly friends in the space of the last two weeks; the latest was yesterday morning. One relative is also now in Hospice. I had a good visit with her.

    1. Many thanks, Lavinia. I, too, found the quotation perfect. I’m pleased it struck you, as well. Ray was my third for the year. I guess that comes to people at my age.

  9. Your photos are indeed an expression of love in service. I’m glad you could provide them for the family. I remember when you did the wedding album. And yes, those lilies were a bit of a miracle.

  10. Prostate cancer at 96? If so a charmed life indeed.
    I’m not into higher powers but I reckon you did a great job of capturing the moment with the flowers. You certainly have the eye and the gift or is it luck that you’re in the right spot etc?

  11. This was such a beautiful way to help with the last tribute for Ray. The sunbeam’s Ray upon the white lilies was like a heavenly symbol. I think 70 years of marriage is remarkable tribute to love and happiness. 💞

  12. “Luck Is What Happens When Preparation Meets Opportunity.” That lily picture shows what happens when you have a camera and an observant eye.

    It’s also a great way to remember the day.

  13. So the story brings me full round. Sorry to find, Ray has passed away now. How lovely that the service was in the very church he married in ’45. I think the lilies were a must, how wonderful you were there to capture their beauty at that moment. Maybe a gift from Ray as I’m sure he knew you love photography. One never knows.

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