

First thing this morning Ross and Lee delivered some of the kitchen equipment and a chop saw. They also brought the old sink back in from outside so that Richard could fit it later for temporary use. They are all enjoying the blog, particularly because of the proof that they had been working. Richard was able to check last night that the floor would be ready for him today.

Richard then set about installing the kitchen units. I was fascinated by the red beam from the laser level, which had the benefit of demonstrating the straightness of the craftsman’s back.

For lunch today Jackie and I repaired to the Banging Breakfast Café at Old Milton. We had not visited them for a good couple of years since they changed their name, and were happy to find that there has been no reduction in quality, and that they still serve Ferndean Farm Shop sausages.

After this we took a short drive into the now waterlogged forest, where, after much heavy rain, rivulets ran down the verges of lanes like Rodlease, and pools gathered at the bottom, reflecting the skies and vehicles splashing through.

Jackie had parked further up the hill and I walked down to take these shots. After I had rejoined her she continued on the way we had been travelling.

We then encountered a big blue beast quite incapable of backing up. Jackie had to reverse down a steep gradient and into a driveway forcing the car into a wheelspin. In fairness, I have to point out that BT Transport is nothing to do with our telephone line provider.

Riders on road

At least the riders we later encountered in Church Lane were able to skip onto the verge.

Early this evening, Richard cleared the far end of the kitchen

in readiness for Andy’s arrival. The man from Crestwood came on time and laid the screed on that end which had been cluttered with furniture. He had no Connor with him so had to mix and carry through the preparation himself, putting me in mind of artists like Vermeer, who mixed their own paints. As he cheerfully said, it was “self service”.

It is this kind of reliable coordination that makes these teams work so well.




  1. The men seem to certainly know their trades and, as you said, coordinate the jobs. Everything seems to be going smoothly, except for BT Transport. Wasn’t there another route they might have taken?

  2. Work like that fascinates me. I can sit and watch other people doing it for hours. The memory of Encounters or the Big Blue kind gave me the shudders.

  3. It’s such a big job – just as well your kitchen craftsmen are just that – and not BT employees 😀 I spent a lot of time going backwards down English country lanes with just such big vehicles following me wishing I would just get out of their way! I think if confronted with one now I would just stop and wait for them to move aside …….

  4. The photographic ballad of the kitchen in making! The watery, shadowy jungle book too is cute. I can well imagine Jackie’s annoyance at backing down an incline and manoeuvring the vehicle into a driveway. There can be no forgiving BT, telephony or transport!

    1. They certainly are good fast workers, they have had to strip out an old kitchen, and get rid of a variety of tiles(five differing types and colours!) and completely rewire it, strip out about three layers of floor tiles and then cover it and that is before they can start to build the kitchen! We are so lucky. Richard was alarmed at the dust around the sitting room and before he left he hoovered and dusted the sitting room and study! How’s that for service.

      1. I know you are pretty excited for the outcome of the renovation Jackie. who wouldn’t be. You are lucky to have found good workers.

  5. Great post as always but putting up pictures of that yummy looking breakfast is not helping my resolve to stick to my diet. I’m off to walk the dog before I weaken and cook myself one.

  6. This is really cool to watch and am glad you two have adventures and places to go! The warery areas look like Ohio right now with gullies and streets flooding over. Thanks for the green parts, I love those lanes and wooded areas at least until we get to see more garden shots, Derrick!

  7. That is so cool that the craftsmen are following your blog–but of course, you are also doing a wonderful job of documenting their skills and the process.
    It’s good Jackie was able to back up without too much difficulty!

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