Nothing For It


I spent a considerable number of frustrating hours attempting to secure internet access today. I will not bore anyone with the details. Looking on the bright side, I decided to tackle the paperwork for my annual tax return. This went quite well until I tackled my bank statements, which I receive on a quarterly basis. The most recent batch has not arrived. “No problem.” I thought. “Now I bank on line I can take the necessary details from there”. …………… “Ah……..”.

There was now nothing for it but to wander round the garden with my camera in hand and a mobile phone in my pocket. There are, of course, less pleasant ways of spending my time.

The clematis Montana now drapes the front wall upon which a trough of blue pansies smile; the potentilla now dances with the vinca.

The sweet scent of the wisteria pervades the area beneath its arbour.

Buds of blue irises and red poppies are simply biding their time.

While I wandered and emptied a trug or two into the compost, Jackie continued replenishing soil and planting in beds and containers.

These verbascum look down on similarly hued Erigeron,

Cow parsley in Dragon Bed

just as the cow parsley soars above everything else in the Dragon Bed.

pansies and clematis Marie Boisselot buds

In the Kitchen Bed’s stone urn white pansies bridge the season of faded white daffodils and that of clematis Marie Boisselot, whose buds can be observed in the obelisk behind.

Geranium Palmatum

The first of the geranium Palmatums, which will soon arrive in abundance, has lined up along the Shady Path in line with heucheras,

Shadow on heuchera

on the leaves of which a hebe casts its shadow.

Erigeron, aquilegia, vinca, alliums, silenes

Erigeron, aquilegias, vinca, alliums, and silenes crowd each other in the Weeping Birch Bed,

aubretia and wild strawberries

as do aubretia and wild strawberries in the Oval Bed opposite.

Butterfly Small White, honesty

Small White butterflies flitted about.

Rosariae de L'Hay corner of Rose Garden

Rosariae de L’Hay enlivens its corner of the Rose Garden.

This afternoon, until I was back on line, I continued reading John Le Carré’s The Night Manager.

Dinner this evening consisted of Jackie’s excellent pasta arrabbiata with which she drank Hoegaarden and I consumed A Dark Apothic 2015 Californian red.






  1. I’m always very impressed with your ability to name the plants, Derrick! I must have read 10 or 12 new ones for me in your descriptions. I suppose names won’t have to matter for me as long as the flowers all stay as lovely as that!

  2. Made it! 🙂 I’m always happy when you photograph the corners that are bustling with a variety of often self seeded plantings all cohabiting happily together. That’s a gardener working alongside nature in harmony! I’ve always wanted my kitchen door to be a stable door. We don’t have them here. Every time you mention yours I wonder if I could just saw mine in half …… 🙂

      1. Oh, you could get Jackie a wee pony – just tall enough to pop it’s head over the half door…. Which train of thought leads to the following story. My eldest at age 7 very much wanted a pet elephant and saw no issues with the idea. It would, she told me earnestly, eat the plums from the plum tree and live in her play house beside said tree. At least she didn’t want it to live inside and sleep in her bed…….

  3. As ever there is just too much beautiful to single a single plant or bloom from your stunning garden … it is utterly delicious as sounds Jackie’s Arrabbiata!

  4. Your first sentence sounds like our world, Derrick. Since we were forced to change our cable equipment, each day is a battle to get an internet connection. It’s so frustrating. I’m glad you stepped outside to de-stress. Beautiful photos!

  5. Internet problems are so frustrating. I’m glad you’re back online, Derrick.
    I like when you take us through your beautiful garden: “the potentilla now dances with the vinca.” Al
    I also like Le Carré.
    My daughter and son-in-law LOVE Apothic Inferno. 🙂

  6. Seems like your gardens contnue to florish even witb so much terrible weather you’ve had this spring.

  7. For some reason, today’s photos popped out of my iPad! I checked the brightness setting and it is the same. Perhaps the flowers and plants have made themselves more beautiful in an attempt to sooth your nerves. I could also feel Jackie’s presence in the background, tending to the garden like an ant.

    1. Thanks very much, Ivor. Jackie says it needs full sun, but if it is in a shady area it will reach for the light. Ours is on a south facing wall which helps

  8. I really want to like you, but I find myself heavily burdened with a case a serious garden envy. 😉 What a gorgeous way to wait out the internet drama! I’m sorry that you had to deal with that irritation, but I’m thankful for the side track you took in the meantime. Beautiful post Derrick. ❤️

  9. Besides simply enjoying your garden, you have finally infected me with the wish to work on what little area I have for plants. [we have a lot of common ground here, but just so much area for personal stuff], annuals and perennials – seeds and bulbs. I think I’d better get more pots!!!!

  10. Do you keep a list of all the flowers in the garden and count them.
    When I had a wife and she had a garden she once drew a map that showed the location of every rose. When the count got to 236 she stopped and never did it again.because nobody believed her.

  11. Am loving the flowers! I used to have wisteria hanging above my doorstep in France. A particularly beautiful flower I feel that hangs like grapes.

  12. Oh yes, much worse ways to spend one’s time. Thanks for the stroll through your gorgeous garden. Glad you’re back online. Technology can be very taxing.

  13. My clumps of blue iris are just budding now, and the geraniums have been flowering for a few days—spring is the most satisfying time of year for a gardener! Lovely tour, Derrick! Thanks.

  14. The gardens look lovely, Jackie and Derrick!

    Rick and I have seen the movie, The Night Manager, starring Hugh Laurie and Tom Hiddleston. I have not read the book, but I can say the movie was riveting.

    1. The movie was, indeed. I already had the book when it came out on TV a year or two ago, but had not read it. It, too, is excellent. Thanks very much, Lavinia

  15. Your garden is so full and voluptuous. It seems something is happily blooming with every step. The soil looks dark and rich ! (That’s how I like my coffee too!) What’s your favourite month in your garden? I enjoy early July the most here in Northern Alberta. Cheers Boomdee x

    1. May probably is my favourite, but all have something to offer because we have all year colour – sometimes to a much lesser degree than others. Many thanks, Boomdee

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