
This is a photograph taken by Jackie soon after I returned from surgery yesterday;

and here is one I produced of my new slippers requested by my good friend, Quercus. I can’t fit into the left one at the moment.

I’m a bit off my food at the moment, so I settled for orange juice, a ham sandwich and yoghurt for tea, and dispensed with dinner.


  1. You left foot looks at peace with its knee while the slipper waits patiently for return of the occupant. Those are fat volumes at your bedside. Jackie has got the framing right. Wish you a perfect recovery!

  2. Classic slippers, and a good colour too, vibrant without being gaudy. All in all, an excellent choice.

    I note that Jackie could justifiably add “photographer” to her list of talents – the photo captures a lot of character.

    Get well soon – and remember the longer you stay in hospital the more likely you are to catch something. πŸ™‚

  3. Well done for posting, Derrick. If you feel a lot of pain, make sure that you get painkillers. There’s no need to endure it silently!

  4. It’s good to know you’re well enough not to break your tradition of posting every day, Derrick. πŸ™‚
    I hope your recovery goes smoothly.
    Now, I’m going to listen to A Whiter Shade of Pale and play it for my husband.

  5. Nice slippers! πŸ™ƒ I was told to keep my toes pointed at the ceiling. I hope your pain is bearable. It wasn’t too terrible for my first knee, but the second one was a doozy. I hope your physical therapy is going well. 😊

  6. Derek, I hope you soon recover. Compared to one’s home, hospitals are not a good environment. One needs to get into one’s slippers, the two of them. Love, Micheline πŸ™‚

  7. Derrick…Glad your surgery went well and love your slippers. Jackie seems to be taking great care of you while in the hospital and will do the same when you return home. Remember from one who has been thru 2 of these surgeries….. the key is to not be complacent about doing your physical therapy. It is a bit uncomfortable at first, but the more you move your knee now and bend it as far as you can, the easier it will become and the better results you will ultimately have. Wish you speedy recovery !

  8. Oh! I was irregular again and didn’t know about your surgery. Glad that it went well, Derrick. I’m sure you’ll recuperate steadily and, will again be on your regular diet very soon πŸ™‚ The colour of the slippers is nice (it’s one of my favourite colours).

  9. Lovely slippers Derrick – before you know it you’ll be up and about. Have you started to get stomach rumblings yet?

  10. Hope those pics are well out of date by my late reading and response Derrick.
    Keep an eye on that Bunion mate, they can be painful.

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