The Age Of Wonders

In order to take it easy today I determined to stay indoors and not be tempted outside. This was not expected to be difficult because it was supposed to rain all day. Although the skies remained overcast, there was very little rain.

Helen paid us a visit this morning, and we exchanged our respective news.

Much of the rest of the day I spent dozing and reading.

Aharon Appelfeld, who died earlier this year, was an Israeli author who, as a survivor of the Holocaust, focussed on the rise of anti-Semitism in Europe. His novel ‘The Age of Wonders’, which I finished reading this afternoon, is a beautifully written narrative from the perspective of a twelve year old boy. As usual, I will not reveal the story, save to say that the work offers a gradual realisation of the pre-war build-up of alienation of Austrian Jews.

The writing is simply fluid and full of excellent lyrical descriptions.

The Age of Wonders Jacket illustration

A most apt recurring motif is the family train journeys from 1937. This is reflected in Nancy Lawton’s jacket illustration for my David R Godine publication of 1981.

The beauty of Appelfeld’s prose has been successfully rendered by the translation from Dalya Bilu.

My supermarket prepared meal this evening was a rather good chicken tikka masala from Tesco


  1. I too stayed inside, but here on the edge of London we had hours of thunderstorm. Actually I ventured down the garden once to attach a second ‘squirrel-proof’ bird feeder to the hut. I put the first one up yesterday and my daughter told me she watched the squirrel fall off it and huff off. Wishing you well – Chris

  2. Sounds like your body is still recovering from the trauma of surgery. Take it easy.

  3. Good to see you reading – when I was in recovery last year I found reading was an indicator that I was getting better. Also good to see you getting more fibre! 🙂

    Regards to Jackie – she’s doing well.

    1. “That’s very nice”, says Jackie. I took this book into hospital with me, but couldn’t even open it. All-bran for breakfast, now 🙂 Thanks a lot, Quercus

      1. I’m a bit mystified why you’re on supermarket prepared meals in the presence of CQ. Are her menus too rich? And can one trust TescAldaMorriSainsbury’s? I thought they were over-spiced, etc. all the sort of elements that doctors don’t recommend.
        Glad to read that you’re generally behaving, though (however enforced it is… )

        1. I still can’t eat much and have a hankering for bland. Also Jackie has so much else to do. Supermarket meals have improved – although they wouldn’t normally be enough for me 🙂

  4. This sounds like an important book to read right now. Thanks for bringing it to my attention. I’m glad you were able to rest today.

  5. Thanks for the link to a very interesting book Derrick, will certainly be chasing it down through my local library, the topic sounds like it is an historical perspective from young eyes which makes it more appealing.

  6. Sounds like a book of sorrow and unfortunately very appropriate for now. Glad you are back to reading. That means your body is healing.

  7. I enjoy chicken Tikka or chicken masala (marsala) from Saffron restaurant and could never fully replicate their spices and creamy textures. Your meal sounds great, despite supermarket (grocery store) prepared! Lovingly by Jackie. 💐
    I accidentally called her the head cook on her (day after) birthday post. I will head back to say Culinary Queen. 👑

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