The Food Is Over There


This afternoon Jackie drove Elizabeth and me to Lymington where my sister visited her Estate Agent. Afterwards we carried on to Pilley in order to introduce the prospective new resident to more of her soon to be local fauna. The ladies also visited the Community Shop where much local information was gathered.

The lake is still very dry, although at least one pony was able to soak its feet in the water while drinking and tugging out the weed, before foraging on the bed. When we visited before the recent storm there had not been sufficient water to reflect the houses in the first two pictures. The animal on the far side had quite a trek from what was the bed of the lake earlier in the year, to take a drink.

The customary number of ponies, with foals, occupied the parched grassy area in front of the terrace of houses alongside the shop.

A young girl and boy were enjoying feeding the ponies from bowls. Their mother, like me, having photographed them, was forced to protest that she had no food for the more persistent beggars, and that they should look elsewhere.


We toured the local lanes. May Lane is a cul-de-sac, from the end of which we could see more ponies on Pilley Street.

Finally we enjoyed a drink in the Fleur de Lys, the highly recommended local pub, where we will dine tomorrow.

This evening we savoured more of Jackie’s excellent, hot, chilli con carne. Having downed a pint of Jail ale at the pub I drank water; Jackie drank Hoegaarden, and Elizabeth, more of the Merlot.


  1. It must be so terribly exciting and just a little nerve wracking to be taking up residence in a new community. Elizabeth is fortunate to have you two to support her so well!

  2. Our lake is lower than we’ve seen it in 14 years. I’m sure the poor fish are freaking out and all gathered at the middle. Love to see the horses, Derrick!

    1. Jill and Derrick –
      Wish I could give you some
      Of our rain – month or too much – no floods but stormy nights and blah

        1. Hope I did not complain too much – there are perks – grass all around is extra green and have not had to water (but the little area I water is nada compared to what your beautiful garden needs)
          Anyhow – just enjoying summer rain or shine

  3. I can’t believe no one told that stupid girl not to feed the ponies. They’re wild animals. They bite. I’ve seen it. And as for a kick… Goodness, get me, Mr Grump!

        1. It’s in Pilley. Had a bad reputation until new management about 7 years ago. Now run by a chef who limits covers to 30. When I booked yesterday we got the last space for this evening

          1. Be good to hear about it. Dad liked it because of the beer – not just Courage bilge as he called it. Can’t rememebr what.

  4. Continued best wishes to Elizabeth as she gets to settle in her new place!

    Always good to see how the horses and ponies are doing. I hope they continue to find shade and water and food.

    Does Jackie make her chili hot with spices or peppers or both?! We use peppers and chili spices in our chili. I especially love it in the cold months…but I’ll eat it any time. 🙂

    HUGS!!! 🙂

  5. I didn’t realize that the ponies were wild! How wonderful. I have known drought here in California and I hope you get gentle rain sufficient to water all the wonderful animals! So nice to see you are up and about and, apparently, doing much better!

  6. Congratulations to Elizabeth! I look forward to closer introduction to the local flora and fauna –and architecture– through your excellent photography.

  7. Beautiful photos with the ponies. I love the reflections of the house and also the ghostly white reflection of the horse on the other side of the water. When I was still doing Chinese brush painting, I spent some time painting horses. So, even though I don’t ride horses, I have an appreciation for the shape of them.

  8. Lots of life happening in spite of the low water. I keep wishing and praying some of our rain could go to where it’s needed more.

  9. Some horses are biters, but there are ways you can turn a non-biting one into a biter. Of course, you don’t want to do this. Don’t tease when you’re giving it a treat. Like offering it and then pulling the treat away. Also, unless you know them, it’s better to give larger treats like carrots and apples. Don’t keep small treats in your pocket, either. The horse or pony will smell them and investigate with its mouth.

    Whenever you need to reach for the animal’s head, do so gently. Making sudden movements might alarm them, and if that happens, the equine might bite as a defense mechanism.

    It’s best not to approach a horse or pony from the rear. But if you do, make sure the horse knows you’re there.

    Speak to it in a low, calm voice before you get into kicking range.

    Have a nice day and my greetings to Elizabeth and Jackie too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Elizabeth is moving to a beautiful area–but I hope you get a nice steady rain soon.
    The chili sounds delicious (even though I eat mine without meat). 🙂

  11. Gosh, all those horses! I really like the shots of the white horse (or pony) by the water with the reflections of the buildings.

      1. Every day can be so different. This is what makes photography both frustrating and fascinating.

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