Today I scanned a dozen colour slides dated May 2008 from my Streets of London series.

Wikipedia has these snippets to offer on Pelham Place SW7:
Pelham Place is a street of Grade II* listed Georgian terraced houses in South Kensington, London, England.
Pelham Place runs north to south from Pelham Place to Pelham Crescent.
2-14 is a circa 1825 terrace.[1] 1-29 is an 1833 terrace, designed by the architect George Basevi.[2] 1-29 is similarly grade II listed.[3]
In 1950, the British-born American winemaker Peter Newton met his future wife, Anne St. Aubyn at a party in his house in Pelham Place.[4]
Mel Brooks briefly lived in Pelham Place in the 1950s, while working at the BBC on the Sid Caesar show.[5]
In 1967, Cecil Beaton photographed the model Twiggy wearing a yellow velvet dress by John Bates for Jean Varon[6] in the residence of 8 Pelham Place, for an editorial for Vogue[7]

A couple of years after I photographed this Chanel Store in Pelham Street, the Swedish fashion store rejoicing in the delightful name of Acne moved in next door. And Chanel is still there!

Kenzo, on the other hand, no longer seems to be resident in Ixworth Place, SW3. Perhaps the scaffolding drove them away.

Strong sunshine has burnt out the name of the street sharing this corner of King’s Road, Chelsea, where the mens’s and women’s clothing chain was having a sale.

You would need a few million pounds to buy one of these houses in Durham Place SW3.

Wikipedia tells us that ‘The Royal Hospital Chelsea is a retirement home and nursing home for some 300 veterans of the British Army. It is a 66-acre site located on Royal Hospital Roadin Chelsea, London. It is an independent charity and relies partly upon donations to cover day-to-day running costs to provide care and accommodation for veterans.
Any man or woman who is over the age of 65 and served as a regular soldier may apply to become a Chelsea Pensioner (i.e. a resident), on the basis they have found themselves in a time of need and are “of good character”. They must not, however, have any dependent spouse or family and former Officers must have served at least 12 years in the ranks before receiving a commission.’

Across the River Thames from Chelsea Embankment lies Battersea Park in which stands the Peace Pagoda. http://news.bbc.co.uk/local/london/hi/people_and_places/religion_and_ethics/newsid_8091000/8091765.stm contains this information:
‘At a time when the Cold War and the fear of a nuclear attack were escalating the offer of a Peace Pagoda to promote world harmony seemed appropriate.
It was offered to the people of London by the Nipponzan Myohoji Buddhist Order as part of the 1984 Greater London Council (GLC) Peace Year.
Nipponzan Myohoji is a religious movement that emerged from the Nichiren sect of Japanese Buddhism.
They have been constructing Peace Pagodas, as the spiritual focus to unify the movement for peace, since 1947 and they exist all around the world including Europe, Asia and the United States.
The pagoda in Battersea was built by monks, nuns and followers of Nipponzan Myohoji at the behest of The Venerable Nichidatsu Fujii (1885-1985), founder of the organisation.’

Turpentine Lane and Peabody Avenue SW1 lie in the Peabody Trust’s Pimlico Estate.
The Trust’s website, detailing all the estates describes Pimlico thus:
Pimlico is one of our oldest estates. The first 26 blocks date from 1876 – and we can learn about the early tenants from the national census taken every 10 years. In 1881 around 2,000 people lived there, many of them working in the nearby Chelsea Barracks. There were also lamplighters, messengers, charwomen, policemen and plumbers, while Charles Sutton, who lived in C Block, was employed as a porter at Buckingham Palace.
Pimlico is one of four of our estates to have a plaque commemorating those who died on active service in the First World War. In November 2005 a Channel 4 TV series, entitled Not Forgotten, featured the war memorial. Presenter Ian Hislop interviewed the granddaughter of William Buckland, the first man on the estate to be killed.
During the Second World War, the estate received a visit from Prime Minister Winston Churchill, who came to see the damage caused by an air raid.
New blocks were built on the Pimlico estate in 2011. They were officially opened by HRH the Duke of York in November 2012.’

‘The White Ferry House brings a traditional country pub vibe to the centre of London. The venue is housed in a stunning Victorian ‘flat-iron’ building and comes steeped in history, with a network of passages historically used to smuggle baccy, rum and gunpowder to the river buried below its foundations.’ It stands on the corner of Sutherland Street and Westmoreland Terrace SW1.

the iconic Battersea Power Station, visible across the river from Ebury Bridge SW1, now has a quite different purpose than originally envisaged.

Buckingham Palace Road SW1 runs from the South side of Buckingham Palace towards Chelsea.
This evening we dined on Jackie’s tender heart casserole topped with sauté potatoes; creamy mashed potato; sage and onion stuffing; roasted butternut squash, yellow peppers, and vary-coloured carrots; with crisp cabbage. The Culinary Queen drank Hoegaarden and Elizabeth and I drank more of the Rioja.
Another fascinating London tour. Thank you, Derrick. I think we need more peace pagodas.
I’m reading a novel by Kate Atkinson, and I keep thinking Derrick would know what this place or that place is that she mentions in London. 🙂
🙂 That’s fun, Merril. I probably would. Thanks very much
That giant lady staring out of Chanel looks anything but amiable. Interesting area. I suppose (having thoroughly enjoyed one after supper) Chelsea doesn’t really offer Chelsea buns?
She’s envious of the ice cream, Leslie. The Chelsea bun is a type of currant bun that was first created in the 18th century at the Bun House in Chelsea, an establishment favoured by Hanoverian royalty, which was demolished in 1839. The bun is made of a rich yeast dough flavoured with lemon peel, cinnamon or mixed spice. Wikipedia. Thanks very much
That doesn’t sound too much like the Chelsea Buns we have always bought here. They do feature raisins, though, and are coated with delicious white icing.
Dear heaven ‘Acne’ – Coco would be turning in her grave! 🙂 Love the Peace Pagoda – the world most certainly needs more of those!
I had to Google Peace Pagoda right away. The US only has four, according to my source. And it shows.
I hadn’t thought to do that – so I did. It looks like there may be just two here – one in each island.
Very perceptive, Jodie
Many thanks, Pauline. Had Acne been next door when I was there I might have taken quite a different picture, but then would have missed the model ogling the ice cream
You could do what I did – as soon as my Persian Tiles was finished I started another one for a Christmas present 🙂 They are a bit addictive…..
That other reply was not meant for you – my fingers are being particularly clumsy this evening. Sorry.
That was quite a lovely tour, Derrick, thanks.
I’m pleased. GP. Many thanks
Thanks for the excellent tour!
I’m pleased you liked it, Jodie. Thanks very much
: )
Great pictures, great facts. The final section reminded me of that great film ‘Passport to Pimlico’
Thanks a lot, Andrew. Great film. I lived in Pimlico for a year in 1973.
Lovely old neighborhoods. And what a feast!
Thanks very much, Laurie
You’re a fantastic tour guide, Derrick!
Thanks very much, Jill
Very interesting as ever; great pictures of a place I have never been to and likely will never get to…thanks!
Many thanks, Cynthia
“…former officers must have served at least twelve years in the ranks before receiving a commission.” Am I the only one who smiled reading that? 🙂
I expect not, Oglach. Thanks for the close reading and comment
Thanks for the wonderful tour Derrick!
Thanks very much, Lynn
Beautiful lighting and framing go hand in hand with illustrious diction. Many of those images trigger trains of thoughts, even though those places are thousands of miles away in distance and time.
That is very pleasing, Uma. Thanks very much
Thanks for the great Pics and tour in and around the Streets of London. Enjoyed it very much and found the old Royal Hospital Chelsea now used as a retirement home for some Veterans of the British Army to be particularly interesting, especially with my military background.
Thanks very much, Gary. Glad you liked it
Well, after all these years, now I know what a Chelsea Pensioner is. I had quite the wrong idea.
I’m pleased to have sorted that out, Yvonne. Thanks very much
Thank you for taking us with you, Derrick! I love the seeing sites and enjoyed hearing the history and the interesting facts you shared! 🙂
If we promise to behave will you take us rambling with you, again, some day?!?!
HUGS for you and Jackie and Elizabeth and your Mum!
PS…your meal sounds delicious and colorful! 🙂
I will promise, Carolyn, but there are not many more. This last batch start at number 961. Maybe I could revisit the earlier ones and surf the information that I didn’t then. Very many thanks
Thanks for posting these lovely photos of London Derrick!
Thanks very much, Arlene
A lovely historical walk. Thank you.
Thanks a lot, Sherry
That house is my dream house. I have had to put it inside me.
Thanks very much, Micheline
I thoroughly enjoyed the tour, Derrick. What quirky names some of these streets have. 🙂
Turpentine Lane was a particularly good one, Sylvia. Thanks very much
Fabulous post Derrick. Those ten yearly census reports have been a great source of information for my genealogical hunting.
Many thanks, Lindsey
Great photos and interesting facts. I always like your tours of London.
I always think of you when I do them, Quercus. Many thanks
Interesting photographical records.
When I set about this task in 2004 I had no idea what I would do with them. Thanks very much, Rupali
I have to slowly read your words as it is like an excellent lecture by a renowned professor. 🤔
Your using the internet to update the ten year old photos is “genius,” Derrick. Everyone enjoys your London tours. Thank goodness, Channel is there still and I enjoy your humorous bits, too. hugs, Robin
Very many thanks, Robin. I hope all is improving for you
Anyone live around the Kings Rd SW3 in the 1960s? I just put up a plaque to commemorate Mary Quant’s BAZAAR boutique. Does anyone have an photo’s of the KR or Bazaar tucked away in a shoe box from that era. Thank You. Keith Howard kwh101@hotmail.com
I’m afraid I can’t help with what you ask, but among my many posts featuring London, I do have this, which might amuse you:
From my views list I see you have probably already read about the Kings Road escapade, so no need for further perusal, Keith. Thanks very much.
Nov 6th,
Hi Derrick,
Thanks for reply. As you say life goes and curiously, even though I live in London, my most recent outing was to the New Forest. A family re-union to celeb’ my Dad’s 94th birthday. We stayed in Bournemouth. I hired a car and my Dad wanted a drive thru the forest. I haven’t been there since child hood. We ended up having tea at the White Buck in Burley. Delightful place. I read your Halloween blog about the guinea fowl in the village. We saw a black pig strolling along by the side of the street. It had an ear tag so wasn’t wild. And latter we had lunch at The Turfcutters Arms in East Boldre. Venison stew was on the menu that day.
Thanks very much, Keith. A small world. We have enjoyed both The Turfcutters Arms and the White Buck. You will know I spent most of my previous life in London. The pig may well have been a pannage straggler.
Thanks for the country life education. “pannage?” I had to Google that. So the little black pig was likely on his way to work. I grew up in London, then moved San Francisco, California when I was 28, about 1982. I was in computers or IT as they call it today. Silicon Valley was in it’s post-natal infancy then. I lived in the US for 34 years. Recently returned to my native London and am re-living my youth with gusto. Hence the Mary Quant plaque project. We got quite of bit of press coverage for the unveiling including Italian VOGUE. Have ideas for Peter Jones on Sloane Sq and I’ve designed King’s Road themed benches. Everyday is nonstop creative fun — it’s like I’m 19 again.
I am re-purposing this blog site, so if you should need to email me, send it to kwh101@hotmail.com.
Regs, Keith W Howard.
Many thanks, Keith. Keep me posted on the blog site.