Road Rage

Forlorn pasty-faced skies wept for most of the day. After an early lunch Jackie and I drove to Southampton General Hospital to visit Mum. The good news is that she was looking much better and is to move tomorrow to a Rehabilitation Centre at Romsey. We will see what they can do to get her on her feet again. She has already been transferred to a less intense ward ‘for older people’. Joseph and Angela were with our mother when we arrived. They left soon afterwards, but I don’t think it was any thing personal.

Avoiding Millbrook roundabout which we knew to be closed from our direction, Jackie managed to negotiate the terrible Hampshire roads to bring us to the barrier of the one car park in the hospital that had some spaces. Peering through the rainswept windscreen we waited our turn for the barrier to rise for our admittance.

Having driven around for a while inside in search of one of the vacancies, we waded over the uneven paving that is de rigueur for any modern public development. We were directed to Mum’s new ward, which was helpful.

When paying for parking on departure, we considered that one out of three properly working machines was perhaps fortunate.

People, such as taxi drivers, not wishing to park, but delivering patients as near as possible to the front door, do rather tend to cause something of a blockage in visitors’ escape route.

In the direction of our return home, the Millbrook Roundabout was actually open, but we were advised to expect delays. Listening to the thud/squeak rhythm of the windscreen wipers; avoiding being mesmerised by the brake lights we were following; ignoring the temptations of fish and chips; and finding some amusement in ‘Elves Behavin (sic) Badly’ we settled down for the long haul along the A33. In one of those brilliant planning touches we find on Hampshire’s roads more roadworks came into focus further along the way. We were now reduced to one lane, the queue being supplemented by vehicles filtering in from the left.

Jackie took the first opportunity to strike out across the forest by turning into Deerleap Lane. Within very few minutes we were once again breathing fresh air on familiar winding lanes where the only road rage experienced was the alarm sounded by what must surely have been Roman geese guarding a soggy farmyard.

It being our first second wedding anniversary we dined at Fleur de Lys in Pilley. We both enjoyed truffles and celeriac soup with scrumptious fresh crispy bread. Jackie went on to mushroom risotto, while I enjoyed a succulent steak, French fries, and green beans. Mrs Knight drank Blue Moon and I drank an excellent Merlot.


  1. Happiest of anniversaries to you and Mrs. Knight! I am so glad to hear your mum is doing a bit better.
    Love that first paragraph. It went from the sublime: “Forlorn pasty-faced skies wept for most of the day.” to the ridiculous: “They left soon afterwards, but I don’t think it was any thing personal.” Nice.

  2. Happy Anniversary to you and Jackie!
    I’m glad your mom is doing a bit better, but what a mess getting to see her and back. Beautiful photos of the forest lanes.

  3. Road works – Ai-yi-yi!! We have just entered the season of innumerable slowages, stoppages and detours. October through to Christmas is generally a nightmare on roads here and some people get terribly upset by this annual event. Happy second first anniversary – it’s a lovely thing! And I’m very glad to hear your mum is on the up and making movements towards freedom again.

  4. Good to know Hampshire Highways Department is still staffed by the prenaturally bewildered. I think their concept of planning is to write the details of each road on a jenga brick and each one they pull out gets to be worked on. When the whole edifice collapses they issue a barely credible apology for inconvenience and start again….

  5. Congrats on the anniversary!
    So Hampshire STILL loves frustrating motorists with interminable roadworks cunningly inserted where one least expects them?

  6. Melbourne has been in the throws of railway crossing upgrades and highway widening and trying to avoid tolls and level crossing stoppages the sight of all your traffic snarls is something that causes a sense of comradeship. But I do like photographs of geese.

  7. Love the geese and the Elves behavin’ badly truck! πŸ™‚ Ha! Elves in October! πŸ˜€
    The happiest of anniversaries to you and Jackie! πŸ™‚ Sounds like a wonderful celebration meal! πŸ™‚
    I’m so very happy to hear about your Mum! I’m so glad she is doing better. πŸ™‚
    HUGS for all of you!!! πŸ™‚

  8. Happy to hear Mum is improving, but I couldn’t wait for you to get out of that congested area and the rainy weather! Then – lo and behold, Jackie got us to Deerleap Lane and all was right in the world again!!

  9. I’m coming to appreciate country roads more and more as a shelter from road rage. I’m glad you mother is improving.
    Congratulations on your wedding anniversary!

  10. Is it really a year? Congratulations to you both. Good to hear your mother is making progress.
    Tonight, taking Number Two son to work, I’m hoping to miss most of the roadworks as they stop some for the weekend. Otherwise we have four lots in 15 miles. It must be deliberate. Grrr.

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