Our crab apples are beginning to line the pavement at the front of the house. In previous years blackbirds have feasted on them. Other birds have preferred holly berries which are falling onto the soil below. This year, it seems, our avifauna are obtaining sufficient sustenance elsewhere.
This morning I took up ‘A Knight’s Tale’ once more. For more recent readers I should explain that, following encouragement from others, I have begun writing the story of my life, taking much information from posts on this blog. As the narrative entered adulthood I became rather uncertain of the direction into which I should take my next step. Childhood had seemed much more straightforward.
Today, for material, I delved into ‘The Drain’, ‘The Folio Society’, ‘Toytown’, and ‘A Postcard’
This evening we dined on Mr Pink’s fish and chips, with which Jackie fished the Sauvignon Blanc and Elizabeth and I drank Cono Sur Bicicleta reserva Merlot 2017
They are gorgeous Derrick
Thanks a lot, Drew
I am excited that you are writing your life story. I agree, childhood is easier, even the very old memories
Very good idea writing your autobiography/memoirs. And what better place to look for inspiration, than your blog.
Thanks very much, Val. It has certainly become a good memory jogger
‘avifauna’ – that’s a new one to add to my repertoire..
Thanks very much, William. I do try for variety
Writing ones memoir can be, I believe, a quite harrowing occupation – little bites sounds most sensible!
What to put in, what to leave out. Memories stirred. Many thanks, Pauline.
Gorgeous photos, Derrick!
Thank you very much, Jill
Good luck with the memoir
Thanks a lot, Geoff
Keep plugging away at that memoir. You have many who will enjoy the stories long after you are no longer around to the hear them. Good luck!
Whoops, I meant to say, “to tell them”.
Many thanks for the encouragement, Gwen
Catchy title
and very best wishes on your memoir endeavors!
Thanks very much, Cynthia
Lovely photos of the crab apples. Good luck with your memoir!
Thanks very much, Merril
I love the berry photos. Thank you for the pingbacks and best wishes for the continued memoir writing.
Thanks very much, Clare
Glad to hear that you’re back at the book. I thought I was going to have to write your story myself.
Many thanks, Oglach. That would be a great help
Your title makes a good tongue-twister! I tried to say it three times fast!

Lovely crab apples AND berries!
Oh, that is so exciting that you are working on your memoirs! ‘Twould be a wonderful treasure for family and friends! And even people you don’t know would enjoy reading. If you are writing it like you write your blog it will be great…you have a wonderful writing style. Best wishes as you write!
HUGS to you and Jackie!
Very many thanks, Carolyn. X Now you’ve got me trying to say it three times fast
A piece of plaice an six penuff ov chips!
Sounds good to me,
The last week or so, our bird table too has been relatively deserted. Perhaps there are things in the forest which are now ripening and becoming more edible.
Fascinating, John. Many thanks
Lovely berry shots and good luck with writing.
Thanks a lot, Rupali
There is a Rowan Mountain Ash in my neighbour’s garden which is overloaded with red berries which seem to have no interest to the garden birds except for the pair of resident magpies!
So many people are reporting this phenomenon. Thanks a lot, Andrew
And they look so inviting, I wish that the birds would take them to stop them falling into my garden!
Actually, I’ve had a thought about magpies, of which there seems to be a preponderance. In our Newark garden year of magpies would be followed by a dearth of songbirds, who would return the following year…..after which the magpies would return…… and so on
They are nest robbers, that’s for sure!
Your life story—exciting! We (your appreciative audience) can hardly wait! Hopefully, it will be illustrated, with pictures from this amazing blog!
That’s th idea, Diane. Many thanks – especially for the encouragement
Very inspiring and beautiful photos. Its a great step.
Thanks very much, Cheche
You are welcomed Derrick
I look forward to relishing the saga once it is released. Meanwhile, I’ll be content with the crabapples scattered about the pavements of your blog.
Very many thanks, Uma. I like the way you have worked the metaphor
For most people, childhood is much more straightforward. Good look with the adulthood section. Look forward to reading your book!
Thanks very much, Laurie
my parakeets love the little apples on a little branch I give it and they go crazy playing with it.
I was wondering about the memoir recently, but didn’t feel I should mention it when I have so many unfinished projects about.
Oh those beautiful berries made me smile.
Thanks very much, Byung
I am also re-starting my memoir and I know just what you mean. That change of tone is hard to bridge. However, a memoir, unlike a biography does not have to be linear.
A very good point indeed, Mary. Many thanks