An Illusion Of Road Sense

In order to enjoy what might be our last day of autumn sunshine Jackie drove us into the forest this afternoon. We took the Undershore route to Pilley and beyond. Fallen leaves glowed on the passing spaces necessary on this narrow lane, and on pools and the footpath alongside Lymington reed beds.

As we passed a field along Church Lane, Boldre, I glimpsed working horses within it. In order to create these images it was necessary to poke my camera lens through spiky hedges and spikier still barbed wire. Some of the animals wore their winter rugs. I assumed those without such protection were the hardier forest ponies. I’m not sure what they made of my  protuberance. One stood and stared; others wandered away.

Burnished bracken spoke to golden oaks at Puttocks Bridge car park where

the lowering sun caused chestnut ponies’ pelts to metamorphose into rich velvet pile.

The mother of one foal crossed the road and ventured into the woodland on the other side. At first the youngster remained with its older companion;

then ambled across the road and nosed around among the fallen leaves.

The road here runs over the stream also spanned by the eponymous bridge, where a small family paddled in the shallows

while I admired the reflected trees, leaves, and skies.

Apples worthy of tempting Eve hung enticingly just out of reach of

the pony on the pavement initially fooling me into thinking it had developed road sense.

No such luck. Suddenly the creature stepped out in front of a car brought to an abrupt halt, and dawdled off along the tarmac. (The reason there are two sets here is revealed below)

Another adult led another youngster into the road. The skittish foal rushed along the pavement on the other side, 

chasing the chestnut before veering off to the left, presumably having spotted something more interesting.

Following elmediat’s helpful advice in his comments on yesterday’s post I have had one more try at enabling these images to be enlarged by readers. One amendment I noticed after drafting all this was that my images were cropped for alignment in the galleries, so, for example, the picture of the pony stepping in front of the car lost the all-important glimpse of the vehicle. Without cropping the shapes are also altered. I have left the very first set cropped, in order to check whether this is how they are presented, or whether the random selection we previously enjoyed is shown.

I still receive the ‘somewhat embarrassing’ message when I try to look at a preview, so I can’t check whether the enlarged viewing is possible before posting. If it is not, I will revert to the old system until the new is forced upon us. I am sure you will continue to let me know.

This evening we dined on roast chicken; sage and onion stuffing; Yorkshire pudding; roast potatoes and parsnips; tasty Brussels sprouts; and rainbow carrots; and gravy with meaty bits in it. This was followed by mixed fruit crumble and vanilla ice cream. Jackie drank Hoegaarden and I drank more of the Madiran.


  1. Well, I can now enlarge, but not access a gallery, just one photo at a time. Which is a better situation than previously. The ‘velvet’ ponies are beautiful aren’t they, I feel like I could reach out and touch that coat and it would be velvet.

  2. Beautiful photos, Derrick. I love the water/reflections, but the ponies are wonderful, too.
    Yes, like Pauline said, we can not enlarge (yay), but just one photo at a time.

  3. The enlarged images are unviewable in my iPad as only a fraction of those occupy the screen. Three to four images fit the screen, including the one that supplied the title. Perhaps the utter ignorance of ponies to roads and the putative conventions emanate from nonchalance than deficient intelligence. Horses are known to have displayed spectacular wisdom in battlefields of yore.

  4. I clicked on one photo and it enlarged beautifully. I had an argument with a friend of mine who complained about the lack of detail in some of my photos of my road-trip. He was using his iphone and I very politely asked why he bothered. I only look at photos on my desktop. The politeness of the conversation began to deteriorate a little at that point.

  5. All of the photos are lovely, Derrick! But the ones of the reflected leaves, trees and skies AND the one of the apples AND the one of the little boy and his mum (dressed alike and having fun in the water) got “OH’S! from me! Love them! πŸ™‚
    When I click on the photos now, they do enlarge. πŸ™‚
    HUGS!!! πŸ™‚
    PS…for dinner we had roasted chicken, and a salad with all kinds of greens, including spinach, tomatoes, avocado, onions, etc. πŸ™‚

  6. Lovely ponies.
    You are getting the hang of the new editor. They open large now. I hope you take the time to let WP know of difficulties and dislikes. I noticed on mine the captions are no longer pop-ups on the gallery mode. They are pasted on there and I don’t like that. I am making a list as I go along.

  7. I do not like the new editor either, I cannot find the accents. I love the roof tiles. I find your going through 2 knee operations very courageous. I am told it is painful.

  8. Love the photos! πŸ™‚
    Hi Derrick, With regards the editor preview issues…
    In the new Editor you can click on the three vertical dots top right of screen to ‘Show more tools and options’. Down the bottom you can select ‘Switch to classic editor’. This will take your work saved to the old version where you can check the preview! Kinda defeats the purpose a little but it suffices until such time as WP fix the bugs ( Like not having a ‘Select post to copy’ option! πŸ™
    You can also revert back after you check – if you need to? πŸ™‚
    I might add that i used the old editor today and it would NOT let me preview a post with only 2 pics it??
    Have a pleasant day.

  9. Lovely collection of Autumnal photo’s even the ponies match the colour scheme, As for the photos, when you click on them, yes they can be enlarged wonderfully with massive detail.. Thank you.

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