Today the constantly leaking skies remained grizzling throughout.
This afternoon, in the drizzle, Jackie and I transported a superfluous chair to the Oakhaven Hospice Shop in Highcliffe. They were pleased to receive it.
Nicki and Andrew were conveying more of Elizabeth’s belongings from storage to her new house. We drove on to Pilley for a drink with these three in the Fleur de Lys. We enjoyed a pleasant conversation before the others set about their work and we returned home.
In speaking about how I came by my Warwinter book of drawings, I was reminded that I had not changed the display print for some time.
Our downstairs loo is entitled The Print Room because it is decorated with a random collection of prints, some of which, like the above-mentioned set are intended constantly to make way for others.
I put this right later today, replacing


These stark black and white illustrations convey the reality of that terrible winter of occupation.

This is the top section of one of the walls. Beneath the Warwinter picture is a signed print number 51/90 of Hidden Depths by Chris Noble. Alongside hangs a framed set of Chapter Headings to Suzannah Whatman’s Housekeeping Book, being the signed prints by Frank Martin decorating the Geoffrey Bles publication of 1956. This is number 13 priced at 1 guinea each.
Elizabeth returned to spend a few more days with us until her new home is sufficiently habitable. This evening we drove back over to The Fleur de Lys for a celebration meal. The ladies shared a fish platter starter, while my choice was cream of tomato soup with fresh, crusty, bread. Elizabeth and I both chose chicken and ham pie with mashed potato and perfect mange touts and curly kale; Jackie thoroughly enjoyed vegetable open ravioli. My wife and sister both chose a peanut butter parfait dessert with lots of other delicacies, such as chocolate. I chose the excellently flavoured brioche a marmalade budding with custard and vanilla ice cream. Jackie drank Blue Moon while Elizabeth and I drank El Volquita Tempranillo 2017. The service was as friendly and efficient as always, and the food exquisite.
I went back to look at your Warwinter post. I don’t think a lot of people today know about that, or understand what it was like. (Of course, some people also deny the Holocaust happened.) My sisters and I were discussing Audrey Hepburn at Thanksgiving, and I remember she lived through that time in Holland. The prints are quite evocative–stark, as you note.
Your celebration dinner sounds wonderful!
Thanks very much, Merril. You would understand more than most
Your grizzly weather goes well with the intriguing prints as it appears to be raining in your art, too. The meal at Fleur de Lys made my mouth water … I guess you can say it was raining in my chops, as well!
Raining, but not grizzling from your chops, I hope, Rose. Thanks very much
You have a super set of prints there Derrick. And another lovely meal to salivate over – You are a fortunate man!
I am indeed, Pauline. Thanks very much
I was drawn to that second print. Thank you for sharing these with us, Derrick. We’ve been cold and rainy here today…hoping for some sunshine tomorrow. Tonight, we’re having fish and chips in honor of you!
Many thanks, Jill. That picture was certainly evocative. I hope you enjoyed the fish and chips.
They were delish!
What a juxtaposition, your sumptuous feast dinner with the Warwinter print.
Well spotted, Gwen. I hadn’t thought of that. Thanks very much
What a luxury to have around a loo!
Why was it illegal to transfer food from country to town? Trying to encourage liberty gardens?
No doubt Derrick will have the true facts but my first instinct was that since the Germans were still in occupation and were deliberately punishing the population for having staged a railway strike in support of the invading allies (which did not work), then the Germans wanted to thwart any reprieve of the starvation conditions.
The fly in the ointment to that theory is that the person with the stop sign is not wearing a German uniform.
I think you are right, Gwen. Maybe the man with the stop sign was a collaborator?
Possibly, I just have the feeling I’m missing something obvious.
The Germans only occupied offshore islands, correct? Never the mainland?
The Germans occupied most of mainland Europe
Of course I know that. I’m talking about in Great Britain.
Thanks again, Judy. The linked post about Warwinter explains that the location was Holland – perhaps I should have made this clear. The Channel Islands were occupied.
Since the sign was in English, I take it it was in Britain.
The linked post about Warwinter explains that the location was Holland – perhaps I should have made this clear.
I think Gwen is right. See my response to her, Judy. Many thanks
Interesting prints – thank you for sharing, Derrick.
Thanks very much, Dolly
My pleasure
The prints evoke emotion and are ripe with detail.

Your celebration dinner sounds wonderful!
I might spend too much time in The Print Room looking at the prints. And someone would knock on the door and say, “Hurry up in there!”
Oh! I meant to tell you…in one of our bathrooms we have small prints of old Norman Rockwell paintings. People seem to enjoy looking at them while they are in there.

And in another room, I have old record album covers decorating the walls. I think they are great art, too.
Two good ideas. Norman Rockwell was a great illustrator X
As ever, a fascinating slice of your life and likes, for which I thank you, Derrick.
Thanks very much, Roland
The beautiful prints show a part of life we often forget. While you and your family support each other in your own day to day life which you generously make us a part of.
Many thanks, GP
Glad things are moving along with Elizabeth’s move to her new home. Derrick, I must say when I read the end of you posts with your descriptive dinning selections, it always makes me hungry, no matter what time of the day. It I gain weight (by eating more) during the time I am less active and recovering from my surgery I’m going to blame it on reading the end of your blogs! LoL!
Be my guest, Gary. I’ve put on about 2 stone since I’ve been out of action (28 pounds). Thanks very much.
The prints portray a very interesting slice of history, Derrick. I’m glad Elizabeth is closer to enjoying her new home and your meal sounds exquisite.
Very many thanks, Eugenia
My stomach is doing acrobatic moves after reading the description of your desserts. Mmmm.
They were something else, Susanne. Thanks very much
Oh my, those desserts sound simply scrumptious!
They were, indeed, Widders. Many thanks
Yes, evocative prints! Oh, my…
Thanks very much, Laurie
Ah, now I know what “Print Room” means–I have been reading posts from latest to earlier ones. I have a laundry room full of ripped-from-magazines pictures –my casual “photo gallery”…far less lofty and educational than your pictures. But it is fun for me to look at as I fold the laundry. Maybe I will write a post on this perhaps peculiar habit–as I plaster such pictures in the bedroom, as well…..
Thanks very much, Cynthia. In our first house, I plastered the loo walls with magazine pictures. Such a post from you would be fascinating
Love it–and will consider
Brioche a marmalade. I was all set to make a shot at an intelligent comment before I read that. I’ve just been looking at recipes…
Thank you for putting the thought in my mind.