Mat, Tess, and Poppy returned to their home early this afternoon.
The rest of us drove to Barton on Sea where Jackie, Becky, and Ian enjoyed coffee in the Beachcomber. I joined them for sparkling water after I had photographed the activities of visitors from the clifftop.
A pink streak divided the indigo bands of Solent and sky while a weak sunset attempted to make itself known.
Among groups gathering on the beach one young boy was intent on keeping a tennis ball in the air.
Pairs masqueraded as ships that pass in the night;
while engaged in an activity I couldn’t make out, one gentleman attempted to avoid entanglement in his dog’s lead;
a lone couple remained transfixed by the incoming waves.
This evening we dined on Jackie’s tender beef in red wine; sage and onion stuffing; bread sauce; Yorkshire pudding; and creamy mashed potato; Becky and I drank Calvet Fleurie 2016; Ian drank Chardonnay and Hoegaarden; Jackie also drank the Belgian beer.
Lovely day!
Many thanks, Leslie
These great photos remind me how much I miss the seaside.
Thanks very much, Dad. We are so lucky to be close between the coast and the forest
We are an hour away from the coast, but it’s a dreadful road.
When fit, I could walk it in less than hour
It is not easy keeping all the balls in the air.
I especially love your photos of the horizon
Thanks very much, Pleasant
Great day with a wonderful dinner.
Thanks very much, Laleh X
My pleasure Derrick dear.
Even on a cold and dreary day, a trip to the ocean is always peaceful. I enjoyed your photos, Derrick!
Many thanks, Jill. In truth, more dreary than cold
It looks like a lovely day, and your photos remind me that I haven’t been to the beach in a long time. I also like the horizon shots. This sentence made me laugh: “Pairs masqueraded as ships that pass in the night;”
Many thanks, Merril. I like to amuse
I know you do.
I like the variety of drink consumed. If I have small French lager it seems like an adventure.
I noticed that while every adult was rugged up, the boy keeping the ball in the air had a t-shirt on! Teenagers!
Well spotted, Anne
Thanks very much
I am pleased to be able to visit you again, Derrick after such a long break. I love seeing the pretty sunset and the diverse groups of people enjoy a walk on the beach.
Thanks very much, Clare. I trust you are OK
I am, thank you, Derrick. I hope you have had a good Christmas and (in case I don’t manage it nearer the time) may I wish you and yours a very happy and healthy new year.
Thanks, Clare. Good wishes reciprocated
It’s nice to see so many ships passing on such a cool day.
It was above 10 degrees, Pauline. Many thanks
No wonder that boy was in a t-shirt! That was pretty much the warmest our spring got ……..
I always enjoy your perspectives and understand being transfixed on waves.
Thanks very much, Joanna
Walking along water is calming and so enjoyable, even in the colder months. Lucky you to be close enough to take advantage of it! I love the muted colors in the first two pictures—so beautiful!
Very many thanks, Diana
Beautiful landscape
Thanks very much, Anna
These photos are so beautiful, Derrick!

And it looks like even on a blustery day the people are enjoying their time by the water!
I notice the boy (like most kids do) is not all bundled up like the adults! When we lived at over 7,000 feet in the mountains and the Autumns, Winters, and even early Springs could be harsh and cold…by the beginning Spring the kids were wearing shorts and t-shirts…while the rest of us were still bundled up.
HUGS and what a delicious dinner Jackie fixed!!!
Thanks very much, Carolyn. I imagine that being on the go all the time you keep yourself warm
I always enjoy your people watching pictures!
Many thanks, Andrew
A visit to Derrick’s neighborhood! I hope the new year will be the same!
Thanks very much, GP
The sunset photos are wonderful.
Thanks very much, Sylvie
What fun to participate in your spying. I misread that tennis ball as a gold ball and was thinking I was very glad he kept it in the air as it might have been painful coming into contact with a head! Then, reread and realized my mistake.
Fun people watching. I noticed the dog with the leash is the same colour as the beach.
Yes – I couldn’t really see what was going on. Thanks very much, Crystal
Oh, lovely! Good food, companionship, dogs, and the ocean. Doesn’t get much better.
Thanks very much, Laurie
what a beautiful sky….
It was. Thanks very much, msw
A good walk on the beach is a wonderful thing. I love weather like that for walking.
It was perfect, Lavinia. Many thanks
The pantomime show of humans goes on. Thanks for letting me into your wizened perspective.
Many thanks, Uma
I envy you your walk by the sea. I live too far away for such on a regular basis and it does pain me!
Sorry about that, Helen. Thanks very much
Nice photos by the Beach. I am sure although that it is much cooler there right now compared to the beaches around the area I’m living at. It will be about 30 degrees celcius and Sunny around here today. Not bad for late December!
Thanks a lot, Gary. More than 10 here, which is quite unusual
Lots of activity from a variety of people – well caught on camera.
Thanks very much, Quercus