Emptying The Dog

Jackie and I took a trip into the forest quite early this morning.

At first there were just us and the ponies enjoying the bright sunshine and the crisp air on the undulating serpentine Holmsley Passage. The grey in the gallery above offered a perfect example of a typical pony turning from tearing at the gorse to pose for its portrait.

Another group breakfasted on the bright gold shrubs beside Smugglers Road car park

Like me, the grazing horses had to pick their way around the loose dog shit littering the slopes at this attractive spot. Of the numerous dog walkers who parked their vehicles alongside our Modus, we noticed none carrying a poo bag to take home with them. Pony excreta dries in the sun and crumbles into the soil. The canine variety grows fur.

Before we moved on cyclists were beginning to appear.

We visited another popular car park at Abbots Well, where the landscape offers panoramic views across the moors which can be accessed down well-trodden paths through now naked trees and thick shrubbery. Walkers, with and without dogs, also enjoyed the morning, balmy for the time of year. Here, one poo bag hung from a bowed branch. These are pleasant locations for emptying the dog.

I returned to the car in time to catch Jackie photographing the photographer.

This evening Jackie and I dined on her thick, well filled, onion and mushroom omelette with a nice, firm, tomato; Ian preferred scrambled egg on toast prepared by Becky, who, herself, enjoyed a doggy bag prepared by the Lal Quilla kitchen.


  1. Nice post Derrick Such a shame that not everyone is considerate about picking up their Dog ‘s waste. When one of the steps onto it inadvertantly, then maybe they’ll think twice next time.

  2. If I had my way dogs would have to wear nappies and it would be irresponsible owners who were dangling from roadside trees.

    Nice picture of you – I think I’m going to enjoy Jackie’s new camera.

  3. Wonderful photos by you and Jackie! Too bad about those irresponsible dog owners. The omelette sounds delicious. I suppose eggs could be a symbolic meal for the New Year. 🙂

  4. Well, that’s an education… I thought it was wool !
    Dog shit aside, I love the pony in the bottom middle pic – the brown one – lovely coat.
    And it’s nice to see a photo of you, Derrick.
    Happy New year!

  5. Derrick, I have seen people do this and if someone is with me, will comment to them loudly about rude dog owners. I dare not do this by myself. One never knows how they will react!
    I love the white star or heart shape on the burnt sienna horse. The photo of you shows how happy and healthy you are. May you and Jackie have happy, healthy and fun moments in 2019! 🎉❤️ 💚 🎉

  6. I think when I die I’d like to come back as a pony in the New Forest,
    I rather prefer Kate Shrewsday’s description ao dogs and their “business”
    Her late dog Macauley always dumped ballast. Beautiful dog got hit by a car whilst crossing an English country lane
    Kate has a marvellous way with words, pity she posts rarely

  7. Jackie sure got a great photo of you. And what a wonderful place to walk! In city, county, and state parks here there are doggie poo bags near the parking lot or park entrance. Still not excuse. If none are provided, people need to bring their own bag.

  8. Love those ponies!

    I’ve actually seen a doggie poop bag hanging from a low branch on this side of the pond, when I lived back on the east coast. What possesses someone to do that?

  9. First of all Derrick sir, wish you HAPPY, MORE INVIGORATING, PEACEFUL AND JOYOUS YEAR-2019 to you and your love ones.

    After viewing your photo input my imagination went with the scene clicked, sailing through the written description; all other information, it was as though I was also part of that journey. Just wonderful to say the least.
    I have penned down a write-up on my EXPERIENCES IN THE YEAR PASSED AND RESOLUTION FOR CURRENT YEAR. Kindly appraise the blog and offer your kind commentary. I really cherish your comments.

    More of such contributions from you in the days ahead.

    With regards,

  10. That is a well recorded (curious) incident of dogs being emptied. The five walkers ambling down the slope with the barebones trees behind them make for a stunning picture. The photographer is as merry as he could be, and has cheered up this reader as a consequence. Do convey my compliments to Jackie.

  11. Derrick love that picture of you, Thank you for all you share.. I don’t always catch every post you put up, but when I drop in my friend, your posts always bring delight.. And my stomach often rumbles and my saliva juices flow, seeing what Jackie is cooking for your meal.. The omelette right up my street. 🙂
    Happy New Year Derrick.. Take care of yourself.. and sending well wishes for Jan for that Opp..
    Sue <3

  12. You truly live in gorgeous parts, Derrick! Weird story – last time I walked one of our beautiful Columbia Gorge trails, I too was angered by dog owners – one in particular. They had carefully bagged the poop, and then set the damn bag down, right by the trail. Who the hell does that??? I wanted to say “If you really don’t intend to bring it back and dispose of it, for heaven’s sake, just kick it over the edge into the ravine. Don’t leave it in a glaringly blue poo bag for all to see!” Sheesh!

  13. Pretty posing ponies…perfect photos of pretty posing ponies! 🙂 (Say that 3 times fast! 😉 )
    Pooch parents propping poop pouches in public! Shame on them! 🙁
    Your smile lights up this cold night, Derrick! 🙂
    Happy New Year! May 2019 be filled with love, light, laughter and lots more photos! 🙂 HUGS!!! 🙂

  14. Funny title, Derrick. As a dog owner who travels with multiple empty poo bags at all times (sometimes she does it twice in one 3 mile walk!), I have to tell you I had no idea what that was on the ground. Even WITH the hint in the title. I actually thought, “My, those English ponies have very different poos from our American horses.” Which is embarrassing, now that I know what I was looking at. It was a long day at work, lol.

    My favorite photo is the middle of the second row – the brown horse with the blonde mane and the white mark – framed by a bush. It’s like a portrait. – Lovely.

    Glad you are out and about and glad Jackie has figured out that new camera already.

    Happiest of years to both of you!

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