Given that it was a splendidly sunny day, and that my right knee was going to feel as if the surgeon were still working on it wherever I sat, we decided this afternoon to prise me into the passenger seat of the car with a camera slung round my neck.
Adopting the method perfected last June, Jackie manoeuvred the car into a convenient position for me to focus on my subjects without my having to move anything else.
Various walkers, one with a dog, wandered along Holmsley Passage, weaving between quietly browsing ponies. The scale of these figures demonstrates the increasing erosion of the tarmac, meaning that a drive along this route can only be undertaken with a certain amount of trepidation.
We continued on to Picket Post, the view from which was shrouded in haze from the lowering sun.
On our way home we paused outside Burley, where I focussed on a rather large grey chomping on sprigs of holly, the prickles of which had no effect on her leathern lips. “There’s something for G.P. Cox“, exclaimed Jackie.
This evening we dined on Jackie’s succulent steak, mushroom, and onions pie; roast potatoes, runner beans, Brussels sprouts and crunchy carrots.
Glorious colours around the narrow road. Almost had me back in Australia, except there the red would have come from the earth!
Glad to see you out and about already. Keep up the good work.
Very many thanks, Jessica
It’s good you were able to get out–I’m sure it was nice for you, too. A find series of photos of the road. I like the first one–the curve in the road.
Very many thanks, Merril
It’s good that you were able to get out and aim that camera again. I hope to hear your knee improves over the coming days and that soon no careful maneuvering of the car will be necessary – except to avoid falling off the edge of Holmsley Passage. I am impressed with that ponies leathery lips too!
Very many thanks, Pauline
Beautiful photos, Derrick. I particularly like that first shot. Looks like a great place to go walking. Take care of that knee!
Many thanks, Jill. Doing my best
Great that you were able to get. The lighting was perfect.
Thanks very much, Peggy
Amazing shots, Derrick! I’m glad you got out-and-about to snap them!
I like how you captured the light and shadows playing!
And it’s nice to see all the walkers out walking!
That large-grey-one chompin’ on the holly is beautiful!
G.P. is a wonderful man! I’m sure he’ll enjoy these photos!
Your evening meal sounds yummy!
HUGS for you and Jackie!!!
Very many thanks, Carolyn X
You are a good photographer Derrick.
Many thanks, Rupali
Nice ride! Hope the pain goes away soon.
Thanks very much, Laurie
Miserable knee. Thank heaven for Jackie’s driving skill to get you out and about. The hind end perspective of the pony is a hoot. I wondered what kind of animal had found its way into the forest when I first glanced at it.
Glad that brought a laugh. Thanks very much, Susanne
I thought at first that pony was falling face first into the holly!–a great angle for shots!
So sorry that newly corrected knee is making itself known…I surely hope you take the best care of yourself–I am sure Jackie will see to it.
Many thanks, Cynthia. We’ll get there
That meal sounded a lot more appetising than sprigs of holly.
Nice nature shots as always Derrick.
Thanks very much, Arlene
Beautiful photos, Derrick! Thanks to Jackie for driving! I love the grey horse for GP, too.
Many thanks, Lavinia. Also for your concern
A lovely sunny day here too, good for gardening chores. Two very hard frosts have finally seen off the geraniums in pots.
Thanks a lot, Andrew
Any frosts down south?
Not that I’ve noticed – although I understand it has dropped below zero at night once or twice
THANKS, JACKIE!! How great is it that someone thought of me 4,371 miles (7,034km) away!! Plus I was wondering what to take out for dinner, but now that you mentioned steak and mushroom – I guess I decided.
Very many thanks from us both, GP. We often do – a friend we may never meet, but real enough. That was quite a mathematical and geographical calculation.
I cheated and looked it up! haha
So glad you saw it, I had been concerned that the pesky knee op. had meant a dearth of ponies for you! X
I wouldn’t have blamed you if it had.
Beautiful photographs. Pie sounds great.
Thanks very much LL/PS
That is encouraging news for your followers, Derrick. That was a quite a sojourn on a sunlit vista.
Very many thanks, Uma.
Shot with a huge difference. :))
Lovely shots – makes me wish I had been out into the countryside this weekend.
Thanks very much, Helen
Great shots again, Derrick. Jackie is my heroine, with all the gardening and driving she does and still finds time to cook delicious and nutritious meals. Hope your knee pain won’t last for much longer.
Thanks very much, Sylvia. It can only get better
So glad that you are home and the knee is healing. Your photographic skills were in no way diminished by your hospital stays! I especially like the holly munching horse!
Many thanks, Gael
Looks like a lovely day out, Derrick. Sending healing vibes your way…
Thanks very much, Julie
Another ‘bum’ shot.
.. is she a little in the way of an expectant mum, do you think? 
Quite likely, Widders
Many thanks
I would love to have a car. Going out to take photos is so therapeutic. I’m glad you could.
Very many thanks, Sherry