Yesterday afternoon I was unable to find my camera lens cap. I searched everywhere, including the garden, to no avail.
This morning I spotted its outline in the hem of my dressing gown. I couldn’t fathom how it had got there, or how to extract it.
Slowly, it dawned on me. Two days ago I had photographed the garden whilst wearing the garment. Yesterday, similarly togged, I had spilt coffee all over myself. This had necessitated the Maintenance Department carrying out a magnificent laundering process.
Clearly I had pocketed the lens cap whilst using the camera in the garden. But it wasn’t in the pocket; and there was no apparent split in the hem –
not until I removed the garment and found a split beyond the neck.
The washing machine had behaved like a member of the Magic Circle and vigorously transported my magic circle.
On a warm and sunny afternoon we brunched at The Beach Hut Café at Friars Cliff.
A surprisingly speedy dredger sped off across Christchurch Bay in the direction of Mudeford.
The inevitable boy threw stones into the water;
a small girl stood by the shoreline contemplating getting her feet wet, took the plunge, and thought better of it;
another, having gingerly negotiated the stony beach, was relieved to feel sand beneath her toes;
others enjoyed digging;
or simply wandering about.
One group dried their clothes on a breakwater, while
a surfing lesson was underway;
and distant kayakers approached.
This evening we dined on Jackie’s delicious spinach soup and fresh, crusty, bread. I would refer anyone who thinks that may not have been sufficiently substantial back to what we consumed for brunch. Mind you, Jackie did drink Wairau Cove Sauvignon Blanc 2017, while I enjoyed another glass of the Garnacha
Brunch looked substantial. Not surprising you had a light supper.
🙂 Many thanks, Laurie
You have such a clever magic washing machine, Derrick. Love the beach photos!
Thanks very much, Dolly
My pleasure, Derrick
It’s great to eat out now and again (and it gives the Head Gardener a break now and then). But can I bother her to find out the ingredients of her spinach soup?
Roux made with milk and butter. Gradually add liquidised chicken stock and spinach. Salt and pepper to taste. It is delicious. Many thanks, GP
Thank you.
You now have a magically clean lens cap! That brunch certainly looks like it would keep you full for the day. Spinach soup and crusty bread sounds delicious!
The children at the beach are delightful!
Thanks very much, Merril. They are on Easter holidays
Oh. Nice. I was wondering. 🙂
Yummy brunch for sure. Glad you found your lens cap and solved the mystery behind its migration. 😃 Some brave folk sampling the sea at this time of year.
Thanks very much, Sylvia. They were, indeed
Glad your washing machine has magic powers 🙂
Thanks very much, msw
The non-escapologist lens cap made me laugh out loud. Good try though!
Thanks very much, Susan
I was highly amused by the story of your lost lens cap – and the accompanying photo. Life is testing your powers of deduction to ensure against rust!
🙂 Many thanks, Pauline
“What goes around comes around. We stake our reputation on it!” – Amazing Merry-Go-Round Inc.
Great sequence. It resembles parts of the Lake Huron shoreline, but without April’s snow &ice.
Thanks very much, Joseph
“Never underestimate the power of inanimate objects”. You were lucky the lens cap was benign, otherwise it would have taught the inside of the washing machine how to go wrong at critical moments.
🙂 Thanks a lot, John
So true!
Lost items sure end up in the most odd places, don’t they? Love the beach shots, Derrick!
Thank you very much, Jill
Have you considered taking that dressing gown onto the stage?
🙂 It would be curtains for me if I did, Leslie. Thanks very much
Looks like nice weather.
It was very pleasant. Thanks very much, Mrs W
Your welcome
It must have been a lot warmer down there than it was up here.
I think so – although it will be cooler towards the end of the week. Thanks vey much, Tootlepedal
‘The Inevitable Boy’: now there’s a title for a book!
So there is, Becky. Thanks very much XX
On radio, some one suggested the way to solve the problem of rising sea levels was to fine the parents of children who threw pebbles in the water. Genius.
Ah lens caps, the bane of our lives.
Thanks a lot, Lindsey
You have beautifully captured a day at the beach.
Thanks very much, Sylvie
I’m glad the washing machine saved the cap! It’s funny how things fall into bits of garments. Your seashore pictures breathe of summer…though that’s not yet here. Glad you had such good eating today.
Thanks very much, Lisa. It was great Easter holidays weather for the families
That is magical indeed! You have a playful washing machine there. I may be a photographer of no consequence but I am an avid collector of photography equipment and spares having at least one spare lens cap for each lens I have. Hell, I even filters for lenses I have sold away. Those candid seaside photographs beckon me to a beach but they are at least 500 miles away from where I live, maybe more.
Thanks very much, Uma. We are so lucky being able to choose between beach and forest. 500 miles would see us into Scotland.
Oh! 😛 HA! This made me snort-laugh! 😀 I never would have thought it was hiding there and then to be revealed in the wise washing machine! Quite a game of Hide and Seek going on. 😀
Brunch looks hearty and delicious! 🙂
Love seeing all the folk enjoying the sun, sand, and water! 🙂
Jackie’s Spinach soup sounds like the perfect nighttime meal! 🙂
HUGS to both of you!!! 🙂
Very many thanks for your usual excellent comments, Carolyn X
Yes, that was definitely a hearty brunch.
Children never tire of playing on the beach–throwing rocks, digging in the sand, and wading in the water. Great photos.
Thank you very much, Nicki
That is some brunch!
Thanks very much, Luanne
What beautiful views on your walk Derrick.
Kisses to both of you!!!!
Thanks very much, Efi
At times, we tend to be forgetful. Nice beach scenery Derrick!
Many thanks, Arlene
Great story about the lens cap Derrick! And I love those shots of the boy throwing stones.
Thanks very much, Sandra
We’re well into Autumn here but it was definitely beach weather – 34 C today! I suspect it was not quite that in Friar’s Cliff?? 😉
Loved the start of the post….. Is that a lens cap in your dressing gown , or are you just pleased to see me? 😉
Wise move on the evening meal! 😉
Thanks a lot, Bob. 17c tops
Very funny about the lens cap. I suspected one of your little gremlins, not a washing machine. When my son was a toddler he deposited a bunch of my jewelry into a door frame through the hole the latch went into. We had to take out the door frame to get the stuff back. I would never have know if I hadn’t caught him at it.
An equally funny story, Sherry. Thanks very much
So funny about your lens cap! 😀
🙂 Thanks very much, Julie
The Case of the Lost Lens Cap—sounds very mysterious! And I got a big laugh out of it. Or as they say: I LOL’ed! 😂
Thanks very much, Cheryl
Washing machines are responsible for every household ever invented going missing … the good news is that they eventually cough the things up after a suitable (in their opinion) period of time has elapsed! 😀
🙂 Thanks very much, Widders
I love the lens cap story, Derrick! What a giggle 😀
🙂 Thanks very much, Clare
very nice post
Thanks very much, Obaid
derrick you have great vision