
Our afternoon drive into the forest took us through Bull Hill.

Although certainly not tortoises, groups of serious walkers we watched from

Furzey Lane leading to Furzey Lodge, carried their temporary homes on their backs. Some of these were passed by cyclists,

more groups of whom wheeled along Cripple Gate Lane, where,

bluebells, ferns, ivy, and other wild plants cluster around the roots of oaks now spreading parasols overhead.

It is best to try to ignore cans lobbed from passing cars and fly-tipped larger containers possibly decanted from small vans.

This evening we dined on Jackie’s superb savoury rice with a rack of pork ribs in barbecue sauce and small spring rolls. The Culinary Queen drank Hoegaarden, while I drank Moravista Merlot Bonarda 2018.


  1. Isn’t that litter on the highways enough to drive batty?! My last trip to the Florida Keys there was this little hidden beach behind some sea grape bushes. I walked around expecting the clear aqua water reaching a small white-sandy beach and low and behold I was greeted by soda cans, a baby diaper and papers scraps. I was disgusted!

  2. I can’t help but make strong judgements about people who feel okay about tossing their trash onto public highways and byways – and of course the people who don’t clean up after their dogs……….

  3. It is always annoying, to say the least, to catch a glimpse of tantalising colour among the undergrowth and find out that it is litter. Those walkers were working hard.

  4. The Bank Holiday weekend brings everyone out to enjoy our scenic lanes and villages, such a pity about the cooler weather, well up here in the north anyway.

  5. I can’t believe that people can come to somewhere as beautiful as that forest and throw rubbish into it. It really is an outrageous thing to do.

  6. It is wonderful to see people enjoying the forests and byways and the open air. But do they stop and look and see the flowers and ferns and all that you see as you plod slowly one step at a time. I know I am happy to be a plodder these days. There is so much to see in the detail.

  7. Those walkers look very serious. Some kind of school group or club?
    The woods are beautiful, but the litter is sad to see.
    Yesterday I was thinking about all the horses and other animals you see on your local roads. We saw a couple leading a horse down a side street in Philadelphia. It was a street with dumpsters–certainly not as picturesque as the scenes you photograph. 🙂

  8. Thank you for the walk Derrick.. the bluebells near us this year have been beautiful too.. And loved that avenue of trees.. 🙂 Enjoy your Bank Holiday 🙂

  9. I love English bluebells. I have fond memories of walking through fields of them in the woods as a child. Filtered sun, brilliant blue and peace.

  10. Tortoises—an apt name for the cyclists with their packs on their backs! Thanks for another picturesque tour. The trash by the side of the road is a bit jarring, though. When will people learn that’s not okay?

  11. What a beautiful day for everyone to be out and about enjoying it!
    I love how the bluebells carpet the ground in beauty!
    It looks like the tortoises came prepared for anything. 🙂 They look young and able to tote a lot of stuff on their backs! 🙂
    It’s sad to see how people treat the earth and just throw their used or unwanted stuff out on the ground. 🙁 🙁 🙁
    HUGS to you and Jackie!!! 🙂

  12. Such large backpacks! We used to go camping in the summer. And I’ve done a fair amount of hiking. But I’ve never desired to go backpacking and carry my home on my back. It looks very tiring for people like me with only normal strength. The shady lane looks most pleasant.

      1. Wow! I’ve never been that athletic. From an early age, I was told (in an uncomplimentary fashion) that I run like a girl.

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