In His Element

The onset of rain somewhat curtailed this morning’s dead-heading session. Never mind, I managed to catch up, and it didn’t rain at The Oval where Australia were playing Sri Lanka in the men’s Cricket World Cup. Naturally I listened to this.

One of the pictures of Jessica in “More For The Slideshow” was taken at Instow in August 1999.

Today I scanned another set of prints from that holiday, when we took a trip to Croyde Bay for a

where Sam was in his element.

While drafting this I received a phone call inviting me to the Everton Festival final event tomorrow to receive my prize as Runner Up in the photographic competition

for my print ‘Drinking In The Gorse’. Thank you, everyone, for contributing to my final selection.

It being Danni’s birthday she, Andy, Ella and Elizabeth came over for an Indian takeaway from Forest Tandoori this evening. My choice of meal was king prawns vindaloo; Ella’s was her first taste of paratha. I haven’t recorded everyone else’s choices, but we all shared rices, onion bahjis, and parathas. Danni, Elizabeth, and I drank Galodoro Reserva 2016; and Andy drank Diet Coke.

There was much reminiscing about Danni’s childhood memories of her time visiting us at Lindum House. She was able to describe all the rooms she had known. This prompted Jackie to google the house on


  1. Congratulations on receiving a Runner Up for your excellent photo. It sounds like you had a food (and delicious) celebration of Danni’s birthday.

  2. That photo is fantastic. What a cracker … and the one of the horse below it is very nice too. ๐Ÿ˜‚ ๐Ÿ˜
    Congratulations on the photo competition – the picture really is stunning.

    1. Thanks very much, Pauline. Jackie had persuaded me not to include that picture and Becky came in at the last minute when I decided to reinstate it. It is interesting to see that the people who bought the house from us are still there – just 5 ownerships in 120 years (and the couple we bought from had only been there for 4)

  3. Sam is definitely having fun, fun, fun! ๐Ÿ™‚ (Get my reference to another Beach Boys song?!)

    OH!!! YAY!!! Congrats on receiving a prize, Derrick! Your horse drinking in the gorse is beautiful! I think ALL of your photos are winners!!! ๐Ÿ™‚
    OOH! I wonder what your prize will be?!?!

    Happy Birthday to Danni!!! Sounds like a wonderful time of love, laughter, and good food! ๐Ÿ™‚
    HUGS!!! for you and Jackie!!! ๐Ÿ™‚
    PS…whenever you speak of dead-heading the roses, I always think, “That would be a great name for a 1970’s-ish rock band…’Dead-heading the Roses’. Ha! ๐Ÿ˜€

    1. Thanks very much, Carolyn. We are showing our ages with The Beach Boys. I’ll let you know what the prize is. Your rock band would be a precursor to ‘Guns……….’ X

  4. Congratulations, Derrick! That photograph does capture the New Forest spirit. Memories of childhood places tend to trigger powerful nostalgia. Those are the times when our minds are are sharp, uncluttered, passionate and crystalline. No wonder Danni remembers fine details of the house. We should be grateful to Internet for small wonders that it can do to our lives.

  5. Fantastic news, you must be very pleased with your prize in the photography competition

  6. What a grand house. I like the description ‘brick sheds with potential’!
    Well done in the competition.
    Thanks for the memory nudge – the family used to holiday in Croyde Bay when I was a boy!

    1. Thanks very much, Andrew. Always pleased to nudge a memory. I commuted for 19 years from that house which cost very little more than our semi in Tooting. Our buyers are obviously still there.

  7. Many well-deserved congratulations Derrick, it’s very fine photo! As are the action shots of Sam.

    I see many quite familiar looking fireplaces in Lindum House, a grand home indeed and very memorable, i’m sure! :-).

  8. I took the tour of that house – and if I could I would buy it, I WOULD!! Beautiful, even furnished in my taste, but the kitchen and staircase sold me, it was perfect!!

  9. It is indeed a beautiful photograph. Well done for taking part in the competition as well as coming runner up.

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